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Autor Christine 30
Datum 06.12.01, 23:10
Betreff An Profis - JTextArea ausdrucken.

Ich habe heute ein Beispiel( aus dem O'Relly-Buch "Java Examples in a Nutshell", 2nd Edition downgeladen

Ich möchte die Class aus einer anderer Klasse(MyFrame) mit:
void menuPrint_actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
    PrinterJob job = PrinterJob.getPrinterJob();
    PageFormat format = job.pageDialog(job.defaultPage());
    job.setPrintable(new PrintableDocument(myTextArea), format);
    if (job.printDialog())
    try {
    catch(Exception e2) {

aufrufen - das funkt aber nicht - kann jemand helfen?

Hier die PrintableDoc Classe
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.print.*;
import java.awt.geom.*;
import java.awt.font.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.text.*;
import java.util.*;

public class PrintableDocument implements Pageable, Printable {
    View root; // The root View to be printed
    PageFormat format; // Paper plus page orientation
    double scalefactor; // How much to scale before printing
    int numPages; // How many pages in the document
    double printX, printY; // coordinates of upper-left of print area
    double printWidth; // Width of the printable area
    double printHeight; // Height of the printable area
    Rectangle drawRect; // The rectangle in which the document is painted
    // How lenient are we with the bottom margin in widow/orphan prevention?
    static final double MARGIN_ADJUST = .97;
    // The font we use for printing page numbers
    static final Font headerFont = new Font("Serif", Font.PLAIN, 12);
    public PrintableDocument(JTextComponent textComponent) {
        this(textComponent, new PageFormat(), .75);
    public PrintableDocument(JTextComponent textComponent, PageFormat format,
    double scalefactor) {
        // Remember the page format, and ask it for the printable area
        this.format = format;
        this.scalefactor = scalefactor;
        this.printX = format.getImageableX()/scalefactor;
        this.printY = format.getImageableY()/scalefactor;
        this.printWidth = format.getImageableWidth()/scalefactor;
        this.printHeight = format.getImageableHeight()/scalefactor;
        double paperWidth = format.getWidth()/scalefactor;
        // Get the document and its root Element from the text component
        Document document = textComponent.getDocument();
        Element rootElement = document.getDefaultRootElement();
        // Get the EditorKit and its ViewFactory from the text component
        EditorKit editorKit =textComponent.getUI().getEditorKit(textComponent);
        ViewFactory viewFactory = editorKit.getViewFactory();
        // Use the ViewFactory to create a root View object for the document
        root = viewFactory.create(rootElement);
        root.setParent(new ParentView(root, viewFactory, textComponent));
        root.setSize((float)printWidth, (float)printHeight);
        // Now that the view has formatted itself for the specified width,
        double documentHeight = root.getPreferredSpan(View.Y_AXIS);
        // Set up the rectangle that tells the view where to draw itself
        // We'll use it in other methods of this class.
        drawRect = new Rectangle(0, 0, (int)printWidth, (int)documentHeight);
        // Now if the document is taller than one page, we have to
        // figure out where the page breaks are.
        if (documentHeight > printHeight)
        paginate(root, drawRect);
        // Once we've broken it into pages, figure out how many pages.
        numPages = pageLengths.size() + 1;
    // This is the starting offset of the page we're currently working on
    double pageStart = 0;
    protected void paginate(View v, Rectangle2D allocation) {
        // Figure out how tall this view is, and tell it to allocate
        // that space among its children
        double myheight = v.getPreferredSpan(View.Y_AXIS);
        v.setSize((float)printWidth, (float)myheight);
        // Now loop through each of the children
        int numkids = v.getViewCount();
        for(int i = 0; i < numkids; i++) {
            View kid = v.getView(i); // this is the child we're working with
            // Figure out its size and location
            Shape kidshape = v.getChildAllocation(i, allocation);
            if (kidshape == null)
            Rectangle2D kidbox = kidshape.getBounds2D();
            double kidpos = kidbox.getY() + kidbox.getHeight() - pageStart;
            if ((numkids > 1) && (i == 0)) {
                if (kidpos < printY + printHeight*MARGIN_ADJUST)
            if ((numkids > 1) && (i == numkids-1)) {
                if (kidpos < printY + printHeight)
                if (kidpos < printY + printHeight/MARGIN_ADJUST) {
                    breakPage(allocation.getY() + allocation.getHeight());
            if (kidpos < printY+printHeight)
            if (kid.getViewCount() == 0) {
            paginate(kid, kidbox);
    // For a document of n pages, this list stores the lengths of pages
    // 0 through n-2. The last page is assumed to have a full length
    ArrayList pageLengths = new ArrayList();
    // For a document of n pages, this list stores the starting offset of
    // pages 1 through n-1. The offset of page 0 is always 0
    ArrayList pageOffsets = new ArrayList();
    // Break a page at the specified Y coordinate. Store the necessary
    // information into the pageLengths and pageOffsets lists
    void breakPage(double y) {
        double pageLength = y-pageStart-printY;
        pageStart = y-printY;
        pageLengths.add(new Double(pageLength));
        pageOffsets.add(new Double(pageStart));
    public int getNumberOfPages() {
        return numPages;
    public PageFormat getPageFormat(int pagenum) {
        if (pagenum == numPages-1)
        return format;
        double pageLength = ((Double)pageLengths.get(pagenum)).doubleValue();
        PageFormat f = (PageFormat) format.clone();
        Paper p = f.getPaper();
        if (f.getOrientation() == PageFormat.PORTRAIT)
        p.setImageableArea(printX*scalefactor, printY*scalefactor,
        printWidth*scalefactor, pageLength*scalefactor);
        p.setImageableArea(printY*scalefactor, printX*scalefactor,
        pageLength*scalefactor, printWidth*scalefactor);
        return f;
    public Printable getPrintable(int pagenum) {
        return this;
    public int print(Graphics g, PageFormat format, int pageIndex) {
        if (pageIndex >= numPages) return NO_SUCH_PAGE;
        // Cast the Graphics object so we can use Java2D operations
        Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D)g;
        // Translate to accomodate the top and left margins
        g2.translate(format.getImageableX(), format.getImageableY());
        // Scale the page by the specified scaling factor
        g2.scale(scalefactor, scalefactor);
        if (pageIndex > 0) {
            Shape originalClip = g.getClip();
            g.setClip(new Rectangle(0, (int)-printY, (int)printWidth, (int)printY));
            // Compute the header to display, measure it, then display it
            String numString = "- " + (pageIndex+1) + " -";
            // Get string and font measurements
            FontRenderContext frc = g2.getFontRenderContext();
            Rectangle2D numBounds = headerFont.getStringBounds(numString, frc);
            LineMetrics metrics = headerFont.getLineMetrics(numString, frc);
            g.setFont(headerFont); // Set the font
            g.setColor(; // Print with black ink
            g.drawString(numString, // Display the string
            (int)(-(printY-numBounds.getHeight())/2 + metrics.getAscent()));
            g.setClip(originalClip); // Restore the clipping region
        // Get the staring position and length of the page within the document
        double pageStart = 0.0, pageLength = printHeight;
        if (pageIndex > 0)
        pageStart = ((Double)pageOffsets.get(pageIndex-1)).doubleValue();
        if (pageIndex < numPages-1)
        pageLength = ((Double)pageLengths.get(pageIndex)).doubleValue();
        g2.translate(0.0, -pageStart);
        root.paint(g, drawRect);
        return PAGE_EXISTS;
    static class ParentView extends View {
        ViewFactory viewFactory; // The ViewFactory for the hierarchy of views
        Container container; // The Container for the hierarchy of views
        public ParentView(View v, ViewFactory viewFactory, Container container) {
            this.viewFactory = viewFactory;
            this.container = container;
        // These methods return key pieces of information required by
        // the View hierarchy.
        public ViewFactory getViewFactory() {
            return viewFactory;
        public Container getContainer() {
            return container;
        public void paint(Graphics g, Shape allocation) {}
        public float getPreferredSpan(int axis) {
            return 0.0f;
        public int viewToModel(float x,float y,Shape a,Position.Bias[] bias) {
            return 0;
        public Shape modelToView(int pos, Shape a, Position.Bias b)
        throws BadLocationException {
            return a;

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