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New PostErstellt: 03.04.11, 21:14  Betreff: Inquiry  drucken  Thema drucken  weiterempfehlen

Hi guys,

My name is Boban, am 30y old and I recently moved to Germany (Neu Isenburg).
I would like for some pointers and advices about airsoft. Mainly - where can I play or is there a team that looks for new members? At the moment I don't have any gear (I used to play paintball) because I don't have a team/place to play. It's kinda stupid to buy at this point if you get what I mean.
Do you guys accept new members or is there a chance for some guest players to ocassionaly jump in? By the way, my German is not so good, but I'm not a complete disaster :)

Thank you so much in advance guys.

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Ehemaliges Mitglied
Ehemaliges Mitglied

New PostErstellt: 03.04.11, 21:38  Betreff: Re: Inquiry  drucken  weiterempfehlen

Due to the german law there are only few Game Areas. For Example Montabaur/Koblenz, Erndtebrück and Veckring in France and some others more than 300 km away.

Take some time before buying Airsofts and Gear.
Do You know that only Airsofts with a F in a Pentagon are allowed in Germany, no Full Auto is allowed, only semi when the Airsoft has more than 0,5 Joule?
Therefore you have to buy the so called "free weapons"§ in Germany with the F in Pentagon.

We don´t have a problem with guest players and maybe new teammembers.


[editiert: 05.04.11, 10:16 von Ehemaliges Mitglied]
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Team EGS

Beiträge: 1141
Ort: Hessen

Rang: never thought of it...
Funktion: Firesupport
Ausrüstung: M4 CQBR, M4 Carbine, M249 Para, M3 Shotgun, G36C
Team: EGS, Stage One

New PostErstellt: 03.04.11, 21:39  Betreff: Re: Inquiry  drucken  weiterempfehlen

Hey there,

there truely is a chance for you to join us as a guest player. We just can't tell if we have a gun or gear for you to use.
It would be easy if you had some camo like clothing (our team camo is woodland)...
otherwise you could still play PMC style... Jeans, shirt and some hind of vest (I have enough of them)
But I get you what you mean with not buying anything yet.

If you have ICQ or skype, you can give me your contact via personal message and we can get in contact.

And yes, new members are welcome (aslong as they fit into the team)... and we will find that out after a few matches.

Whoever said the pen was mightier than the sword
obviously never encountered navy seals
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New PostErstellt: 20.04.11, 17:44  Betreff: Re: Inquiry  drucken  weiterempfehlen

Hi guys,
Sorry for the late reply.
Tnx for the info by the way.. And I have to say that the law that says that the gun with more that 0.5J can not be auto is a bit stupid imo.. But ok, what can we do now, right?
Indiana, my mail is (here you have a down dash "_" >>> bo_ronin >>> this blue underline kinda masked it) and my skype is bobansakic (yep, one word).. It will says (neu isenburg) so, just add me up and we can get in touch.

Looking forward to it guys.

Take care,

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Mitglied Team EGS

Beiträge: 586
Ort: Münster NRW

Rang: Autoritätsproblem^^
Funktion: Assault, evtl. demnächst Sniper
Ausrüstung: M4 CQB
Team: EGS

New PostErstellt: 20.04.11, 19:37  Betreff: Re: Inquiry  drucken  weiterempfehlen

Hey Boban,

yeah german weapon law is somewhat "stupid" but hey, thats life.
Unfortunately airsoft guns are treated as weapons, so we have to be Semi only.

Next thing Louisiana already mentioned, all Airsoft Guns above 0.5J need to have some stamps on it to declare that this model is known by the government, free to use by person over 18, and is conform to the law (Semi)

Getting that stamps on one of your weapons you already own is kinda difficult and is going to be expensive for sure.

Best thing would be to buy a new gun from a german Airsoft Shop.
I know, that sucks, but in my opinion it´s the best option.

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Team EGS

Beiträge: 1141
Ort: Hessen

Rang: never thought of it...
Funktion: Firesupport
Ausrüstung: M4 CQBR, M4 Carbine, M249 Para, M3 Shotgun, G36C
Team: EGS, Stage One

New PostErstellt: 20.04.11, 20:04  Betreff: Re: Inquiry  drucken  weiterempfehlen

I just added you in Skype.

Whoever said the pen was mightier than the sword
obviously never encountered navy seals
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New PostErstellt: 20.04.11, 23:31  Betreff: Re: Inquiry  drucken  weiterempfehlen

Here in Neu Isenburg is one shop, it's not bad tbh., and the prices are somewhat reasonable but they do **** compared to the usa.

Now, what I didn't get - can the gun in germany have an "F" stamp, be full auto AND be more powerful then 0.5J? Or that's just a dream?
I guess in this shop (above), all guns have the stamp.. Well, I hope so.

What about sniper rifles? Any limitation on the power in J?

What type of guns do you use normaly? Can you recommend me something? I'm a total noob when it comes to the airsoft gear.. My knowledge was kinda in the paintball, so here with airsoft - am clueless.. What producers are good, what rifles /sidearms work fine and so on?

Sorry for so much questions, but you're pros :D

I just added you guys on the skype.
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New PostErstellt: 20.04.11, 23:34  Betreff: Re: Inquiry  drucken  weiterempfehlen

O yeah,

Another question:
Do you guys use green gas/co2 rifles or battery powered ones? What's your experience on the subject?

Tnx once again.
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Beiträge: 693
Ort: Rheinhessen

Rang: Mitglied Team EGS StageOne
Ausrüstung: KWA M4 Defender, KWA M4 Commando, JG Aug A3, 3x KWA Glock 17, WE 1911 MEU

New PostErstellt: 21.04.11, 08:52  Betreff: Re: Inquiry  drucken  weiterempfehlen

First of all, its not possible to have a legal airsoft gun with full auto and over 0,5j, because the law says that a gun with more than 0,5j and full auto is handled like a real machine pistol according to the german weapons law.
Because of that, german airsoft distributers and importuers have to open every airsoft gun and make them semi only, but some just open the cylinder so that the gun doesnt have more than 0,5j and they dont have to engrave the f symbole onto the body. That explaines why german airsofts are a bit pricey.
Furthermore, germany doesnt have any fps/joule regulations, unline france. Airsoft guns over 2j are not allowed in france, but full auto is ^^ because of that we sometimes go to a paintballfield in france.
Sniperrifles are difficult to handle here, because a GOOD sniper airsoft gun really needs good fps, so if you go to a big game or so then you have to look up their field rules. A little smalltalk with the other fellow airsofters is also good, because if many disagree with the power of your gun, nobody will play with you.
We normaly use Semi-airsoft electric guns S-AEG, some people of the team play with gas powered carabines but they also use normal saeg´s for the sport.

sooo now to the recommadations. If you want a good airsoft gun, dont buy anything for under 300€, everything below this needs some tuning and fixing so that the gun works perfectly, and tuning sometimes costs more than the little extra cash spent for a gun that costs more. I can recomment some good airsoft manufactures because most of the team are using these guns. You can look at for KWA airsoft guns, I personnaly use these guns and their performance is extremly good, right out of the box you get constant 389 fps. the internals are unbelivable good. my primary kwa m4 is 4 years old and i bought it used from a friend. When i opened the unique gx2 gearbos (specialized kwa v2 gearbox) no internals where used up or so. even though the gun was always powered by a 11.1v lipo. So if you buy this gun, you dont have to tune anything inside.
Another manufacturer is G&P, many are using these guns in the team, but due to their good quality and their relativly low price, these guns are sold out almost everywhere.
But some are also using ICS airsoftguns, these are very unique because of their form not everything else but ics will fit into these guns, so tuning for these things can be very expensive.

I also have to mention that not many of us are using gas blow back rifles because sometimes it is too cold here to use them and if such a cool down happens, the gun cant fire and you sit there in the field with an expensive gun replica that doesnt shoot. in addition to that, these gbb guns are very expensive, magazines cost up to 50€ and usually dont hold more than 30-40 rounds. The gbb rifles themselves cost up to 600€, and the only shoot semi and their power usually is over 2,40 joule, some gamers here find that too had to play with.

I hope this helps you. Feel free to ask us questions, we are happy to welcome new gamers to the sport.

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Beiträge: 159
Ort: Kahl

Rang: Anwärter
Funktion: Kanonenfutter
Ausrüstung: Selfmade Riot Shield; VFC HK416 GBB
Team: EGS

New PostErstellt: 21.04.11, 10:47  Betreff: Re: Inquiry  drucken  weiterempfehlen

I'm one of the newest players in this team and one tipp the guys gave me in the beginning that really helped me decide on what primary I should get was, DON'T buy anything with more then 1.5 J. and I've got to say they were right, with anything above that people will get angry with you and really no one wants to play with you.
Second helpfull information concerned the model of the primary, and that was M4 or M16 lookalike.

Gaswaffen sind anfällig, sie sind teuer, die Magazine werden undicht, man ist ständig am Nachladen - ABER sie sind um Potenzen geiler als Elektrotacker!
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