Ralf Zacherl
Beiträge: 13
Erstellt: 01.09.04, 12:44 Betreff: Re: Loki 2 on 2
Bald wirds keine Recs mehr von AoTs geben^^
Falls es noch keiner hier weiß, die wollen bald Geld für recs haben
Hi Everyone,
Hard to believe that the 1 year aniversary for the site will be in October. When we first talked about setting the site up I was wanting to setup a site that displayed my collection of Ra replays but as we we talked about the site we thought to have a list of replays by god so that I could list other replays. We were very lucky to have some AOM experts post their games on the site. Shmeker post all his games on his first nick on the site as he climbed to top 10. FOX_EliteX also posted his early AOT games on the site. There were many others and I am very grateful for their efforts. The site ended up being a little different then what I had originally set out to do, which was to display my Ra replay collection, but I think it was for the better.
We have been thinking about what is the next step for the site and I want to tell you what we are planning. Basically, we are plannig to move the site from being an AOT fan site to an online e-game training weekly magazine. What does that mean, hehe. Well, we want to make our main focus for the site to be training for e-games. At first we will start with AOM/AOT, but then we will add W3 and AOC. The idea is we will have experts have columns like in a magazine. There will be articles, game reviews, training things like exhibition games between experts with observers.
Also we will be changing the subscriptions and what can be accessed on the site. We will have the following subscriptions.
1. Non paying member. Can read the general forums and download recently posted games.
2. Basic Membership - $5 a year This membership will be for people who basically want to download games, and doesn't want to post on or use the training services. Will have access to the complete database of replays. Has read only access to the expert forms and the training forums.
3. Full Member - $10 a year The member had all the access of a basic member but can also make post and topics, post games in the general area or for review, have access to any training services, and can read the articles and other content the experts will be creating.
4. Training Member - $25 but may vary by expert The subscription is basically the same as the Full Member but we will keep $10 for the site and give the rest to the expert of your choice, that has agreed to support the training services, to do a training session, game review, etc.
So the site will be changing, and I know some of you may be frustrated that you may have to pay to do things that were for free. But this seems to be the best way to improve the site content while cutting back on all the spamming and flamming.
Community is great, and we really enjoy reading what all the people that come to the site have to say, but we want to move the site on to the next level and do that we have to face the truth the only way we can have really great content is to make a place were experts can ahve kind of a part time job.
I have been wanting to do this for the last couple months but haven't had the time to set it up. As such I have decided to bring on two new partners to help me with this effort which you may start seeing them posting at simetime.
So, I am really am looking forward to hear what you guys think, or what questions you may have. This is our current play but could be fined tuned if needed.
Thanks to everyone that supports the site!
Regards, Kevin