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Ralph de Vipont

Beiträge: 3088

New PostErstellt: 09.06.03, 18:08     Betreff: weils grad so schön passt - cats in the cradle traingel vers

Music for the Motion Pic...
My noldor arrived just the other day

came to the world in the usual way

but there were planes to catch

and bills to pay

he learned to drink while I was away

he was talking for a minute

and as he grew

he'd say I'm gonna be like you vorstand

you know I'm gonna be like you

And the cats in the living room

and the silver spoon

little cannibal blue and the

jedi on the moon

when you comin' home noldor

I don't know when

we'll get together then

yes we will kill the cats then

Well my noldor turned ten

just the other day

he said thanks for the ball vorstand

come on let's play

can you teach me to drink

I said not today - I got a lot to do

he said that's o.k.

and he walked away and he

smiled and he said

you know I'm gonna be like him yeah

you know I'm gonna be like him

And the cats in the livingroom...

Well he came from college

just the other day

so much like a man I just had to say

I'm proud of you could you

sit for a while

he shook his head

and he said with a smile

what I'd really like vorstand

is to borrow the car keys

see you later can I have them please

And the cats in the livingroom...

Olles is ruhig, heid is ned vui los, do is de anstrengung dann ned so gross, des konn ma scho aushoidn, des is ned schlimm, do sitzt ma wenigstens in der stubn herin.

Ma hods eh ned leicht - aber leicht hods oan.

Und jeden Dog fangma wieder o vo vorn.

nach oben
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