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the juice of the barley...... triangel version 1,1

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Ralph de Vipont

Beiträge: 3088
Ort: Uperpoppelton on Trent

New PostErstellt: 22.06.03, 20:54  Betreff: the juice of the barley...... triangel version 1,1  drucken  Thema drucken  weiterempfehlen

In the sweet country dusiburg, one cold winter's night
All the turf fires were burning when he first saw the light;
And a drunken old midwife went tipsy with joy
As she danced round the floor with her slip of a boy,

cho: Singing ban-ya-na mo if an-ga-na
And the juice of the barley for me.

Well when vorstand was a gossoon of eight years old or so
With his turf and his primer to school I did go.
To a dusty old school house without any door,
Where lay the brünkor blind drunk on the floor,

At the learning he wasn't such a genius I think,
But he soon bet the master entirely at drinking,
Not a wake or a wedding for five miles around,
But vorstand in the corner was sure to be found.
One Sunday the priest (göttlicher?) thread vorstand out from the altar
Saying you'll end up your days with your neck in a halter;
And you'll dance a fine jig between heaven and hell
And his words they did frighten him the truth for to tell,

So the very next morning as the dawn it did break
vorstand went down to the vestry the pledge for to take,
And there in that room sat the priests in a bunch
Round a big roaring fire drinking tumblers of punch,

Well from that day to this vorstand has wandered alone
he is a jack of all trades and a master of none,
With the sky for his roof and the earth for his floor,
And he will dance out his days frinking whiskey galore,

the forest is my throne

[editiert: 22.06.03, 20:58 von Ralph de Vipont]
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Enge Rosette

Beiträge: 793

New PostErstellt: 22.06.03, 20:55  Betreff: Re: the juice of the barley...... tringel version 1,1  drucken  weiterempfehlen

du musste echt viel zeit haben

Hast du jemals im blassem Mondlicht mit dem Teufel getanzt?
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Ralph de Vipont

Beiträge: 3088
Ort: Uperpoppelton on Trent

New PostErstellt: 22.06.03, 20:56  Betreff: Re: the juice of the barley...... tringel version 1,1  drucken  weiterempfehlen

ach das geht schnell mitm zehn-finger-system.... und wenn man den text auf englisch versteht isses auch gar ned schwer dat ding einfach aufn vorstand umzuschreiben.......

the forest is my throne
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