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New PostErstellt: 27.01.06, 18:27     Betreff: Re: Sprachgebrauch - Erforschungen mit Spass!

Salam ay gozumun ishigi i servantimin yarisigi!
Bu speziell senin ucun

Clean family girl ( Temiz aile qizi )
District guy ( Mehle usagi )
On a head the trouble ( Basa bela )
Man doesn't become from you ( Senden adam olmaz )
Able oppress becomes a victim ( Bacarana can qurban )
Hand empty, face black ( eli bos, =FCz=FC qara )
I do hear bad"Man, piece_a_shi"direm.
In every job there is a no ( Her iste bir xeyir vardir )
The head is weight for a body ( Basi bedenine agirliq eyleyir )
The flover child of daddy. (Papanin gul balasi)
Let daddy be your victim. (Papa sene qurban)
You dont come in my pleasure at all!!! (Sen he=E7 menim xosuma =
Wow!, Profit on our heads =3D Biy, basimiza xeyir
In which DAY are YOU, hey White Ali? - Ne g=FCndesen, e, agali?
A man should be a man! Adam kishi olar!
Man shouldn't be a white lung (Adam agciyer olmaz!)=20
Go ala go after your work (Yeri ala yeri get ishivun dalinca)=20
Tell you die! (De sen ol!)
Good da ale!=3D Yaxsi da ale!Let me bury you under the ground!=3D =
Yere soxum seni
Baki Masinqayirma Zavodu - Baku Carfucking Plant
Allah vurmusdu seni!-God beats you!
Go scratch your stomach - Get qarnini qashi
- Manicure (Pul mualice edir)
- God only knows (Tanrinin yegane burnu)
- Do you feel alright? (Sagdakileri his edirsen?)
- Bye bye baby (al al ushagi)
- To be or not to be? (iki ari yoxsa iki ari deyil?)
- Just in case (ancaq portfelde)
- Oh dear (ox maral)
- Finnish people (gurtarmish adamlar)
- Let's have a party (gelin partiya teshkil edek)
- Let it be (gel ari yiyek)
- Press space bar to continue (metbuat kosmik barda devam edecek)
Ay senin diline yara chixsin ha! - Let a wound grow on your tongue!
Bas ichive, etim tokulur! - Push it inside, my meat is spilling!
Maygulu - May Flower
Oz bashivi yiyesen! - Eat your own head!
Kul bashiva! - Ash to your head!
Uybala, sen lap it iyi verirsen eee! - Extasy kid, you give smell of
a dog!

[editiert: 01.02.06, 19:24 von Suave]
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