TABLE-Status of German coal-fired power plant projects
(Latest on Vattenfall/Moorburg, Trianel/Luenen, Dong/Lubmin, E.ON/Staudinger, KMW/Mainz, Suedweststrom/Brunsbuettel, updates link to separate table)
FRANKFURT, Sept 3 (Reuters) - The following table shows the status of controversial new coal-fired power plant projects in Germany, based on Reuters stories and information obtained from utilities and campaigners.
By 2020, Europe's biggest electricity market will have to replace 40,000 MW to keep in step with approaching closures.
Green groups have started organising opposition to new coal-burning facilities that are a big source of carbon dioxide emissions. They favour gas-fired power plants or renewable energy.
Residents' initiatives are also springing up to oppose the plants due to concerns
including fears over dust particle emissions or obstructions such as cooling towers that could spoil landscapes and deter tourists.
The plants listed here have either become subject to opposition, or their backers have made explicit statements about them going ahead. Some other projects, including schemes in Kiel, Bremen, Krefeld and Ensdorf, have already been abandoned.
The table does not describe the planned total of projects, especially those for gas-fired plants.
EON/Hanover | Staudinger Nr 6, near Hanau/Frankfurt | hard coal | 1100 | 2012 | E.ON filed formal applicaton on May 23 public to be heard in autumn '08, E.ON says will not build it against mounting opposition, latest measuring of nitrogen oxide showed no extreme burden but protestors question the methods | 03.09.2008 |
GKM/MVV | Mannheim | hard coal | 910 | 2013 | Citizens group Ikema opposes plans, local doctors join in, MVV says confident of getting approval in 2009 | 20.06.2008 |
EnBW | Karlsruhe | hard coal | 900 (220 heat) | 2011 | Karlsruhe authority approves both projects, EnBW as yet undecided whether to pursue the gas project | 23.05.2008 |
KMW | Mainz-Wiesbaden | hard coal | 823 | 2012/13 | KMW holding on to plans despite political and legal opposition, local parties to wrangle more later in Sept whether permission under federal law must be respected or whether the project must be respected or whether the project may be stopped by the municipality | 03.09.2008 |
Suedweststrom (SWS) / Iberdrola | Brunsbuettel | hard coal | 1800 | 2012/13 | City approved the project and formal application is pending and due by end-2009, 3 parties have pulled out but 8 others are committed and others are in discussion with SWS | 03.09.2008 |
Electrabel | Brunsbuettel | hard coal | 800 | 2012 | Company in talks with city | 23/04/08 |
Trianel | Luenen | hard coal | 750 | 2012 | A joint 1.4 bln eur plan by 31 companies. Launch of construction work on Sept. 3 after green groups unsuccessfully tried to stop in court | 03/09/08 |
Vattenfall | Hamburg | hard coal | 1654 | 2012 | Protesters' vigils in Aug highlighted likely CO2 emissions, Elbe river fish seen threatened, Green-Party led environment department is due to rule on application in Sept., Vattenfall workers demonstrate for administration to help infrastructure projects Sept. 3. Vattenfall has said gas too expensive and will build fish pass which court has ruled is acceptable remedy | 03/09/08 |
Dong | Lubmin | hard coal | 1600 | 2012 | Application procedures run according to plan but Luebeck's utility, which was meant to fund a 30 MW slice, pulled out in July | 03.09.2008 |
RWE | Hamm | hard coal | 1600 | 2012 | RWE signs deal with 23 partners | 19.02.2008 |
Electrabel / BKW FMB | Wilhelmshaven | hard coal | 800 | 2012 | E.ON in June signed grid connection deal with operators which speeds progress. Also, start of construction was approved in June | |