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New PostErstellt: 12.09.08, 15:21     Betreff: "Cashing in on Coal" oder wie Banken in UK in Kohle investieren

Whisky: Mord im schottischen Schloss...

Auch das Kohlekraftwerk von Südweststrom/Iberdrola wird von einer Bank in UK finanziert - nur von welcher?

Cashing in on Coal

- RBS, UK Banks and the Global Coal Industry 
From concerns over air pollution and acid rain, to the recent rising awareness of carbon emissions and climate change, coal has been recognised as the dirtiest and most inefficient fossil fuel option.

Despite this, coal is experiencing a global boom, with corporations opening new mines and commissioning new power stations. High street banks are making millions by providing the financial fuel that drives this expansion of coal extraction and combustion. This report examines the role in the last two years of the Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS), HSBC and Barclays in providing and arranging the financial means to the coal industry to extract and burn vast quantities of coal.

Read the report:

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