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Teaching English and living in Taiwan

Welcome to the ESL activity board. We provide a discussions forum for teaching ESL in Taipei, Taiwan. The Bulletin board is for ESL job search and classifieds free for schools and teachers. Teaching English as a second language to young students has many different concepts. We are grateful for anyone sharing his/her thoughts and experiences in this forum!
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Esl teacher available to teach kindergartens in Taipei, Taiwan

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New PostCreated: 2006-01-27, 02:43 PM CET  Subject: Esl teacher available to teach kindergartens in Taipei, Taiwan  print  recommend Reply with Quotation  

Hi! There

I have been living and teaching English in Taiwan for more than eight years now.

Since the ministry of education has send out these threatening letters to Taipei’s kindergartens it has gotten more and more difficult to find adequate employment in the mornings. I am holding an open work permit which states that I am allowed to take any employment I want. This is due to my marriage to a Taiwanese local. I have enjoyed Teaching Kindergarten students very much and feel it’s a little unfair to be cut out all of the sudden for reasons that I cannot really grasp. Most kindergartens are afraid of employing foreigners legally even tough their work permit is open and does not exclude kindergartens. Teaching English to young children is an opportunity for them to obtain English which doesn’t differ from a native English speaker. This opportunity is lost after a certain age and cannot be compensated by many students later. Also I find it unfair for many children in Taiwan whose parents don’t have the financial recourses of hiring an English speaking housekeeper (babysitter) (nanny) for the first years of childhood. Later in live just these English skills could be used to distinguish between different social classes is Taiwan and making it more difficult to pass entrance examinations for children from financial less equipped families. If you hire me for your kindergarten I promise to obey and not to teach English. Just contact me at 0966021984

I am looking for a job in a kindergarten where my duties are playing and singing etc.

I want to sign a contract that’s states my duties, monthly salary and the contract’s duration. I also want you to pay my tax insurances and retiring benefits.

If you think that I am asking too much don’t call me


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