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Teaching English and living in Taiwan

Welcome to the ESL activity board. We provide a discussions forum for teaching ESL in Taipei, Taiwan. The Bulletin board is for ESL job search and classifieds free for schools and teachers. Teaching English as a second language to young students has many different concepts. We are grateful for anyone sharing his/her thoughts and experiences in this forum!
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Author Message
Mae San
New PostCreated: 2013-09-19, 10:00 AM CET     Subject:  Seeking Certified Elementary (G-2) Teacher Reply with Quotation  

Full-Time Elementary ESL Positions
School Location: New Taipei City, Taiwan
Teacher Required: Immediately


1. Salary: NT$65,000 (around $2173 USD) per month.
2. School dorm: provided for single teacher
3. Performance bonus: available
4. Paid vacation:  (around 7-10 days) in accordance with the school calendar
5. Nation laborer insurance and health insurance available
6. Contract term: one year, renewable
9. Working week: Monday to Friday.
10. Teaching Hour: 25 class weekly, 40 -45 min per class
11. Working hours: AM 08:00 ~ PM 4:00.
12. Student Level: Elementary- G2
13. Size of class: 20~40 kids.
14. Work permit & ARC provided

1) Native citizen from the USA/CA/UK/AUS/ NZ/ SA or IRE
2) Bachelors Degree
3) Teacher license /Teacher Registration Certificate holder – for K-12 public school system
4) Open for MARC/APRC holders


Send to Mae San by e-mail copy of the following documents:
1) Detailed resume (with date of availability, D.O.B., Nationality, & Skype ID info)
2) Teacher license/Teacher Registration Certificate
3) Degree diploma
4) 2-3 photos (teaching/daily life)

TO: Dewey International Education Consultants, Ltd./
E-mail Address: recruit02(at)de-wey.com.tw

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