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Teaching English and living in Taiwan

Welcome to the ESL activity board. We provide a discussions forum for teaching ESL in Taipei, Taiwan. The Bulletin board is for ESL job search and classifieds free for schools and teachers. Teaching English as a second language to young students has many different concepts. We are grateful for anyone sharing his/her thoughts and experiences in this forum!
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Good Pay & Benefits, M-F only, Guaranteed Job, Free Accommodation, Coastal Area!

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New PostCreated: 2005-10-12, 10:58 AM CET  Subject:  Good Pay & Benefits, M-F only, Guaranteed Job, Free Accommodation, Coastal Area!  print  recommend Reply with Quotation  

If you are a native speaker, with either a teacher's license* or a degree in Education major*, you may be guaranteed such a position. We prefer a female because the accommodation is only for females.

ChinKuaShi is a beautiful rural area where you can see beautiful ocean and mountains. It locates in the north-tip of Taiwan, about 1 hour away from Taipei city.


.Junior high school
.Chinkuashi, Ruei-Fang town, North TAIWAN

-Salary NTD$60,000(before tax) + bonuses + free accommodation + random holidays!
-Mon-Fri only. No more than 100 teaching hours/mth
-Student age: 13~15

Great Benefits:
01. Work permit sponsored.
02. Health Insurance supported.
03. Free lunch & supper!!
04. Paid Chinese New Year Holiday!
05. Day-offs, according to the school's schedule.
06. FREE ACCOMMODATION with Air-conditioners.
07. Free water usage in the accommodation.
08. Support electricity fees up to 1,000NT in the accommodation.
09. A domestic tour once a year.
10. NT12,000 finishing contract bonus, only when you fulfill 12 months' work.

01. Official teacher's license, or a degree in Education
02. Native Speaker (AUS, CAN, NZ, SA, UK, USA, or IRE)
03. Stay in Taiwan for at least a Full Year.
04. Strong academic background and understanding.
05. Happy and energetic personality. Make the class fun.
06. Prefer female teachers or couple teachers.

E-mail us your resume including a photo, nationality, date of birth, and the scanned copy of certificates, please.
More jobs: <http://www.esldewey.com.tw/>

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