Teaching English in Taiwan!
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Teaching English and living in Taiwan

Welcome to the ESL activity board. We provide a discussions forum for teaching ESL in Taipei, Taiwan. The Bulletin board is for ESL job search and classifieds free for schools and teachers. Teaching English as a second language to young students has many different concepts. We are grateful for anyone sharing his/her thoughts and experiences in this forum!
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New PostCreated: 2009-01-13, 09:41 AM CET     Subject: How about earning NT$ 100,000 a month to teach ESL? Reply with Quotation  

Established in 1999 we are a pioneer in providing professional placement services to English teachers in Taiwan ,ROC.
Our job is to bring teachers together with a potential employer.From the moment the teachers arrive in Taiwan we help them every step of the way.Our services include airport pick up and temporary accommodation for the first few days while we help settle down in the school.

We have 3 jobs teaching young learners available near Hsinchu City, Taiwan.
The salary and benefits package is very attractive :
Teaching hours : 13:00 - 18:00
Monthly salary : NT$ 50,000
Bonuses : At the end of the contract you will be offered an Airfare Bonus and a Contract Completion Bonus totaling NT$ 55,000.

Teaching hours per week : 25
Students age : kindergarten and elementary
At the same time you can easily find another morning job,and secure a base salary of at least NT$ 100,000 per month,bonuses not included.
If you are interested to apply please contact us ASAP at
We are looking forward to hear back from you.

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