Teaching English in Taiwan!
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Teaching English and living in Taiwan

Welcome to the ESL activity board. We provide a discussions forum for teaching ESL in Taipei, Taiwan. The Bulletin board is for ESL job search and classifieds free for schools and teachers. Teaching English as a second language to young students has many different concepts. We are grateful for anyone sharing his/her thoughts and experiences in this forum!
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International Avenue
New PostCreated: 2008-12-22, 08:57 AM CET     Subject: Teachers needed ASAP Reply with Quotation  

Total student population : 800 (5 branch offices in two cities) 
Students age : 4- 10 years old
Average class size : 10 -12
Textbooks & teaching materials are provided by the school
Teaching Hours : 25/week
Office hours : 40/week;the teaching hours are included in the 40 office hours work week.
Working time : 8 AM - 18:00 with lunch breaks and other breaks in between classes.
Holidays/one year contract : 10 working days plus all national and public holidays (17 more days)

 1. Native English speaker from America or Canada
 2. Bachelor degree graduate
 3. Easy going, very dynamic and active in the classroom
 4. Interact with the students and get them to talk and share thoughts.

We are looking for a conversation teacher who can create an English environment and stimulate the students' interest to study English.
We are proud and lucky to have a hard working team of foreign and Chinese certified English teachers that are working on provide the best English environment for the students.
Salary and benefits package:
Base salary: NTD 50,000/month
Housing Subsidy: NTD 5,000/month
Attendance bonus: NTD 30,000
Airfare bonus: NTD 25,000
All the bonuses are paid upon completion of the contract
Click here to convert the salary into your country's currency :  http://www.xe.com/ucc/

Please email :
1.) Copy of your degree
2.) Copies of your certificates
3.) Passport photo page
4.) A recent photo or two
5.) At least two recommendation letters from your previous employers
6.) Available time to start working.
7.) Detailed resume

For more jobs please visit our website : www.iacc.com.tw
Guaranteed esl job, no experience required
We welcome un-experienced teachers,training provided

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