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Englsih teaching software original cd for sale

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New PostCreated: 2005-09-15, 06:41 PM CET  Subject: Englsih teaching software original cd for sale  print  recommend Reply with Quotation  


Hi! My name is Jason

I've go some software cds which I don't need any longer for sale.

Most of them are English teaching CD-Roms Like mac millan American and British English dictionary. It has American English And British English live Voice recordings for every entry. Since it has cd cops copyright protection you'll need to insert the original cd every 4 weeks into your cd-rom, But it's one of the best pc English dictionary's.

The other cd rom dictionary I have is from Longman almost same functions as above cdcops, too. English and British English Pronunciations Live fvoice recordings male and female. But not as many intonations as the one above. but more pictures. If you use a pc to enhance your private lessons these are a must.

Then I have far eastern GEPT lessons on cd rom. Level 2, 5 and 6. Each has twelve English teaching topics with a reading and conversation part. Grammar lessons and vocabulary. You can very convenient read and listen to a native speaker sentence by sentence or a whole paragraph at once. It's good for a classroom enhancement in a one on one setting. It keeps the discussion flowing and provides you with a third speaker in your classroom even though it's a recording. There are also books with it and you can print from the cd.

TOEFL - CBT is another Book I have to give a way which also comes wit an English TOEFL teaching cd rom. These also do have a native American English speaker who gives a lecture. there are more than 5 subjects and each about 3 to 10 topics to choose from.

Plus got a lot of other teaching software to give away. All original cd and books in perfect shape.

These English teaching softwares are not good for self learners, they do not replace an ESL English teacher or run your English lessons, But they are if used skillfully a classroom enhancement.

If you want to set up your own private classroom give me a call Jason at 0968205153

or e male to

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