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Welcome to the ESL activity board. We provide a discussions forum for teaching ESL in Taipei, Taiwan. The Bulletin board is for ESL job search and classifieds free for schools and teachers. Teaching English as a second language to young students has many different concepts. We are grateful for anyone sharing his/her thoughts and experiences in this forum!
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New ESL/ESL Resources Website

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New PostCreated: 2013-02-18, 03:45 PM CET  Subject: New ESL/ESL Resources Website  print  recommend Reply with Quotation  

We hope you enjoy using this free resource site for English teachers. Whether you are looking for teaching activities, lessons, worksheets, articles, games or tips, you've certainly come to the right place. The pages at Teach-This.com are designed to direct you quickly and easily to the EFL/ESL teaching resource you are looking for. You will find loads of new teaching ideas and activities to keep your classes imaginative and interesting.

Hi All,

I'm writing to tell you about a new free ESL/EFL teaching resources website. www.Teach-This.com provides quality ESL resources and exciting new teaching ideas. There are pages on teaching Listening and Speaking, Reading and Writing as well as Vocabulary, Conversation and Grammar.

All the materials are organized by level and skill for quick and easy access. The teaching resources we offer you cover a broad range of topics that are designed to get your students using English in an effective and meaningful way. Each EFL/ESL resource comes in a PDF format, which you can easily download and then print off for use in your classes. There are EFL/ESL activities for all ages from young learners through to adults.

Teach-this.com provides hundreds of resources for both the ESL and EFL teaching environment, and we are growing every day. Please, take the time to check out the website.




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