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Beiträge: 68

New PostCreated: 2007-07-13, 02:50 PM CET     Subject: stupid in america Reply with Quotation  


Stupid In America

No offense! But this is what the reportage's title says.
This short reportage gives you a little insight into the American education system. It questions the no hire and fire of teachers, the teachers union, zip code dependency for choosing your kids school, etc.
Many of these problems do not apply to the U.S.A only.
Other questions asked are:
Why is so much money going to the administration and not to the basis of daily teaching?
How about paying the teachers a smiley face salary for doing a god job?

My questions for you:
Do you need an agent? Do you need consultancies? Do you need an extra esl manager?
Could you do a much better job getting 800Nt 900Nt 1000Nt or even 1200NTD per hour and working less instead of pulling all these suckers through with you?

I am sure! I had far less grammar errors in the above, and this particular sentence if my English teacher had not been a government employee for live.
Just test your children tomorrow. First the English ABC and then the Chinese (Be Pe Me Fe) see what I mean. If they didn't know the Alphabet by now you most likely could start looking for another job.

Which brings me a little to another issue; The ministry of education in Taiwan complaint about problems caused by English teaching in kindergartens. The children supposedly could not catch up with Chinese. All I can say. All my students learned the ABC and much more. Plus! We are not the once getting paid for teaching the Chinese (Be Pe Me Fe).



Watch the movie and post your opinion!


[edited: 2007-07-13, 02:52 PM CET by Admin]
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