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Teaching English and living in Taiwan

Welcome to the ESL activity board. We provide a discussions forum for teaching ESL in Taipei, Taiwan. The Bulletin board is for ESL job search and classifieds free for schools and teachers. Teaching English as a second language to young students has many different concepts. We are grateful for anyone sharing his/her thoughts and experiences in this forum!
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caring souls
New PostCreated: 2008-09-05, 06:55 PM CET     Subject:  New Support Forum for people in the helping professions Reply with Quotation  

New Support Forum for people in the helping professions

We are writing to tell you about a new online support forum we have launched called 'Caring Souls'. It is a forum for anyone who needs somewhere to feel heard and supported. It is also somewhere where counsellors and psychotherapists and indeed anyone in a caring profession can come to support others, to support each other, and to meet other like minded people. We have built the forum and now would like to watch it evolve – it is you – the people who join and talk there, who will make it into a place that is safe, caring and supportive.

The founders are both passionate about counselling – one is an experienced counsellor in private practice and the other is a counsellor in training with a huge knowledge of therapy and mental health issues through her own experiences.

Please come and have a look round – you can tell us as little or as much about yourselves, can use your own name or a pseudonym, you can even have a link to your own website if you wish. We would welcome your input, your ideas and suggestions, as well as any articles or information that you think would be helpful to others. It is possible just to come in and have a look as a guest although joining allows you greater access to the boards (but that doesn't mean you have to commit to anything you don't want to do – there is no pressure). The forum is free to join.

Why not give it a try? - you will be given a very warm welcome!

Our web address is: http://caringsouls.proboards92.com

If you have any enquiries and would like to e mail us our e mail address is

We look forward to having you on board!

With kind regards

The Caring Souls Team

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