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Teaching without a degree

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New PostCreated: 2007-10-15, 02:48 AM CET  Subject: Re: Teaching without a degree  print  recommend Reply with Quotation  

"When quantum physics and spirituality meet, when
science and religion meet, when rich and poor can be friends, and when
all you guys start finding out the streghts of each other, this is when
we can start to change the world."...

I agree. good point.
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a Taiwanese
New PostCreated: 2007-10-19, 03:33 PM CET  Subject:  Re: Teaching without a degree  print  recommend Reply with Quotation  

To Gary and Nathan,
Do you hold an associate degree? At least you need to get an AA to work with young children in Taiwan. Teaching language is not only about be well-spoken or well-read.

Of course professional training is very important. Degree is not the most important issue in the current education system. However, how is your personality about? Are you passionate of working with young children? Are you going to take any professional development courses in the future?

Please don't assume the people in Taiwan have no knowledge to take any non-professional foreign employees to work in the educational field.

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New PostCreated: 2007-10-22, 06:09 PM CET  Subject: Re: Teaching without a degree  print  recommend Reply with Quotation  

I agree
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New PostCreated: 2008-03-06, 09:31 AM CET  Subject: Tutoring opportunities  print  recommend Reply with Quotation  

Hello, we are language service dealers, agents who might be able to help you to find new students. Please feel free to drop us a few lines if you are interested. Commissions apply.


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New PostCreated: 2008-04-03, 03:01 AM CET  Subject: deleted  print  recommend Reply with Quotation  


[edited: 2008-04-03, 11:05 AM CET by Admin]
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New PostCreated: 2009-05-04, 05:43 PM CET  Subject: Re: Teaching without a degree  print  recommend Reply with Quotation  

How can I get a degree very quickly?
Is there a way to get your degree here in Taiwan?
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