hey my luvly boyz
i think it's time to write ye any lines here...i want say how important ye r for me!!!
First to my big brother Dave: Oh my Depp i can't believe that i found such a great friend like you. But i found you and i'm very proud of me *hihi* ye know wht i mean rite? Ye mean so much to me, and ye r like a big bro...i know i can talk with ye if i have probs...i can call ye, write sms, mails or whtever, i know ye are there for me=) Thnx for all things, thnx tht ye r there for me!!!
don't forget i'll be there for ye too...write or phone me if ye need someone to talk.
luv ye
yer lil sista Nicci
to my other best friend:Liam wht can i write. tht wht ye said yesterday on the phone, tht means so much for me...i'm happy to have you...i know we know us not so long but i think we know us long enough, ye know wht i want say=)
like ye so much
*~*Home is where your Heart is*~*
*~*It's Dublin*~*