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About melting pots and mosaics...

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Messages: 536
Location: AUSTRIA

Instrument(s): clarinet, sax, trumpet, accordeon, piano... :)
Session(s): 6 & 7

New PostCreated: 2006-11-06, 08:14 AM CET  Subject: About melting pots and mosaics...  print  print thread  recommend Reply with Quotation  

We are always learning at school that U.S. is a big melting pot and Canada somehow a mosaic. Do you see it and call it the same way, or are these expressions just inventions of the European?

*It does not prove a thing to be right because the majority say it is so.*
Friedrich von Schiller

[edited: 2006-11-06, 08:14 AM CET by rapzap]
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Messages: 524
Location: Winnipeg

Instrument(s): Clarinet, Alto Sax, and other various woodwind instruments...
Session(s): 6&7
Sign: Scorpio

New PostCreated: 2006-11-08, 12:52 AM CET  Subject: Re: About melting pots and mosaics...  print  recommend Reply with Quotation  

Hahahaha... we use almost the same terms.  We have "divided platter"  "tossed salad"  and  "melting pot"  (or, at least, I do.  I wouldn't be surprised if it was only me, since all of these relate to food somehow) and they symbolize segregation, integration, and assimilation.  Canada is actually known as a "pagan nation" because we allow so many cultures in our country, while the United States is known as a "Christian nation" because the main religion that people follow (or claim to follow) is Christianity... 

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Messages: 94
Location: Lawrence, Kansas

Instrument(s): Trombone, Piano, Guitar, Euphonium, Trumpet .... (all the brass instruments), Vocal
Session(s): Session 6 + 7

New PostCreated: 2006-11-08, 02:19 AM CET  Subject: Re: About melting pots and mosaics...  print  recommend Reply with Quotation  

In America, we DO use the term "melting-pot."  It's really cool I think, how a lot of people just came together to form something entirely different.  We just covered that section in our history class so I had to study extensively on the subject... it's a rough job .. haha

but yeah, then there's me, ... an Asian, who isn't even American, talking about America.  Just because the way I speak, people forget that I'm really not an American citizen.  I even forget occasionally.  It's a really weird feeling ..

anyways ...

I guess me being where I am proves that America is a big melting pot

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Messages: 536
Location: AUSTRIA

Instrument(s): clarinet, sax, trumpet, accordeon, piano... :)
Session(s): 6 & 7

New PostCreated: 2006-11-08, 09:12 AM CET  Subject: Re: About melting pots and mosaics...  print  recommend Reply with Quotation  

Well, now I know that my teachers didn´t tell me only histories...

*It does not prove a thing to be right because the majority say it is so.*
Friedrich von Schiller
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Messages: 94
Location: Lawrence, Kansas

Instrument(s): Trombone, Piano, Guitar, Euphonium, Trumpet .... (all the brass instruments), Vocal
Session(s): Session 6 + 7

New PostCreated: 2006-11-08, 04:22 PM CET  Subject: Re: About melting pots and mosaics...  print  recommend Reply with Quotation  

so everyone should go check out the Marching Band thread, cuz I just put up pictures there.  And they're pretty sweet ... yeah ...


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Messages: 536
Location: AUSTRIA

Instrument(s): clarinet, sax, trumpet, accordeon, piano... :)
Session(s): 6 & 7

New PostCreated: 2006-11-09, 08:41 AM CET  Subject: Re: About melting pots and mosaics...  print  recommend Reply with Quotation  

I´ve already checked...

*It does not prove a thing to be right because the majority say it is so.*
Friedrich von Schiller
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Messages: 524
Location: Winnipeg

Instrument(s): Clarinet, Alto Sax, and other various woodwind instruments...
Session(s): 6&7
Sign: Scorpio

New PostCreated: 2006-11-11, 06:44 AM CET  Subject: Re: About melting pots and mosaics...  print  recommend Reply with Quotation're not an American citizen??  If you don't mind me asking, what citizenship are you?

And I checked out the marching band pics too!  Pretty darn sweet!!

If you can't stand the heat... don't tickle the dragon.
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Messages: 255
Location: Canada

Instrument(s): Clarinet, Alto Sax, Guitar, Piano, and of course.....the one the only....RECORDER!
Session(s): 6 and 7

New PostCreated: 2006-11-13, 01:50 AM CET  Subject: Re: About melting pots and mosaics...  print  recommend Reply with Quotation  

Okay, I'm not really catching onto all of this Melting pot stuff...what is it about? I haven't heard it mentioned ever and don't really understand what it is/...? Does someone want to explain it to me? Please?

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Messages: 536
Location: AUSTRIA

Instrument(s): clarinet, sax, trumpet, accordeon, piano... :)
Session(s): 6 & 7

New PostCreated: 2006-11-13, 07:13 AM CET  Subject: Re: About melting pots and mosaics...  print  recommend Reply with Quotation  

We´ve learnt at school that America is like a melting pot, because there are living many peoples from different countries together and they are melting somehow together. In canada it´s more like a mosaic, because there different nations are living more separately (like English and French-people) and that´s the reason why it looks more like a mosaic.  

*It does not prove a thing to be right because the majority say it is so.*
Friedrich von Schiller
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Messages: 524
Location: Winnipeg

Instrument(s): Clarinet, Alto Sax, and other various woodwind instruments...
Session(s): 6&7
Sign: Scorpio

New PostCreated: 2006-11-15, 12:08 AM CET  Subject: Re: About melting pots and mosaics...  print  recommend Reply with Quotation  

Jess, look up the words:  Segregation, Integration, and Assimilation.  It's about how welcoming different countries are about other people's cultures.  The Afrikaans segregated the African natives.  Canada integrates other cultures so it is a multicultural country.  The United States assimilates everyone so everyone conforms to be "American."  Make sense?

If you can't stand the heat... don't tickle the dragon.
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