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Messages: 536
Location: AUSTRIA

Instrument(s): clarinet, sax, trumpet, accordeon, piano... :)
Session(s): 6 & 7

New PostCreated: 2007-04-06, 08:26 AM CET  Subject: Easter  print  print thread  recommend Reply with Quotation  

What are you doing the days of Easter? Is the Easter bunny coming to you too?  What are you traditionally eating these days?

*It does not prove a thing to be right because the majority say it is so.*
Friedrich von Schiller

[edited: 2007-04-10, 07:24 AM CET by rapzap]
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Messages: 524
Location: Winnipeg

Instrument(s): Clarinet, Alto Sax, and other various woodwind instruments...
Session(s): 6&7
Sign: Scorpio

New PostCreated: 2007-04-09, 11:41 PM CET  Subject: Re: Eastern  print  recommend Reply with Quotation  

Well, I just got back from Europe last friday, so we didn't have much plans, except to go to my cousin's house for Easter Dinner, which was pretty good.  I didn't even go to church, which I probably should've... other than that, no plans.
If you can't stand the heat... don't tickle the dragon.

[edited: 2007-04-13, 01:07 AM CET by Meg_from_da_Peg]
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Messages: 536
Location: AUSTRIA

Instrument(s): clarinet, sax, trumpet, accordeon, piano... :)
Session(s): 6 & 7

New PostCreated: 2007-04-10, 07:33 AM CET  Subject: Re: Eastern  print  recommend Reply with Quotation  

    Zitat: Meg_from_da_Peg
    Lol... you mean Easter? 

Well, we didn´t do a lot either - on Saturday we went to the consecretation of our bread basket and in the meantime the Easter rabbit was hiding little presents...which we had to look for afterwards.

On Saturday´s evening I had to play at the church with my brassband  and that´s all I did these days (except eating of course!) We are traditionally eating white sweet bread with cured meat, eggs and horseraddish as Easter meal. 

*It does not prove a thing to be right because the majority say it is so.*
Friedrich von Schiller

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Messages: 524
Location: Winnipeg

Instrument(s): Clarinet, Alto Sax, and other various woodwind instruments...
Session(s): 6&7
Sign: Scorpio

New PostCreated: 2007-04-11, 06:36 AM CET  Subject: Re: Easter  print  recommend Reply with Quotation  

Neat!  Sadly, there was no easter bunny for me this year, I miss having to look for presents!  I hope you did well with your brassband, I forgot that you play trumpet as well (you play too many instruments! ).  Anyway, school started a week ago, which I wasn't there for, but we had Good Friday off.  Some schools also had Easter Monday off but our school... our school... well... it NEVER takes a day off when it doesn't have to.  We were expected to be at school even when it was -48 degrees outside.  Other than seeing snow again, my Easter was great!

If you can't stand the heat... don't tickle the dragon.
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Messages: 536
Location: AUSTRIA

Instrument(s): clarinet, sax, trumpet, accordeon, piano... :)
Session(s): 6 & 7

New PostCreated: 2007-04-11, 07:50 AM CET  Subject: Re: Easter  print  recommend Reply with Quotation  

You don´t have any Easter holidays?

We have holidays from the weekend of Palm Sunday until Tuesday after the Easter Monday (so until yesterdays) and this every year! And university has even some days more - we are starting next Monday again!

*It does not prove a thing to be right because the majority say it is so.*
Friedrich von Schiller
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Messages: 524
Location: Winnipeg

Instrument(s): Clarinet, Alto Sax, and other various woodwind instruments...
Session(s): 6&7
Sign: Scorpio

New PostCreated: 2007-04-12, 01:09 AM CET  Subject: Re: Easter  print  recommend Reply with Quotation  

Lucky you!

We have Spring Break, which was from March 26 - 30, so I missed the break completely while I was in Europe... and almost two weeks of school... heh heh...

If you can't stand the heat... don't tickle the dragon.
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Messages: 536
Location: AUSTRIA

Instrument(s): clarinet, sax, trumpet, accordeon, piano... :)
Session(s): 6 & 7

New PostCreated: 2007-04-12, 08:04 AM CET  Subject: Re: Easter  print  recommend Reply with Quotation  

I didn´t know - you travalled to Germany during school time? Don´t you have any problems with your headmaster because of that? 

*It does not prove a thing to be right because the majority say it is so.*
Friedrich von Schiller
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Messages: 524
Location: Winnipeg

Instrument(s): Clarinet, Alto Sax, and other various woodwind instruments...
Session(s): 6&7
Sign: Scorpio

New PostCreated: 2007-04-13, 01:11 AM CET  Subject: Re: Easter  print  recommend Reply with Quotation  

Well, the administration told me I'd be receiving a letter saying "If you miss any more school days you'll lose a high school credit!" but they also said since my average is okay to just ignore it and enjoy Europe and National Youth Band.

If you can't stand the heat... don't tickle the dragon.
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Messages: 536
Location: AUSTRIA

Instrument(s): clarinet, sax, trumpet, accordeon, piano... :)
Session(s): 6 & 7

New PostCreated: 2007-04-13, 08:29 AM CET  Subject: Re: Easter  print  recommend Reply with Quotation  

I really like your attitude...

*It does not prove a thing to be right because the majority say it is so.*
Friedrich von Schiller

[edited: 2007-04-14, 07:01 AM CET by rapzap]
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Messages: 524
Location: Winnipeg

Instrument(s): Clarinet, Alto Sax, and other various woodwind instruments...
Session(s): 6&7
Sign: Scorpio

New PostCreated: 2007-04-13, 11:49 PM CET  Subject: Re: Easter  print  recommend Reply with Quotation  

Thanks  I try and keep it up.  Really though, what else am I supposed to do?

If you can't stand the heat... don't tickle the dragon.
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