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Messages: 536
Location: AUSTRIA

Instrument(s): clarinet, sax, trumpet, accordeon, piano... :)
Session(s): 6 & 7

New PostCreated: 2006-11-15, 05:28 PM CET  Subject: presents...  print  print thread  recommend Reply with Quotation  

I was just thinking about presents for Chrismas and perhaps somebody of you has some new ideas for me ... or just tell me which presents you´ll prepare for your friends!

*It does not prove a thing to be right because the majority say it is so.*
Friedrich von Schiller
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Messages: 524
Location: Winnipeg

Instrument(s): Clarinet, Alto Sax, and other various woodwind instruments...
Session(s): 6&7
Sign: Scorpio

New PostCreated: 2006-11-16, 12:20 AM CET  Subject: Re: presents...  print  recommend Reply with Quotation  

I thought of this idea... kind of strange, but it shows how much you know your friends!  Take all of your friend's favourite songs and burn them onto a CD, then take a key item mentioned in the song (say, if the song is "Rosenrot", buy a rose, real or fake, it doesn't matter) and number all of the presents the same number as the songs on the CD.  So, when they're listening to Rosenrot, they'll open up a rose, then song #2 will come on, and they'll open present #2 and it'll correspond... I dunno.

I've also burnt a CD where all of the songs' first letters spelled my friend's name.  Her name is "Dusty-Rose" (cool name, eh?) so I had the songs: Don't Argue, Unwritten, St. Jimmy... etc.  She loved it.

Note:  Every girl loves jewelry.  Don't try to deny it, it's true.

Hope this helps a little bit...

If you can't stand the heat... don't tickle the dragon.
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Messages: 255
Location: Canada

Instrument(s): Clarinet, Alto Sax, Guitar, Piano, and of course.....the one the only....RECORDER!
Session(s): 6 and 7

New PostCreated: 2006-11-16, 03:36 AM CET  Subject: Re: presents...  print  recommend Reply with Quotation  

That is a really cool Idea, actually...

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Messages: 536
Location: AUSTRIA

Instrument(s): clarinet, sax, trumpet, accordeon, piano... :)
Session(s): 6 & 7

New PostCreated: 2006-11-16, 07:20 AM CET  Subject: Re: presents...  print  recommend Reply with Quotation  

I really like this idea, but it sounds busy! I´ll think over...

One of my best friends has birthday 9th december and I´m not sure about her present. But yesterday I had at least one idea: I´ll give her a bunch of her favourite cigarettes (you have to know: all my friends are smokers!)

And: you like "Rosenrot"? It´s one of my favourite songs of Rammstein!

*It does not prove a thing to be right because the majority say it is so.*
Friedrich von Schiller
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Messages: 524
Location: Winnipeg

Instrument(s): Clarinet, Alto Sax, and other various woodwind instruments...
Session(s): 6&7
Sign: Scorpio

New PostCreated: 2006-11-19, 01:24 AM CET  Subject: Re: presents...  print  recommend Reply with Quotation  

It's a good song, not one of my favourites of Rammstein, but good nonetheless!

More present ideas:  Get a glass jar and fill it (not to the top, about 2/3s up) with hot chocolate powder.  Stuff marshmallows and chocolate chips in the last third, close it, and tie a ribbon around it!  It's cocoa in a jar!  Ta-da!

If you can't stand the heat... don't tickle the dragon.
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Messages: 536
Location: AUSTRIA

Instrument(s): clarinet, sax, trumpet, accordeon, piano... :)
Session(s): 6 & 7

New PostCreated: 2006-11-19, 12:37 PM CET  Subject: Re: presents...  print  recommend Reply with Quotation  

Perhaps it would be a better idea without marshmallows... because nobody likes them over-there (at least nobody I know...)

*It does not prove a thing to be right because the majority say it is so.*
Friedrich von Schiller
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Messages: 94
Location: Lawrence, Kansas

Instrument(s): Trombone, Piano, Guitar, Euphonium, Trumpet .... (all the brass instruments), Vocal
Session(s): Session 6 + 7

New PostCreated: 2006-11-19, 06:05 PM CET  Subject: Re: presents...  print  recommend Reply with Quotation  

I have a friend who absolutely LOVES everything Disney ... haha, so I dunno.  I'm gonna try to branch out from there.  And a lot of my friends are all musical people ... of course, band buddies!  I have a catalogue from a HUGE instrument/all-things-musical company, and they have a christmas gift selection, so maybe something from there.  

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Messages: 536
Location: AUSTRIA

Instrument(s): clarinet, sax, trumpet, accordeon, piano... :)
Session(s): 6 & 7

New PostCreated: 2006-11-20, 07:20 AM CET  Subject: Re: presents...  print  recommend Reply with Quotation  

Unfortunately my friends aren´t all musicians... would be easier... 

*It does not prove a thing to be right because the majority say it is so.*
Friedrich von Schiller
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Messages: 255
Location: Canada

Instrument(s): Clarinet, Alto Sax, Guitar, Piano, and of course.....the one the only....RECORDER!
Session(s): 6 and 7

New PostCreated: 2006-11-21, 02:12 AM CET  Subject: Re: presents...  print  recommend Reply with Quotation  

Half of my friends hate music (like band music that involves concert/jazz bands) with a passion...then there are the select few that actually care!

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