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Exclusively for Winnipeggers

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Messages: 524
Location: Winnipeg

Instrument(s): Clarinet, Alto Sax, and other various woodwind instruments...
Session(s): 6&7
Sign: Scorpio

New PostCreated: 2006-09-05, 06:00 PM CET  Subject: Re: Exclusively for Winnipeggers  print  recommend Reply with Quotation  

Sure, why not? Just tell us when you're in Winnipeg and we'll hook something up! 

And Shut Up Ryan!!

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Messages: 47
Location: Winnipeg, Canada

Instrument(s): Trumpet, Clarinet, Drumkit
Session(s): Seven

New PostCreated: 2006-09-07, 06:07 AM CET  Subject:  Re: Exclusively for Winnipeggers  print  recommend Reply with Quotation  

I'll have to put my thinking cap on vis-a-vis the hanging out after I begin (and hence, stop dreading) school.  Precisely at 8:50 tomorrow.

How are your respective schools going?

It's got so many dotted eighth notes in it/I'd keep 'er under fifty beats a minute
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Messages: 524
Location: Winnipeg

Instrument(s): Clarinet, Alto Sax, and other various woodwind instruments...
Session(s): 6&7
Sign: Scorpio

New PostCreated: 2006-09-08, 01:18 AM CET  Subject: Re: Exclusively for Winnipeggers  print  recommend Reply with Quotation  

Excellent...  I'm at MBCI (which is by the Disraeli bridge) and I can't believe I'm in grade 11!  My classes so far are great.. and we have plenty of German Exchange Students!  Saweet..

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Messages: 524
Location: Winnipeg

Instrument(s): Clarinet, Alto Sax, and other various woodwind instruments...
Session(s): 6&7
Sign: Scorpio

New PostCreated: 2006-09-08, 01:18 AM CET  Subject: Re: Exclusively for Winnipeggers  print  recommend Reply with Quotation  

you guys?

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Messages: 536
Location: AUSTRIA

Instrument(s): clarinet, sax, trumpet, accordeon, piano... :)
Session(s): 6 & 7

New PostCreated: 2006-09-08, 07:58 AM CET  Subject: Re: Exclusively for Winnipeggers  print  recommend Reply with Quotation  

    Zitat: Meg_from_da_Peg
    Excellent...  I'm at MBCI (which is by the Disraeli bridge) and I can't believe I'm in grade 11!  My classes so far are great.. and we have plenty of German Exchange Students!  Saweet.. 

German Exchange Students? Are you sure that there arenīt any Austrians??

*It does not prove a thing to be right because the majority say it is so.*
Friedrich von Schiller
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Messages: 524
Location: Winnipeg

Instrument(s): Clarinet, Alto Sax, and other various woodwind instruments...
Session(s): 6&7
Sign: Scorpio

New PostCreated: 2006-09-09, 12:43 AM CET  Subject: Re: Exclusively for Winnipeggers  print  recommend Reply with Quotation  

    Zitat: rapzap

      Zitat: Meg_from_da_Peg
      Excellent...  I'm at MBCI (which is by the Disraeli bridge) and I can't believe I'm in grade 11!  My classes so far are great.. and we have plenty of German Exchange Students!  Saweet.. 

    German Exchange Students? Are you sure that there arenīt any Austrians??

Oh, I wish there were! I'll double-check and see...

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Messages: 255
Location: Canada

Instrument(s): Clarinet, Alto Sax, Guitar, Piano, and of course.....the one the only....RECORDER!
Session(s): 6 and 7

New PostCreated: 2006-09-09, 05:07 AM CET  Subject: Re: Exclusively for Winnipeggers  print  recommend Reply with Quotation  

cool....we have a French exchange student...he is cool. We had an assembly today and when he did a speech...i was really sad like...just cause it really reminded me of Julio, Pablo and Jordan...because they always had troubles with their english, as did the exchange student.

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Messages: 536
Location: AUSTRIA

Instrument(s): clarinet, sax, trumpet, accordeon, piano... :)
Session(s): 6 & 7

New PostCreated: 2006-09-09, 07:42 AM CET  Subject: Re: Exclusively for Winnipeggers  print  recommend Reply with Quotation  

    Zitat: Jess1014
    cool....we have a French exchange student...he is cool. We had an assembly today and when he did a speech...i was really sad like...just cause it really reminded me of Julio, Pablo and Jordan...because they always had troubles with their english, as did the exchange student. ~//Jess\\~

Are there many exchange students at your schools?? Is that just normal?? Because in my school there was at most one exchange student a year and not that happend not every year...  Probably Austria isnīt so interesting for exchange students! But 2 years ago there had been a Brazil in my neighbour-class and he became the boyfriend of one of my best friends...

*It does not prove a thing to be right because the majority say it is so.*
Friedrich von Schiller
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Messages: 524
Location: Winnipeg

Instrument(s): Clarinet, Alto Sax, and other various woodwind instruments...
Session(s): 6&7
Sign: Scorpio

New PostCreated: 2006-09-09, 05:51 PM CET  Subject: Re: Exclusively for Winnipeggers  print  recommend Reply with Quotation  

    Zitat: rapzap

    Are there many exchange students at your schools?? Is that just normal?? Because in my school there was at most one exchange student a year and not that happend not every year...  Probably Austria isnīt so interesting for exchange students! But 2 years ago there had been a Brazil in my neighbour-class and he became the boyfriend of one of my best friends...

At my school, yes it's very common.  We have like, 12 students from Germany (which is really big because we usually just have 4 or 5) and one student from Japan... I think...

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Messages: 255
Location: Canada

Instrument(s): Clarinet, Alto Sax, Guitar, Piano, and of course.....the one the only....RECORDER!
Session(s): 6 and 7

New PostCreated: 2006-09-09, 08:32 PM CET  Subject: Re: Exclusively for Winnipeggers  print  recommend Reply with Quotation  

it's not too common at my school it is just very boring at my school. The average amount of exchange students a year is one, and we have had one this year and one last year.....last year the exchange student was from Mexico!!

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