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Beiträge: 47

New PostCreated: 2006-09-28, 06:02 AM CET     Subject: Re: Trip to Minot! Reply with Quotation  

Oh man, I would hate to have to take the train.  I loathe the old school bus enough. It has no air conditioning and on crowded days it's three to a seat.  The ride is about thirty minutes, and I'm crammed in with my trumpet and seat partner and big fat bag full of textbooks... I enjoy mornings with early rehearsal so I can either drive or get dropped off.

Do you drive to school everyday, Meg? I have had my license since April but I have no vehicle except on choice days when my mother lets me take her volkswagan.

Do the trains ever break down and make you late for school?

It's got so many dotted eighth notes in it/I'd keep 'er under fifty beats a minute
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