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Beiträge: 12

New PostErstellt: 18.01.11, 17:01     Betreff: Ankündigung: Forum Rules Antwort mit Zitat  

We have some rules on this forum so please read this before use:

1) This is a Fanforum about Kevin Hellenbrand please use it only for him and not for other bands.

2) Defamation ofF orum users or Kevin and his family/friends is not allowed ! If you do that we will kick you out of here.

3) Users who haven't wrote more then 1 month getting and EMail from us and if you to remember to write something again. We need active and not inactive users. Please also introduce yourself in the Topic "That's me" 

4) Please keep ypur phantasie in mind cause we also have younger kids on this forum.

5) If you have any problems or questions please write me a message or post it in the "Help" section.

6) We get some visitors from time to time so be all good ;) 

7) Please don't comment everx Picutres with a smiley like: . They are redundant and we delete it. Wrote a little bit more cause u have words so use them. 

8) This is a very important rule! It's not allowed to ask for songs from Kevin or other bands on this forum and it's also not allowed to offer them.

9) Picutres which you safe from this page shouldn't be used on any other pages in the Internet. If there is a copyright from someone on it you first have to ask the person with the rights of it to use them in the Internet.

10) Please don't give out your private adres or telephonenumber on the forum or on any other page in the Internet.

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