Beiträge: 241
Erstellt: 04.11.04, 20:57 Betreff: kein vorschlag, aber trotzdem seeeehr überraschend!!! |
Re: siiri lesbisch?? Autor: invisible_tear (---.proxy.aol.com) Datum: 04.11.04 20:54 also, im offiziellen killerforum gibts ja son thread "siiri lesbisch?" *mundnimmerzukrieg* ich kopier mal das gespräch mit meiner finnischen freundin hier rein...also, siiri IST bereits mit mirja verheiratet und es ist alles wahr ich: is it true, that in a finnish garbage magazinh is written, that siiiri will marry a woman , with who she was seen kissing some time ago? *loooool* sie: hmm...siiri is married now. ich: really?=D sie: yes. =D with mirja. ich: so it is true what the magazine has written? sie: yes it's true but i don't know anything about kissing...... ich: thats such a surprise for me! but somehow it´s great*g* sie: i have known about 2 years that siiri is lesbian but it was a suprise for me too. ich: =) ich: *lol* you should see me at the moment.. ich: you, know, I´m not negative surprised, but I had no clue about that siiri is lesbian! sie: yes, i understand. =] sie: and i think mariko is lesbian too. o_O ich: hmm...nothing can surprise me from now on xD
How can I keep my heart from crying out so loud?