Beiträge: 240
Erstellt: 05.02.05, 16:29 Betreff: offiziele seite |
Also auf killertheband.com steht folgendes:
First of all I'm really sorry that none of us has been here to present you guys with any information on our bands current situation. There are a bunch of rumors going around, for example: I called Universal and they said that... Yeah, well I don't think so.... So now I'm writing here to put a few things straight and I hope to shoot some rumors down while at it...
Killer has been put on an undetermined break. No we don't want to say that we have split up, because if we ever decide to make music together again we would be doing a comeback and comebacks are for idiots.
This didn't include any great drama just normal things. First of all, we went five years in a row without a decent break so we ran out of ideas and energy. Second, we had different kinds of ideas about the direction Killer should be going, musically that is. Since we couldn't agree on this we couldn't continue. This happened around February last year, but we decided to continue touring until last autumn to see if a solution would present itself. Well it didn't. Part of Killers unique and interesting sound and also the strength of our band were our different musical influences, Tuomas and his electronic music, Siiri and her bluesy background, me and Teijo and our Rock. Well this turned out to be our biggest problem as well. Shit happens. We still remain friends, as we should. Of course we had our arguments about this, especially me and Siiri, but now everything is back to normal. Issues fight, not people.
So the future looks like this: Siiri is in a boatbuilding school and she is to become a carpenter. She is very happy about this since it's totally different that music business (no kidding!).. She may make some music in the future, but now she's focusing her energy to other things. Tuomas is playing in a band called Rinneradio, really cool Finnish electronic music. This is something Tuomas is extremely good at! Me and Teijo, well we decided to form a new kick ass rock band with a few other guys: Max; Vocals, Samuli; Guitars, and Jukka Backlund; Keyboards(Jukka also played with Killer in our live shows). So we are: CabinCrew. Teijo and I obviously cannot be lured away from rock...HAH! We spent last autumn in the studio recording material and are getting ready for our first show on the 15th of February at On the Rocks in Helsinki.
Everyone of Killer is happy with the current situation so obviously we have made the right choices!
We would like to thank all of you who have stuck around with us through all these years. It's been a blast! We'll be seeing you guys in future shows!
Rock on!
Tja alos würd ich sagen das sie eine laaange Pause machen oder sich getrennt haben! ich find das ganz schön depriemierend! aber wenigstens wissen wir jetzt bescheid! Also bis denne Tina