The Family of the Marks
Origin:, 42nd universe. Ambition: Peace. That's it. That's us.
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The Family of the Marks
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No new posts brother [ancient]
I post here, because i can't post in the diplomatic section. I'm brother, from AncienT, and i attacked arik so. after that, thebearking decided to attack me with a very small fleet. despering... because he will lose everything without making damages to my defense. So i want to tell you to keep your ships alive and to use it for better actions, like hit your neighbourhood's planets, like I do. Maybe you want to make me richer than I am, then crash all your fleets on my colonies, i will be happy to build fleets faster ^^ I attacked arik so because i gain a lot of ressource on his colony, i maybe do it again in the future. It's not my fault if he can't efficiently protect his ressources... Be clever, don't attack me, i can destroy all your defenses with my fleet ;)
brother 2009-08-24, 05:39 PM CET
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