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Fakten & Gerüchte: VENOM (Spider-Man 3 Spin-Off)

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Beiträge: 12723
Ort: Hamburg

wieviele Comics: 10.011 US-Marvels

New PostErstellt: 03.02.08, 20:48  Betreff: Fakten & Gerüchte: VENOM (Spider-Man 3 Spin-Off)  drucken  Thema drucken  weiterempfehlen

ERSTE GERÜCHTE um einen möglichen VENOM-FILM
als Spin-Off zu der bereits erschienenen Spider-Man-Trilogie!

    Eddie Brock to get his stand alone film, Venom is coming back to the big screen!

    One of the biggest disappointments from Spider-Man 3 was how they developed the villains, or actually how they didn't develop the villains, but between the three baddies that we had to contend with the biggest let down was Eddie Brock A.K.A. Venom.

    Venom, by far one of the coolest villains in the Spider-Man universe, was played poorly by Topher Grace and was definitely one of the biggest let downs in the entire Spider-Man trilogy.

    Not to say Topher Grace was the wrong man for the job, but with poor material and a badly put together movie, you just weren't going to get any stellar performances. I mean, asking God to kill Peter Parker is one of the lamest lines I've ever heard.

    But Venom fans rejoice, Marvel is moving forward with a new stand alone film, yep you heard right, Venom is coming back to the big screen.

    We've confirmed that "the studio" has met recently with several "A list writers" about a spin-off film.

    Eight years ago, New Line Cinema held the theatrical rights to Venom. Since then, the rights have reverted back Marvel. But does Sony have complete control over the character since he was a part of Spidey 3 or does Marvel control the rights to the character with Sony only having distribution rights?

    We have to assume that since there is movement and there has been recent meetings with writers this property must belong to Marvel since they have made an interim agreement with the WGA and proceed to develop projects during the current strike. Either way, one thing is for certain, Venom will get a second shot at the big screen.

    Will it be a Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde type of storyline or are we going to see other characters from the Marvel universe such as Scorpion or maybe even Carnage? Let the assumptions and speculation begin. We will try to get Marvel and/or Sony to go on the record early next week.

    ImageHere is more info on Venom:

    Venom, or the Venom Symbiote, is the name given to the first symbiote life form to appear in the fictional Marvel Universe. The creature is a sentient alien with a liquid-like form. It requires a host, usually human, to bond around for its survival. In return the Venom creature gives its host enhanced powers. In effect, when the Venom Symbiote bonds with a human to form a super-villain, that new dual-life form itself is also often called Venom. The symbiote, with or without a host, is an arch-enemy of Spider-Man, who was the first host it merged with before its evil motives were clear. After Spider-Man rejected it, the symbiote went on to merge with other hosts and so began its popular reign as the villain known as Venom.

    The Venom Symbiote first appeared in Secret Wars vol.1, #8 where Spider-Man first encountered it and unwittingly merged together. After Spider-Man rejected it the Symbiote merged with Eddie Brock, its most well-known host, in The Amazing Spider-Man #300 (April 1988). Its current host is Mac Gargan, the villain formerly known as Scorpion.

    Originally, the Venom symbiote was portrayed as a mute and lonely creature craving the company of a host. More recently, it has been shown as increasingly abusive of its hosts, and having the powers of speech. Also the Venom Symbiote itself has no known name, as Venom is essentially the moniker it has adopted since its history with Spider-Man on Earth.

    According to S.H.I.E.L.D., it is considered one of the greatest threats to humanity, alongside Magneto, Doctor Doom, and Red Skull.

    The Venom symbiote also appears in the film Spider-Man 3 first merging to Spider-Man's suit and then to Eddie Brock. Wikipedia

    Stay tuned to the IESB as we continue to break the news that matters to movie fans.

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Beiträge: 12723
Ort: Hamburg

wieviele Comics: 10.011 US-Marvels

New PostErstellt: 31.07.08, 12:11  Betreff: Re: Fakten & Gerüchte: VENOM (Spider-Man 3 Spin-Off)  drucken  weiterempfehlen

    Sony is moving forward with Venom, a potential "Spider-Man" spinoff, says The Hollywood Reporter.

    The trade says the studio is developing the project, based on the villain who appeared in Spider-Man 3 and is hoping the character could serve as an antidote to the aging "Spider-Man" franchise in the way that Fox has used Wolverine to add longevity to its "X-Men" franchise.

    The studio had commissioned a draft of the script from Jacob Estes (Mean Creek), but the studio is considering going in a different direction from Estes' script and is seeking writers for a new draft.

    Casting also is no simple matter. Topher Grace played the character in the film, but agents have been eyeing the role for their clients, as Sony is not yet convinced the actor can carry a tentpole picture.

    The Hollywood Reporter adds that neither Sony nor Marvel would comment for the story.

    Sony is also still developing a fourth "Spider-Man" film for 2011.

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