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Erstellt: 15.06.09, 18:06 Betreff: Marvel-Solicitations 2009-09 (Sep)
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Marvel-Solicitations 2009-09 (Sep)
HALO: HELLJUMPER #3 (of 5) Written by Peter David Pencils & Cover by Eric Nguyen Mysteries deepen as the Helljumpers' investigation of the curious events at the Space Colony Ariel continues. Cut off from the rest of their company, Dutch and Romeo must use every ounce of skill and strength to stay alive. But earth-shaking events--both physical and personal--will truly test the mettle of these two brothers-in-arms. 32 PGS./Cardstock Cover/17 & Up ...$3.99
REBORN #3 (of 5) Written by ED BRUBAKER Art by BRYAN HITCH & BUTCH GUICE Cover by BRYAN HITCH Variant Cover by JOHN CASSADAY Variant Cover by TBA 32 PGS./Rated T+ ...$3.99 not final cover. solicit to be revealed soon.
THE MARVELS PROJECT #2 (of 8) Written by Ed Brubaker Pencils by Steve Epting Cover by STEVE MCNIVEN Variant Cover by STEVE EPTING Variant Cover by GERALD PAREL The award-winning and best-selling team of Ed Brubaker and Steve Epting bring you CHAPTER TWO in this definitive tale of the origins of the Marvel heroes. As 1940 hits the world is already changing -- The Human Torch is on the run, The Angel makes his masked debut, The Sub-Mariner stalks the surface-worlders who have targeted his people -- and a young soldier named Nick Fury saves a German scientist from the Nazis and leads him to the USA. The battle-lines drawn in this race to create superhuman weapons of mass destruction still reverberate today in the Marvel Universe -- as this epic espionage thriller continues to unfold and reveal new twists! 32 PGS./Rated T+ ...$3.99
DARK TOWER: THE FALL OF GILEAD #5 (of 5) Written by PETER DAVID & ROBIN FURTH Pencils & Cover by RICHARD ISANOVE Variant Cover by RAFA SANDOVAL Sketch Variant by RICHARD ISANOVE Farson's men have arrived! Every man and boy over the age of eleven is armed and prepared for battle. The women and children hide themselves deep within the city. And while the war rages, an injured Steven Deschain fights his way home through the wreckage with a singular determination...all in hopes of saving his imprisoned son Roland. It's the penultimate chapter of Stephen King's magnum opus that will change the world of Dark Tower forever! 40 PGS./CardStock Cover/Parental Advisory...$3.99 (c)2009 Stephen King. All rights reserved.
THE TORCH #1 (of 8) Written by MIKE CAREY & ALEX ROSS Penciled by PATRICK BERKENKOTTER Cover by ALEX ROSS The Soul of an Old Machine, part 1. The Torch is dead - buried with full military honors. But what does death mean for an artificial man? The Mad Thinker is determined to find out, with the reluctant help of the Torch's best and oldest friend - Tom (Toro) Raymond. 32 PGS./Rated T+ ...$3.99
OFFICIAL INDEX TO THE MARVEL UNIVERSE #9 Written by VARIOUS Continuing the chronicle of the Marvel Universe, starting with Spider-Man (from AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #385 on), Iron Man (from IRON MAN #315 on) and the X-Men (from UNCANNY X-MEN #364 on). Follow the history of the Marvel universe as it unfolds month by month with the All-New Official Index to the Marvel Universe. Each issue provides synopses for dozens of individual comics, including back-up strips, introducing you to the characters, teams, places and equipment that appeared within, providing vital information about first appearances, where they last showed up and where they appeared next! 64 PGS./Rated A ...$3.99
MARVEL MYSTERY HANDBOOK: 70TH ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL Written by MICHAEL HOSKIN, RONALD BYRD, ANTHONY FLAMINI, STUART VANDAL, KEVIN GARCIA, JACOB ROUGEMONT, DAVID WILTFONG & SEAN MCQUAID Cover by MITCH BREITWEISER As the Marvel Universe celebrates 70 years of the world's greatest comics, journey back to where it all began -- OFFICIAL HANDBOOK OF THE MARVEL UNIVERSE style! Featuring the greatest characters of Marvel's first year -- a year that not only gave us the Sub-Mariner, the Human Torch, the Angel and Ka-Zar, but also THE TWELVE's Black Widow, Phantom Bullet, Electro, Mister E, Dynamic Man, Phantom Reporter, Fiery Mask, Master Mind Excello and Laughing Mask! Also featuring a host of oddities from Fletcher Hanks' Whirlwind Carter to Taxi Taylor! Plus: an introduction by Timely comics scholar Dr. Michael J. Vassallo! 64 PGS./Rated T+ ...$4.99
MS. MARVEL #45 70th ANNIVERSARY VARIANT Written by BRIAN REED Penciled by SANA TAKEDA Cover by MARKO DJURDJEVIC 32 PGS./Rated T+ ...$2.99
PUNISHER NOIR #2 (of 4) Written by FRANK TIERI Penciled by PAUL AZACETA Cover by TIM BRADSTREET Variant Cover by DENNIS CALERO Frank Castle has come face to face with the evil that men do, in the trench warfare of the muddy battlefields of World War I. He's come home only to see his city carved up amongst the mob families, as the power of organized crime syndicates rise up to challenge that of the government. In reaction to the Punisher's War on Crime, two hitmen are dispatched to deal with him permanently: a killer whose face is a roadmap of hell, and the biggest, meanest mountain of muscle ever to come from the streets of Harlem. With Jigsaw and Barracuda on the scene, "paint the town red" will take on a whole new meaning. 32 PGS./Parental Advisory ...$3.99
LUKE CAGE NOIR #2 (of 4) Written by MIKE BENSON & ADAM GLASS Penciled by SHAWN MARTINBROUGH Cover by TIM BRADSTREET Variant Cover by DENNIS CALERO "MOON OVER HARLEM," PART 2 Less than 48 hours out of the joint, and Luke Cage is a busy man, investigating the mysterious deaths of two women: the wife of a Park Avenue Mug with more than a few secrets, and Cage's own true love, Josephine Ball. Are the two murders related? Only one thing's for sure: All roads go through Cage's old nemesis - the Albino gangster known as Tombstone. 32 PGS./Rated T+ ...$3.99
ENDER'S GAME: COMMAND SCHOOL #1 (of 5) Creative Director ORSON SCOTT CARD Written by CHRISTOPHER YOST Pencils & Cover by PASQUAL FERRY The second volume of New York Times bestseller Orson Scott Card's sci-fi epic begins! Ender Wiggin may be the only hope that humanity has against an alien race that threatens Earth with annihilation. He's been given his own army, and now commands 40 soldiers in a series of war games in preparation for invasion... and he's only nine years old. The classic sci-fi story heads to its incredible conclusion as Ender takes control of Dragon Army. But Ender is quickly realizing that the aliens may not be his true enemy in Battle School... his TEACHERS are. 32 PGS./Cardstock Cover/Parental Advisory ...$3.99
ENDER'S SHADOW: COMMAND SCHOOL #1 (of 5) Creative Director ORSON SCOTT CARD Written by MIKE CAREY Penciled by SEBASTIAN FIUMARA Cover by TIMOTHY GREEN II The companion series to New York Times bestseller Orson Scott Card's award-winning novel Ender's Game returns! With time running out for the human race, Bean is assigned to Dragon army under the command of the legendary Ender Wiggin. But their relationship is a bruising clash of egos and agendas from the start - and it only gets worse when Dragon face their first battle. 32 PGS./Cardstock Cover/Parental Advisory ...$3.99
Crossfire #2 (of 3) Written by JEAN-LUC SALA Penciled by PIERRE-MONY CHAN Cover by PIERRE-MONY CHAN Cardinal Marchesi's cell of secret Vatican operatives is about to obtain a document that could shake the very foundation of the Catholic Church. The mission turns into a massacre and investigator Sofia d'Agostino and her bodyguard, an aging mafia hit man, find themselves face to face with a commando linked to an occult branch of the Vatican. They've unwittingly joined the thousand-year-old fight to save Faith -- a war that has been on hold since the disappearance of the Order of the Temple ... Until now. 48 PGS./Mature ...$5.99
SCOURGE OF THE GODS - THE FALL 3 (of 3) Written by VALERIE MANGIN Pencils & Cover by ALEKSA GAJIC Can even the God themselves control their destiny when everything seems to prove that their lives are a tragedy written thousands of years ago that is now replaying itself on a cosmic scale? In the final issue of this epic series, the final confrontation between gods will reveal everything about the grand scope of the plot to destroy the galactic Roman empire. 48 PGS./Mature ...$5.99
ULTIMATE COMICS ARMOR WARS #1 (of 4) Written by WARREN ELLIS Penciled by STEVE KURTH Cover by BRANDON PETERSON Villain Variant by CARLOS PACHECO Special Variant by TBA Exploding from the ruins of ULTIMATUM, Tony Stark races against time to save his crippled corporation and stop the theft of his armored arsenal! Superstar writer WARREN ELLIS (ULTIMATE HUMAN) teams up with rising talent STEVE KURTH (IRON MAN) to bring you a globe-spanning, high-octane thriller with a blast from Tony's past that you've gotta see to believe! 32 PGS./Rated T+ ...$3.99
ULTIMATE COMICS SPIDER-MAN #2 Written by BRIAN MICHAEL BENDIS Pencils & Cover by DAVID LAFUENTE All the shocking revelations from the first issue come to bloom in this pulse-pounding second chapter!! Who is the Shroud!!?? Who is Spider-Man?? And who the hell is Mysterio and what did he go and do to the Kingpin?! 32 PGS./Rated T+ ...$3.99
ULTIMATE COMICS AVENGERS #2 Written by MARK MILLAR Pencils & Cover by CARLOS PACHECO ENTER THE RED SKULL! Reeling over his near-fatal encounter with the Skull, Captain America takes matters into his own hands in pursuit of his terrifying new adversary and his terrorist employers! Meanwhile, Nick Fury reveals the horrifying truth behind the Red Skull and kick-starts Project Avengers in earnest with the arrival of Gregory Stark, Tony's older, richer and smarter brother! Join MARK MILLAR (ULTIMATES) and CARLOS PACHECO (X-MEN) for the next pulse-pounding issue of the biggest, baddest book of the summer! 32 PGS./Parental Advisory ...$3.99
AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #604 & 605 Classified until 6/22/09 ISSUE #604 - 32 PGS./Rated A ...$2.99 ISSUE #605 - 48 PGS./Rated A ...$3.99
AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #606 & #607 Classified until 6/22/09 32 PGS. (each)/Rated A ...$2.99(each)
AMAZING SPIDER-MAN PRESENTS: ANTI-VENOM-- NEW WAYS TO LIVE #1 (of 3) Written by Zeb Wells Penciled by Paulo Siqueira Cover by Mirco Pierfederici What's Black, White and Dead all over?!?! From the pages of last year's best-selling NEW WAYS TO DIE, Zeb Wells (AMAZING SPIDER-MAN; NEW MUTANTS) and Paulo Siqueira (Amazing Spider-Man, Ms. MARVEL) bring you the story of Eddie Brock, the sallow symbiote known as Anti-Venom! With his life saved by Spider-Man, Eddie is cautiously walking the line between the darkness and light while trying to find his place in a world marked only by gray. The absolute last person he needs to run into is the Punisher. Unfortunately, the Punisher remembers Eddie as a cold-blooded killer, and that is just gonna hurt. 32 PGS./Rated T+ ...$3.99
SPIDER-MAN: THE CLONE SAGA #1 (of 6) Written by Howard Mackie & TOM DEFALCO Penciled by TODD NAUCK Cover by PASQUAL FERRY You've been asking for it...and now it's here: THE CLONE SAGA!!! Marvel's most controversial event of all time returns with a vengeance, presenting the Clone Saga as it was originally intended to be told! From the minds behind the crossover that changed comics forever and the artist that introduced Spider-Man to President Obama, it's six issues of twists and turns that will shock fans old and new alike! Be here as Peter Parker's worst nightmare begins again...now with an ending you have to see to believe! 32 PGS./Rated T+ ...$3.99
DARK AVENGERS/UNCANNY X-MEN: EXODUS Written by Matt Fraction Penciled by MIKE DEODATO Cover by STEVE MCNIVEN Variant Cover by SIMONE BIANCHI The climactic conclusion to the crossover event of 2009 is here! This is it, the final battle for the Dark Avengers and the X-Men that will change the status quo for the Marvel Universe. Emma Frost's betrayal comes home to roost. Cyclops' plan clicks into place, but is it too late? What can the X-Men do against the Sentry and Ares? 48 PGS./One-Shot/Rated T+ ...$3.99
DARK X-MEN: THE CONFESSION Written by CRAIG KYLE & Christopher Yost Penciled by TBA Cover by YANICK PAQUETTE Emma Frost's secret dealings with the Cabal come to light and her life will never be the same. ...CLASSIFIED... 48 PGS./One-Shot/Rated T+ ...$3.99
DARK AVENGERS #9 Written by BRIAN MICHAEL BENDIS Pencils & Cover by MIKE DEODATO Poor Marvel Boy... he had no idea how sinister a gang the Dark Avengers actually is. And now he is running for his life. And poor Ares, he has no idea where his son goes while he is off being an Avenger. And now he is going to find out. And when he does... there will be hell to play. Guest-starring Nick Fury and the Secret Warriors. Oh, you heard that right. Ares versus Nick Fury! You know when Stan used to say 'nuff said? This is the kind of thing he was 'nuff saiding about! 32 PGS./Rated T+ ...$3.99
NEW AVENGERS #57 Written by BRIAN MICHAEL BENDIS Pencils & Cover by STUART IMMONEN It was bound to happen and now it has. The Hood loses his grip on the colorful criminals that make his empire. It's a super-villain turf war and guess who is stuck in the middle? That's right... the powerless New Avengers. Not to mention the powerless Dark Avengers (who guest star, btw.) Who will replace the Hood as kingpin of criminals?? 32 PGS./Rated A ...$3.99
DARK REIGN: MADE MEN Written by FRANK TIERI Penciled by KHOI PHAM, RAFA SANDOVAL, JOHN PAUL LEON, BEN OLIVER & ANTONIO FUSO Cover by RAFA SANDOVAL Five brutal stories exploring how the changes wrought by DARK REIGN have affected the criminal community throughout the Marvel Universe! Spymaster takes on a hazardous assignment for Norman Osborn! Attuma is resurrected by Doctor Doom! A new Jack O'Lantern confronts the police! Gamma Corps confronts the Iron Patriot! And the new Enforcer marks his territory with the Hood! 48 PGS./One-Shot/Rated T+ ...$3.99
M.O.D.O.K: Reign Delay Written by RYAN DUNLAVEY Pencils & Cover by RYAN DUNLAVEY Down on his luck, MODOK moves back into his parent's house in Erie, Pennsylvania and discovers that his family, old classmates and apathetic locals can thwart his plans for world conquest better than any super hero. Featuring obligatory guest appearances by Norman Osborn and some Canadian mutant super hero you've probably never heard of. 40 PGS./One-Shot/Rated T+ ...$3.99
DARK WOLVERINE #78 Written by Marjorie Liu & DANIEL WAY Penciled by Stephen Segovia Cover by TBA Variant Cover by DANIEL ACUNA As an Avenger, Daken is supposed to be one of the good guys~to the public, anyway. But when a tape revealing his true colors is leaked onto the internet, Daken will be forced to clean up his act...and confront the possibility that being a hero might just be more difficult than being the villain! 32 PGS./Parental Advisory ...$2.99
DARK REIGN: YOUNG AVENGERS #5 (of 5) Written by PAUL CORNELL Pencils & Cover by MARK BROOKS So can the Young Avengers and those who would be Young Avengers form one big happy group? Can either of them live under Norman Osborn's rules? Will blood out? Will guilt win? Will Speed and Coat or won't they? It's the end. And lots of terrible stuff happens. And everything ends in tatters. 32 PGS./Rated T+ ...$3.99
DARK REIGN: THE HOOD #5 (of 5) Written by JEFF PARKER Penciled by KYLE HOTZ Cover by MARKO DJURDJEVIC Everything comes to a head in this fiery finale, as The Hood tries to hold together his mob, his family, and his sanity...and he will definitely lose at least one! Plus: Parker Robbins learns more about his relationship with the malevolent Dormammu, and just who has been betraying him! It's your chance to take one more look at the human side of the man in the center of the Dark Reign! 32 PGS./Parental Advisory ...$3.99
MS. MARVEL #45 Written by BRIAN REED Pencils & Cover by SANA TAKEDA 70th Anniversary Variant by MARKO DJURDJEVIC WAR OF THE MARVELS CONTINUES! The only woman who can hope to defeat Norman Osborn refuses to fight, and the Dark Reign takes permanent hold of the Marvel Universe--it's Moonstone triumphant as War of the Marvels reaches its penultimate episode! 32 PGS./Rated T+ ...$2.99
DARK REIGN: THE SINISTER SPIDER-MAN #4 (of 4) Written by BRIAN REED Pencils & Cover by CHRIS BACHALO Mac Gargan vs. well, just about everyone. The Dark Avengers! The Redeemers, er, Redeemers! J. Jonah Jameson! It's a fight to the finish as your Frightening Neighborhood Spider-Man eats as many people as possible in 22 pages. 32 PGS./Rated T+ ...$3.99
INVINCIBLE IRON MAN #17 Written by MATT FRACTION Art & Cover by SALVADOR LARROCA What happens when the world's smartest man starts making sloppy mistakes? With the finish line in sight, Tony blows it for everybody and now his whole insane scheme to destroy his own mind, evade Norman Osborn, and save the lives of all his friends who have tried so desperately to help him goes wildly off the rails. Nothing gold can stay, Pony-Boy. 32 PGS./Rated A ...$2.99
INVINCIBLE IRON MAN #18 Written by MATT FRACTION Art & Cover by SALVADOR LARROCA Tony hides out where it all began as Madame Masque's moment of triumph rings out across all the corners of Norman Osborn's empire. Black Widow and Maria Hill are trapped in the belly of the beast. Pepper's suit is in the possession of H.A.M.M.E.R. And when Stark's one last sloppy mistake gives up his location, it's Osborn himself that suits up and gets in the game. It all ends next issue, kids. 32 PGS./Rated A ...$2.99
WAR MACHINE #10 Written by GREG PAK Penciled by Allan Jefferson Cover by FRANCESCO MATTINA A DARK REIGN TIE-IN! For the last nine issues, Norman Osborn and James Rhodes have attempted to destroy each other's most precious hopes and dreams - all without ever seeing each other face to face. But now everything comes to a head as Iron Patriot and War Machine finally throw down! And this ain't just another show fight, kids -- by the end of this issue, only one armored giant will remain standing! Find out why ComicBookResources.com says, "Little did I know how far Greg Pak would take this concept...this issue proves that it refuses to let itself be overlooked. It won't sit quietly in its little corner and play nice." 32 PGS./Rated T+ ...$2.99
THUNDERBOLTS #136 Classified until 6/22/09 48 PGS./Rated T+ ...$3.99
EXILES #6 Written by JEFF PARKER Pencils & Cover by SALVADOR ESPIN The Exiles are back to finish what they started in their first mission, and its Panther knows how to bring down the mutant alliance! (Hint: involves mutants getting nekkid) Also, Morph returns to prep the team for a new mission to a world where "science" never caught on so much. 48 PGS./Parental Advisory ...$3.99
AGENTS OF ATLAS #10 & 11 Written by JEFF PARKER Penciled by DAN PANOSIAN & PAUL RIVOCHE Covers by DAVE JOHNSON There's no enemy quite like a former lover, is there? The gloves are all the way off as Jade Claw and her forces begin assaulting Atlas on every front! The Agents throw everything they've got at the Great Wall, but to no avail. Gorilla-Man is convinced only ONE member of the team can possibly stop the rain of pain... 32 PGS.(each)/Rated T+ ...$2.99 (each)
It's a bloody struggle for power with the new Black Panther attacked on all fronts. Cyber-enhanced assassins are gunning for her - using technology whose origins will rock Wakanda to its foundations - and sexy new villain, Predator, is looking to make a trophy out of the her head. Meanwhile, T'Challa - no longer the Panther - embarks on a path that will take him down dark roads he's never walked before. He's gearing up for something really, really big. The question is, what? 32 PGS./Rated T+ ...$2.99
AVENGERS: THE INITIATIVE #28 Written by CHRISTOS N. GAGE Penciled by RAFA SANDOVAL Cover by MATTEO DELONGIS The seeds of discontent bear fruit in the new Initiative as several members rebel against Norman Osborn's new regime, and one state team openly secedes...but Norman and the Taskmaster don't take kindly to disobedience. The Avengers Resistance is having troubles of its own, however, as one New Warrior quits...another is taken prisoner...and Tigra's campaign of revenge escalates. Meanwhile, the therapy sessions between Trauma and Penance take what could be a very dangerous turn...and Butterball fever hits America! It's action, intrigue and tangled webs being weaved in the mighty Marvel manner! 32 PGS./Rated T+ ...$2.99
GHOST RIDERS: HEAVEN'S ON FIRE #2 (of 6) Written by JASON AARON Penciled by ROLAND BOSCHI Cover by PHIL JIMENEZ The quest to save the Anti-Christ continues, as Johnny Blaze, the Son of Satan, occult terrorist Jaine Cutter and the all-new Caretaker team up to battle the minions of the evil angel Zadkiel in the streets and corporate towers of New York City. And just what sort of dark dealings does Danny Ketch have in mind? And who's this guy with demons for arms? And is that a steam shovel with eyes on it? 32 PGS./Parental Advisory ...$3.99
HOUSE OF M: MASTERS OF EVIL #2 (of 5) Written by CHRISTOS N. GAGE Penciled by MANUEL GARCIA Cover by MIKE PERKINS What is the Sapiens Rights League, and how is it connected to the Hood's crime spree? That's what S.H.I.E.L.D. wants to know, and they're sending in the elite Red Guard to investigate. Here comes Rogue, Nightcrawler, Mystique and Wolverine! And when several members of the Hood's super-villain gang are captured, will he stage a mid-air Helicarrier jail break...or is there no honor among thieves? 32 PGS./Rated T+ ...$3.99
FANTASTIC FOUR #571 Written by Jonathan Hickman Penciled by Dale Eaglesham Cover by ALAN DAVIS Reed continues his quest to right all wrongs while Ben and Johnny prepare for a trip to Nu-Earth. Val figures out what her dad is up to and Sue wants to know "is that an ultimate nullifier in your pocket?" All that and a world-eater before breakfast! Part two of SOLVE EVERYTHING. 32 PGS./Rated A ...$2.99
INCREDIBLE HERCULES #134 Written by GREG PAK & FRED VAN LENTE Penciled by REILLY BROWN Cover by RAFAEL ALBERQUERQUE "The Replacement Thor" continues as the Mighty Hercules, wearing the Thunder God's togs and towing a most unexpected guest star along to provide the pyrotechnics, descends to mysterious Svartalfheim to save the day from a new threat among the Dark Elves. But everything changes when the wicked Elven Queen turns out to be as languorously lovely as she is lethal! What Would Thor Do? Probably not what happens in this book! 32 PGS./Rated T+ ...$2.99
INCREDIBLE HERCULES #135 Written by GREG PAK & FRED VAN LENTE Penciled by RODNEY BUCHEMI Cover by RAFAEL ALBERQUERQUE AMADEUS CHO is MASTER MIND EXCELLO! Heroically parachuting behind enemy lines! Bravely rescuing beautiful secret agents imprisoned inside the death traps of a mad Nazi genius! And discovering for the first time what the real nature of his powers are as his secret origin continues -- at last the truth can be revealed here! 32 PGS./Rated T+ ...$2.99
INCREDIBLE HULK #602 Written by Greg Pak Pencils & Cover by Ariel Olivetti Savage She-Hulk backup by FRED VAN LENTE & MICHAEL RYAN X marks the spot as the most insane father and son duo in the Marvel Universe take on one of the Green Goliath's most formidable adversaries. That's right, it's the JUGGERNAUT, bi--bi--boys and girls! What happens when an unstoppable force meets the Old Power and the gamma-fueled genes of the Strongest One There Is? Massive destruction and emotional revelation, that's what! Continuing the acclaimed writer Greg Pak's return to the "Incredible Hulk,"plus, in the "Savage She-Hulk" backup story written by Fred Van Lente, Lyra takes on the all-new Gamma Corps Black! 40 PGS./Rated T+ ...$3.99
HULK TEAM-UP Written by MARC SUMERAK & ALEXANDER ZALBON Penciled by SANFORD GREEN & JOYCE CHIN Cover by MICHAEL GOLDEN Mutant mayhem in a Battle by the Bay! While exploring their new home in San Francisco, X-Men Iceman and Angel discover that the weirdest part of the city isn't its eclectic populace or crazy landmarks, but the monsters that pass through -- namely the Incredible Hulk! Now they've got to track down Hulk and get to the bottom of a series of earthquakes (because THAT never happens in SF...) before the Red Hulk shows up bringing his trademark good cheer to San Fran. Did we say good cheer? We meant destruction and carnage. PLUS: Dazzler rocks out at the Fillmore and Hulk's got backstage passes! Will the Pop Princess get Smashed, live in concert? 40 PGS./One-Shot/Rated T+ ...$3.99
SON OF HULK #15 Written by PAUL JENKINS Penciled by ANDRES GUINALDO ISABEL Cover by ALEX GARNER Planet Sakaar is no more. The SON OF HULK will stop at nothing to exact his revenge on the Mighty GALACTUS for devouring his homeworld -- but there are those who wish to prevent him in his quest for blood. Nothing is at it seems as the Son of Hulk does whatever it takes to rain destruction on his enemies and bring Galactus to his knees. Will the prophesies of the Old Power hold true or is the Son of Hulk destined for failure? 32 PGS./Parental Advisory ...$2.99
HULK #15 Written by JEPH LOEB Pencils & Cover by IAN CHURCHILL Variant Cover by ED MCGUINNESS The battle you've been waiting for: THE RED HULK VS. WOLVERINE. Plus: Deadpool! Elektra! Punisher! Vs. X-Force! All this and a shock ending that will have all of Marveldom twittering! Superstars Jeph Loeb and Ian Churchill continue the action packed part 2 of CODE RED! 32 PGS./Rated T+ ...$3.99
NOVA #29 Written by DAN ABNETT & ANDY LANNING Penciled by Kevin Sharpe Cover by ADI GRANOV "Starstalker" part 1 of 2! How has the aftermath of the War of Kings affected the newly reborn and viciously battered Nova Corps? When the universe is changed, who is left to protect and serve the innocents? Out of the devastation--and from Marvel's cosmic past--strides a mysterious new threat...and an unexpected ally! Find out who in the latest issue of the series that ComicPants.com calls, "a consistently entertaining and enjoyable read...If you haven't been reading Nova you are missing out on one of Marvels best written books." 32 PGS./Rated T+ ...$2.99
GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY #18 Written by DAN ABNETT & ANDY LANNING Penciled by WES CRAIG Cover by PASQUAL FERRY Who are the Guardians of the Galaxy? In the wake of the War of Kings, the 31st Century is hit by wave after wave of temporal distortions! Rocked by this lethal and uncertain era, a handful of surviving Guardians must confront faces from the future that you should find very familiar! Yes, it's another unpredictable chapter in the series that Wizard says "spans every genre to deliver the best space-based Marvel tale this side of the Milky Way." 32 PGS./Rated T+ ...$2.99
IMMORTAL WEAPONS #3 (of 5) Written by RICK SPEARS Art by TIMOTHY GREEN II Cover by DAVID AJA Iron Fist Back-Up Story by Duane Swierczynski & Travel Foreman The legends say that if you're an orphan, a runaway, one of the forgotten, and you get lost enough - you will find your way to the Under-City. As British warships pound China's shores during the thick of the first Opium War, scores of orphan refugees keep themselves warm at night with stories of the Under-City and its champion, their protector - Dog Brother #1! Hero to all the strays on all the streets of the world! But with orphans mysteriously disappearing from the streets, are the boys' stories of Dog Brother just that...and does anybody exist who will help them? Don't miss this action-packed one-shot spinning out of the pages of IMMORTAL IRON FIST! 40 PGS./Rated T+ ...$3.99
IRON MAN & THE ARMOR WARS #2 (of 4) Written by JOE CARAMAGNA Penciled by CRAIG ROUSSEAU Cover by SKOTTIE YOUNG You're Tony Stark. You invented Iron Man. You ARE Iron Man. Now all of your Iron Man armors have been stolen, and super villains are using your armor to try and destroy you. What do you do? You use an old set of DR. DOOM's armor to beat the snot out of your own tech, THAT's what you do. 32 PGS./All Ages ...$2.99
MARVEL ADVENTURES SPIDER-MAN #55 Written by PAUL TOBIN Penciled by MATTEO LOLLI Cover by SKOTTIE YOUNG When Captain George Stacy puts pressure on New York's criminal underworld, they put pressure on him in return, using his daughter Gwen as a pawn in a vicious struggle for control of the streets of New York City. What Captain Stacy doesn't know is that he has an ally in Gwen's classmate, Peter Parker... the Amazing Spider-Man! Or, DOES he know this? And is Spider-Man a match for the enforcer known as Tombstone? Find out in "Why I Was Late For Class," guest-starring Steve Rogers... Captain America! 32 PGS./All Ages ...$2.99
MARVEL ADVENTURES SUPER HEROES #15 Written by PAUL TOBIN Penciled by AMILCAR PINNA Cover by SEAN GALLOWAY Ahhh, the majesty of a Hollywood! The glamour! The glitz! Beautiful dresses! Well-tailored suits and a pair of... purple pants? When the Hulk and Tigra show up on the red carpet for Hollywood's biggest awards night, a veritable shoo-in to win Best Documentary for the critically acclaimed "Don't Look At The Camera: 3 days in the life of the Hulk," it looks like it's going to be a truly magical night... that is unless the supervillain known as Mysterio gets mad that HIS studio doesn't win Best Special Effects and takes over the entire awards show in order to create an illusion that an alien armada is attacking New York, fooling the Hulk into thinking he's defending the city when he's really destroying it. But what are the chances of THAT happening. (Hint: It does.) 32 PGS./All Ages ...$2.99
MARVEL SUPER HERO SQUAD #1 (of 4) Written by PAUL TOBIN Pencils & Cover by DARIO BRIZUELA The greatest cartoon in the history of cartoons! Coming to a moving television screen near you!!!! ...but until it does, why not try out the non-moving paper version? It's just as good, but without all that pesky listening. C'mon down to SUPER HERO CITY and join IRON MAN, HULK, WOLVERINE, CAPTAIN AMERICA, SILVER SURFER, THOR and waaaaaaay more-more-more, as they battle DR. DOOM and his masters of evil for control of the SUPER-powerful Infinity Fractals! 32 PGS./All Ages ...$3.99
SPIDER-MAN MAGAZINE #8 Cover by PAT LEE It's Spider-Man from cover to cover in the latest senses-shattering edition of the wall-crawler's very own ongoing magazine! In addition to full-length comic-book stories, this issue features puzzles, games, pinups and a pull-out poster! 96 PGS./All Ages ...$6.99
MARVEL DIVAS #3 (of 4) Written by ROBERTO AGUIRRE-SACASA Art by TONCI ZONJIC Cover by PATRICK ZIRCHER When Angelica "Firestar" Jones' battle takes a turn for the worse, Patsy "Hellcat" Walker makes a deal with the Son of Satan to save her friend's life. Fortunately (or unfortunately), Monica "Photon" Rambeau's gotten ahold of one of the world's most powerful occult objects - but does she have the will to control it? Meanwhile, Felicia "The Black Cat" Hardy slips back into her black bodysuit (and her old life of crime?)...putting her into direct conflict with her on-again-off-again flame, the Puma! It's the brawl for it all, folks, and someone's getting their face messed up! 32 PGS./Parental Advisory ...$3.99
RUNAWAYS #14 Written by Kathryn Immonen Penciled by Sara Pichelli Cover by David Lafuente The unbelievable conclusion to "Homeschooling" is here. And someone comes back. 48 PGS./Rated T+ ...$3.99
MODELS, INC. #2 (of 4) Written by PAUL TOBIN Penciled by VICENC VILLAGRASA Cover by SCOTT CLARK Millie Collins suspected of murder? Could it get any stranger? How about when she's linked to a second murder by a policeman who's intent on making a name for himself, and who has romantic intentions on Millie? It's up to her fellow models, Jill Jerold, Patsy Walker, Chili Storm and Tony Turner to turn up the clues to turn Millie loose! Don't miss a minute of the action, from floral prints to fingerprints, as the Marvel Models delve deeper into this mysterious case! 32 PGS./Rated T+ ...$3.99
SHANG-CHI: MASTER OF KUNG-FU Written by JONATHAN HICKMAN, CHARLIE HUSTON, MIKE BENSON & ROBIN FURTH Penciled by KODY CHAMBERLAIN, NELSON & MORE! Cover by LUCIO PARRILLO It's DEADPOOL versus SHANG-CHI, the peerless Master of Kung-Fu, in a KUNG-FU MOTORCYCLE RACE! You won't believe your eyes when you read this all-new, all-action, all-black-and-white one shot in the spirit of the Mighty Marvel Magazines of yore, but ALL-NOW in style! The kung-fu fighting never lets up for a moment over these fourstories by some of Marvel's hottest writers, including a prose tale by DARK TOWER's Robin Furth! If you like your comics bold--this is for you! 48 PGS./Black and White/One-Shot/Parental Advisory ...$3.99
PUNISHER ANNUAL #1 Written by RICK REMENDER Pencils & Cover by JASON PEARSON "REMOTE CONTROL" The Punisher faces his greatest challenge yet: Trapped in the throes of a hypnotic spell, Spider-Man's gone psycho and he wants to grind Frank Castle's bones to paste! And since Spidey's not really to blame for his actions, Castle faces a dilemma: Fight (the only way he knows how) or die. Can the Punisher survive a bloodthirsty Wall-Crawler long enough to disconnect him from the control of the Dirty Dozen's leaders, Letha and Lascivious? Super-star artist Jason Pearson joins regular series writer Rick Remender. 48 PGS./Parental Advisory ...$3.99
PUNISHER #9 Written by RICK REMENDER Penciled by TAN ENG HUAT Cover by MIKE MCKONE "DEAD END," PART 4 It's one of those days... Gunning for the Punisher, the monstrous and impenetrable tank of the Hijacker lays waste to New York...Frank Castle uncovers the terrible history of his brand-new assistant, Henry (an origin guaranteed to astonish)...and someone just dug up the caskets of Castle's family (that's got to end badly). 32 PGS./Parental Advisory ...$2.99
MIGHTY AVENGERS #29 Written by Dan Slott Penciled by Khoi Pham Cover by MARKO DJURDJEVIC "SECRETS & LIES" It's all out action at the Avengers new headqarters as RONIN and VISION face off against the SCARLET WITCH! Readers already know the Scarlet Witch is secretly LOKI, but could this be the issue where STATURE and the other MIGHTY AVENGERS find out? Also, on the outskirts of Tibet, QUICKSILVER and a longtime Avengers villain uncover THE UNSPOKEN'S plan to dominate all life on Earth. What is the secret origin of The Slave Engine? And what horribly, freakish thing has it done to the U.S. AGENT? Guest Starring: RONIN and THE YOUNG AVENGERS 32 PGS./Rated A ...$2.99
SPIDER-WOMAN #1 Written by BRIAN MICHAEL BENDIS Pencils & 50/50 Cover by ALEX MALEEV 50/50 Cover by ALEX ROSS THE WAIT IS OVER! The explosive Eisner award-winning team of Bendis and Maleev reunite for their first ongoing series since Daredevil! Ripped from the pages of New Avengers and Secret Invasion, watch as the gorgeous and mysterious Jessica Drew reenters a society she did not make...as an AGENT OF S.W.O.R.D. This brand new series is a perfect companion to the dazzling Spider-Woman motion comic. Containing new story and artwork not available in any other format. This is the start of a major chapter in one of the most high profile characters in all of Marvel Comics. 32 PGS./Rated T+ ...$3.99
SECRET WARRIORS #8 Written by Jonathan Hickman Penciled by ALESSANDRO VITTI Cover by Jim Cheung Nick Fury and a long-dormant spy now reactivated continue their top secret mission while the kids get in way over their heads as they go up against members of the Dark Avengers and the Thunderbolts...and while no one else is looking, HYDRA's grand plans continue to unfold. All that and Ares is finally reunited with his son - watch the sparks fly! It's GOD OF FEAR. GOD OF WAR. Part two of four! 32 PGS./Rated T+ ...$2.99
THOR ANNUAL #1 Written by PETER MILLIGAN Pencils by MICO SUAYAN & CLAY MANN Cover by Marko Djurdjevic The mighty Thor has been exiled from Asgard. Without his allies at his side, the wounded and isolated God of Thunder discovers that time does not heal all wounds...especially when it's the Egyptian pantheon bearing the grudge!! Seth! Grog! The enemies from Thor's past have returned...and they are howling for revenge, ready to exploit Thor's misery and finish him off once and for all. Don't miss this action-packed, Midgard-shattering annual! All this and a reprint of Journey Into Mystery #83 remastered with modern coloring! 48 PGS./New & Reprint/Rated T+ ...$3.99
TROJAN WAR #5 (of 5) Written by ROY THOMAS Penciled by MIGUEL ANGEL SEPULVEDA Cover by DENNIS CALERO The concluding chapter in the series ties all the events together, as writer Roy Thomas draws on a variety of ancient sources to weave this compelling tale. In the aftermath of the devastation of the city of Troy, the Greeks sail away, though Agamemnon stays on in Troy's ruins for a time to appease the anger of Athena. Finally, King Menelaus returns home safely with the beautiful Helen, whose lover Paris, is dead. She is the catalyst who began the conflict, the woman whose face launched a thousand ships. 32 PGS./Parental Advisory ...$3.99
THOR: TALES OF ASGARD BY STAN LEE & JACK KIRBY #5 (of 6) Written by STAN LEE Penciled by JACK KIRBY Cover by OLIVIER COIPEL The legend has come true! By the will of the gods, I am alive! I am invincible! I am -- THOR!!! And so began the very first epic tale of Marvel's most revered hero, the mighty Thor, whose legend would grow alongside the success of Marvel comics, making him the most exciting super hero of all time! Never has Thor been more sensational than during these early tales, crafted by Marvel's greatest, Stan Lee and Jack Kirby. Re-live classic Norse mythology in the mighty Marvel manner as well as Stan and Jack's stories of the Norse Gods and Thor before he came to Earth as Don Blake. Witness as these masters breathe life into the thunder god and some of Marvel's most enduring characters: Helmdall, Balder, Loki, Odin and Hela. Read these stories as never before with all-new, modern coloring and six extraordinary interlocking covers by current THOR artist Olivier Coipel. Collecting the "Tales of Asgard" backup stories from THOR #129-136. 48 PGS./ Remastered Reprints /All Ages ...$3.99
WOLVERINE: OLD MAN LOGAN GIANT-SIZE #1 Written by MARK MILLAR Pencils & Cover by STEVE MCNIVEN This is it! The moment you've been waiting for! Prepare yourselves for the most brutal battle in the history of comics as Wolverine returns-- and unleashes a tidal wave of bloody revenge! It's Wolverine versus the Hulk Gang to the death! Don't miss the flesh-rending final chapter to the greatest Wolverine story ever told by the peerless Mark Millar and Steve McNiven! Plus--you won't be able to tear yourself away from the gallery of covers, background material, behind-the-scenes extras, and all-new pinups that fill out this GIANT-SIZE SPECTACULAR! 64 PGS./New & Extras/Parental Advisory ...$4.99
WOLVERINE WEAPON X #5 Written by JASON AARON Pencils & Cover by RON GARNEY Variant Cover by CARLOS PACHECO "THE ADAMANTIUM MEN" The saga of "The Adamantium Men" comes to its heart-stopping and flesh-slicing conclusion. The Chief Executive of Blackguard wants Wolverine dead, and he has a whole squad of laser-clawed super soldiers ready to do the job. When a final confrontation is set-up, how can Wolvie resist the chance to show up and take them all down, even if it's a fight he can't possibly win? Part 5 (of 5) 32 PGS./Parental Advisory ...$3.99
UNCANNY X-MEN #515 Classified until 6/22/09 32 PGS./Rated T+ ...$2.99
DEADPOOL #15 Written by DANIEL WAY Penciled by PACO MEDINA Cover by JASON PEARSON "WANT YOU TO WANT ME," PART 1 Now that he knows that a pirate's life isn't for him, Deadpool's now starting to seriously question this whole "mercenary" thing. Maybe there's something else he could do with his life. He doesn't know what that could be, but then he turns on the television, and he knows exactly where he needs to be, and who needs him most. Hello, San Francisco! 32 PGS./Parental Advisory ...$2.99
DEADPOOL: MERC WITH A MOUTH #3 Written by VICTOR GISCHLER Penciled by BONG DAZO Cover by ARTHUR SUYDAM "HEAD TRIP," PART 3 They don't call it the "Savage Land" for nothing! Trapped between cavemen zombies and an elite Hydra strike team, Deadpool's only bargaining chip is the thing they both covet: The severed-but-still-devious head of the Marvel Zombies Deadpool! If the Merc With a Mouth is going to survive, he's going to need all his wits and a timely assist from a guy in a loincloth named Ka-Zar and his saber-tooth sidekick. And he'd best keep one eye on "Headpool" - 'cause that little critter is not to be trusted. 32 PGS./Parental Advisory ...$2.99
CABLE #18 Written by DUANE SWIERCZYNSKI Penciled by GABRIEL GUZMAN Cover by ARIEL OLIVETTI Some call space the "final frontier." But for time-traveling mutant soldier Cable and Hope -- the so-called "mutant messiah" -- space is their last and only chance at survival. The Earth is dead, thanks to their foe Bishop, and if Hope is going to make it to adulthood, she's going to have to do it in the cold, lonely vacuum of space, alone except for dark forces that know she's coming. Forces which are very, very hungry... 32 PGS./Rated T+ ...$2.99
X-FORCE #19 Written by CRAIG KYLE & CHRISTOPHER YOST Art & Cover by MIKE CHOI & SONIA OBACK "NOT FORGOTTEN" X-23's past catches up to her in the worst way possible, at the worst time possible...and X-Force can't find her. X-23's only hope is the one woman who's been working to take her down since issue TWO...Agent Morales. But can either of them survive against the one foe X-23 has never beaten? PLUS! The Leper Queen's secrets are revealed! And another member of Selene's 'Inner Circle' is revealed as her unspeakable plan gets one step closer to reality. Part 3 (of 4) 32 PGS./Parental Advisory ...$2.99
WOLVERINE ORIGINS #40 Written by DANIEL WAY Penciled by SCOT EATON Cover by DOUG BRAITHWAITE Variant Cover by SIMONE BIANCHI "ROMULUS" Marvel history is made as, finally, Wolverine comes face to face with Romulus, the ancient being who has controlled his fate since birth. It all comes down to this! Part 4 (of 4) 32 PGS./Parental Advisory ...$2.99
X-FACTOR #48 & 49 Written by PETER DAVID Penciled by VALENTINE DE LANDRO Cover by DAVID YARDIN Cortex stands revealed! Or does he? The plan of the president's science team threatens Madrox and Layla! Or does it? Shatterstar gets a milkshake! Or does he? It's all going according to the plan of Doctor Doom! Or is it? 32 PGS.(each)/Rated T+ ...$2.99 (each)
NEW MUTANTS #5 Written by ZEB WELLS Penciled by ZACHARY BALDUS Cover by ADAM KUBERT "The Calm" WARLOCK IS BACK! Everyone's favorite alien is back on Earth, but why? Also, see the effects that UTOPIA had on Illyana and the rest of her crew and witness the most vicious fight ever to grace the pages of NEW MUTANTS. The combatants? Cannonball and Dani Moonstar. 32 PGS./Rated T+ ...$2.99
ASTONISHING X-MEN SKETCHBOOK Cover by PHIL JIMENEZ Warren Ellis and the Astonishing X-Men usher in a new era with an exciting new artist! With his two most recent high-profile assignments, Phil Jimenez has revealed two very different layers to his artistic persona: In AMAZING SPIDER-MAN, he's delineated the very action-packed but also very personal life of comic's everyman, Peter Parker; and with the DC limited series Infinite Crisis, Phil proved he sure does know his way around a widescreen epic! With ASTONISHING X-MEN, he gets to do a little of both, joining forces with Ellis to delve into the intimate lives of your favorite mutants with the adventure and grandeur you expect from a classic X-Men tale. So in honor of his taking the reins of the X-Universe's hippest title, we're going to give his art the royal treatment, with a trip inside his sketchbook, featuring commentary from the artist himself! 32 PGS./Rated T+ ...FREE!
UNCANNY X-MEN: FIRST CLASS #3 Written by SCOTT GRAY Pencils & Cover by ROGER CRUZ Sean Cassidy has played many roles in his life: an adventurer, an Interpol agent, even a criminal. Now he's Banshee, one of the new X-Men, and he's in love with the beautiful Moira MacTaggert! However, Sean had another beloved once: his long-lost wife Maeve. But is she really dead? Banshee's dark past threatens his future as he faces a macabre threat in "The Next Life"! Also: Peter Corbeau and his Starcore team make an ominous discovery on the surface of the Sun... 32 PGS./Rated A ...$2.99
WOLVERINE FIRST CLASS #19 Written by PETER DAVID Penciled by DENNIS CALERO Cover by SKOTTIE YOUNG Guess who's invading the pages of Wolverine: First Class? Here's a hint: it's a secret. Can't guess? Okay, we'll tell ya -- it's those dastardly Skrulls! What happens when Logan and Kitty get shanghaied by that pesky FF foe, the Super-Skrull? We could spoil it, but where's the fun in that? Guaranteed there's no one better to cut that wrinkly-chinned chump down to size than the X-mansion's resident canucklehead and his intangible apprentice. But we're gonna guess he's got some tricks up those rocky sleeves of his... 32 PGS./Rated A ...$2.99
X-MEN FOREVER #7 & 8 Written by CHRIS CLAREMONT Penciled by STEVE SCOTT Covers by TOM GRUMMETT The X-Men embark on a whole new adventure in South America! Kitty, Jean Gray, Beast, Nightcrawler and Rogue join S.H.I.E.L.D. leader Nick Fury on an investigation into mysterious occurrences deep in the South American jungle. While investigating a familiar enemy, Fury recalls a mission from his past, when he served with an old friend, a Canadian soldier named Logan. Don't miss this newest installment of comic legend Chris Claremont's thrilling return to the X-Men! 32 PGS.(each)/Rated A ...$3.99 (each)
GENEXT: UNITED #5 (of 5) Written by CHRIS CLAREMONT Penciled by JONBOY MEYERS Cover by ALEX GARNER This is it! The final showdown in India! The young heroes of GeNext track down their assailants for a battle to the finish. With GAMBIT fighting by their side, will the members of GeNext survive or is this end of the next generation of X-Men? 32 PGS./Rated A ...$3.99
____________________ Marvel Checklist Der ultimative Leitfaden durch das Marvel-Universum
[editiert: 16.06.09, 22:49 von Legacy]
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Beiträge: 12723 Ort: Hamburg
wieviele Comics: 10.011 US-Marvels
Erstellt: 15.06.09, 18:06 Betreff: Marvel-Solicitations 2009-08 (Sep) - Trades, HCs, Digests & Stuff
Marvel-Solicitations 2009-08 (Sep) - Trades, HCs, Digests & Stuff
PUNISHER: FRANK CASTLE MAX #74 Written by VICTOR GISCHLER Penciled by GORAN PARLOV Cover by DAVE JOHNSON SPECIAL, DOUBLE-SIZED ISSUE! Deep in the Louisiana Bayou with cannibal rednecks in hot pursuit, Frank Castle is in a world of trouble. And if Frank thought Big Earl was a handful, wait until he gets a load of Junior, the Geautreux who makes the rest of the clan look like charm school graduates. To survive, the Punisher just might have to make peace with the cargo he was hauling down the back roads in his trunk - cargo that just got free and wants a little payback. 48 PGS./Explicit Content ...$4.99
DOMINIC FORTUNE #2 (of 4) Written by HOWARD CHAYKIN Pencils & Cover by HOWARD CHAYKIN "THE 'IT CAN HAPPEN HERE, AND NOW' RESOLUTION!" PART 2 New York City isn't ready for Jock Madison, Vaughn Robillard and P.T. Oakley, three hard drinking Hollywood hotshots looking for trouble in the Big Apple--and Dominic Fortune has his hands so full babysitting these three disorderly drunks as they carouse at the track, the fights and every nightclub in town, he can't pour them on a Berlin bound zeppelin fast enough. Once they're airborne, Fortune has an intimate reunion with the sensually wickedly Delatriz Betancourt, while her partner in crime Malcolm Upshaw puts a price on our hero's head on the sinister streets of Berlin...and all the while, the clock keeps ticking on their conspiracy to bring the U.S. government to its knees. 32 PGS./Explicit Content ...$3.99
STRANGE TALES #1 (of 3) Written and Drawn by PAUL POPE, PETER BAGGE, MOLLY CRABAPPLE, JOHN LEAVITT, JUNKO MIZUNO, DASH SHAW, JAMES KOCHALKA, JOHNNY RYAN, MICHAEL KUPPERMAN, NICK BERTOZZI, NICHOLAS GUREWICH & JASON Cover by PAUL POPE At long last, the wait is over!! Marvel is proud to present the debut of this hotly anticipated three issue anthology showcasing Marvel's greatest characters re-imagined by the best and brightest talents working in independent comics today. Don't miss what's sure to be one of the most exciting collections of comics short stories ever produced!!! Every issue stars a stunning array of the best, most exciting cartoonists on the planet--showcasing the Marvel Heroes as you've never seen them before! Featuring the long-awaited Peter Bagge "Incorrigible Hulk" serialized over all three issues! 48 PGS./Explicit Content ...$4.99
KABUKI REFLECTIONS #15 Written by DAVID MACK Art by DAVID MACK Cover by DAVID MACK This square-bound art book features new art and commentary, step-by-step techniques, and loads of never-before-seen extras -- including figure drawings; paintings; album cover art; large art; live art shows; original scripts; art from Mack's children's books; and process not shown on the DVD documentary on Mack's work, THE ALCHEMY OF ART: DAVID MACK from Herovideoproductions.com. 48 PGS./Rated T+ ...$5.99
OFFERED AGAIN: REFLECTIONS #5-14, KABUKI: THE ALCHEMY HC, and KABUKI: THE ALCHEMY #1 Alex Maleev variant cover and #9 Mike Allred variant cover.
CRIMINAL: The Sinners #1 By Ed Brubaker and Sean Phillips FROM THE CREATORS OF INCOGNITO -- THE AWARD-WINNING SERIES RETURNS! "THE BEST CRIME COMIC EVER PUBLISHED..." - Comic Book Resources One of the most award-winning and acclaimed comics series of the last several years returns to the shelves this September with a perfect new jumping-on point for new readers -- or those who've gotten hooked on Brubaker and Phillips hit series INCOGNITO and are craving more! CRIMINAL's most popular character, TRACY LAWLESS returns in THE SINNERS. It's been a year since Tracy was forced into working for the bad guys, and now made men are turning up dead all over the city, in what appears to be mob-style hits. But since criminals don't go to the cops for justice... only Tracy can solve this crime. 40 PGS/Mature Content/No ads.... $3.50
CRIMINAL: The Deluxe Edition By Ed Brubaker and Sean Phillips This oversized deluxe hardback edition features CRIMINAL books 1 thru 3 -- COWARD, LAWLESS, and THE DEAD AND THE DYING. A fantastically-designed and printed book showcasing the Eisner and Harvey Award-Winning crime comics from the creators of SLEEPER and INCOGNITO. Also features many extras - including a Criminal short story and the never-before-printed five page "movie trailer in comics form" that Brubaker and Phillips created to announce the series online... illustrations, selected articles, behind the scenes looks, painted covers... and much much more! A true collector's edition spectacular from two of the hottest creators in comics, and a must-have for any fan! 400 pages/Mature Content... $49.99
DAREDEVIL BY BRIAN MICHAEL BENDIS & ALEX MALEEV OMNIBUS VOL. 2 HC Written by BRIAN MICHAEL BENDIS Penciled by ALEX MALEEV, MICHAEL GOLDEN, GREG HORN, P. CRAIG RUSSEL, PHIL HESTER, CHRIS BACHALO, JAE LEE, DAVID FINCH, FRANK QUITELY, ROB HAYNES & MICHAEL LARK Cover by ALEX MALEEV During a character-defining run, Brian Michael Bendis crafted a pulp-fiction narrative that exploited the Man Without Fear's rich tapestry of characters and psychodrama, and resolved them in an incredibly nuanced, modern approach. Earning an Eisner Award for Best Continuing Series, Bendis and artist Alex Maleev restored Daredevil to a luster worthy of the all-time greats. In this volume, Bendis and Maleev's run comes to a blistering conclusion with a Daredevil/Black Widow team-up that takes an interesting turn; untold tales of Hell's Kitchen past and present; and the return of Wilson Fisk, the Kingpin of Crime! Collecting DAREDEVIL #61-81, DAREDEVIL: NINJA #1-3 and WHAT IF KAREN PAGE HAD LIVED? 656 PGS./Rated T+ ...$99.99 ISBN: 978-0-7851-3813-6 DAREDEVIL BY BRIAN MICHAEL BENDIS & ALEX MALEEV OMNIBUS VOL. 1 HC STILL AVAILABLE! $99.99 (ISBN: 978-0-7851-3112-0)
MARVEL MASTERWORKS: NICK FURY, AGENT OF S.H.I.E.L.D. VOL. 2 HC Written by JIM STERANKO with ROY THOMAS Penciled by JIM STERANKO Cover by JIM STERANKO Don't yield, True Believers, because the MARVEL MASTERWORKS are backing one of the most influential series in comics history by one of the art form's prime movers, Jim Steranko's Nick Fury, Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.! Blending together influences from Pop art to Salvador Dali and across comics' history from Will Eisner to Wally Wood, Steranko's boundary-breaking style is an incomparable visual language that influences and inspires storytellers decades later. Chock full of high-stakes espionage and larger-than-life villains, from Baron Strucker and his Hydra hordes to the Yellow Claw and the horrific Hell Hound of Ravenlock, each adventure will have you on the edge of your seat. Topped with guest appearances from Captain America and the Fantastic Four--not to mention from out of the Atlas Era, the Marvel debut of agent Jimmy Woo--Steranko's S.H.I.E.L.D. is an uncontested high-water mark that every devotee of the medium must experience. Collecting STRANGE TALES #154-168 and NICK FURY, AGENT OF SHIELD #1-3 272 PGS./All Ages ...$54.99 ISBN: 978-0-7851-3503-6
MARVEL MASTERWORKS: NICK FURY, AGENT OF S.H.I.E.L.D. VOL. 2 -- VARIANT EDITION VOL. 129 272 PGS./All Ages ...$54.99 ISBN: 978-0-7851-3504-3
MARVEL MASTERWORKS: THE AVENGERS VOL. 2 TPB Written by STAN LEE Penciled by DON HECK with JACK KIRBY & DICK AYERS Cover by JACK KIRBY & DEAN WHITE Brought together to fight the biggest menaces in the Marvel Universe, Iron Man, Thor, Giant-Man and the Wasp represented the heavy-hitters of the super-hero set, but Marvel heroes don't just hang out, they live, breathe, argue--and even fall out. In an innovative twist that would come to define the Avengers, Stan Lee chose to have those original Avengers depart, leaving Captain America alone to carry on. But it was who replaced them that really got reader's attention. Hawkeye, Quicksilver and the Scarlet Witch--all conflicted and villains in their own right--became Cap 's new recruits creating a dynamic, unpredictable and exciting quartet that to many would become the Avengers's heart and soul. So sit and back enjoy the evolution of Earth's Mightiest Heroes as they battle Kang the Conqueror, the Mole Man, the Red Ghost, Count Nefaria, Baron Zemo's Masters of Evil, the Mandarin and the Swordsman. With guest appearances by Spider-Man the Incredible Hulk himself, it's a Marvel Masterwork from beginning to end! Collecting THE AVENGERS #11-20. 224 PGS./All Ages ...$24.99 ISBN: 978-0-7851-3708-5
DEADPOOL: SUICIDE KINGS HC Written by MIKE BENSON Penciled by CARLO BARBIERI & SEAN CRYSTAL Cover by GREG LAND Deadpool's latest job has gotten him into a world of trouble. Everyone wants a piece of him -- and for a crime he didn't commit! That's right: Someone's framed Deadpool, and it just might be the same guy who hired him in the first place, a guy who just might be using the mouthy merc as a wild card in a twisted wager. If Wade's going to clear his name and serve up some revenge, he's first got to avoid getting captured -- or killed -- by some of the Marvel Universe's heaviest hitters: Daredevil, the Punisher and Spider-Man. Plus, see what happens when Deadpool goes behind the scenes of "Pain Factor" - the reality TV game show so controversial, it's been banned around the world! Collecting DEADPOOL: SUICIDE KINGS #1-5 and DEADPOOL: GAMES OF DEATH. 152 PGS./Parental Advisory ...$24.99 ISBN: 978-0-7851-4172-3 Trim size: oversized
AVENGERS/INVADERS HC Written by JIM KRUEGER & ALEX ROSS Penciled by STEVE SADOWSKI Cover by ALEX ROSS Legends Live Again. The original Invaders (Captain America, Bucky, Human Torch, Toro, and the Sub-Mariner) return in an all-new tale by the award winning team behind EARTH X, Justice and Project Superpowers .The greatest super-team of World War II finds themselves transported from the battlefields of the Second World War to a future they never imagined! Now, the Invaders find themselves confronted by two teams of Avengers who want desperately to believe these heroes are who they say they are, while Tony Stark faces his greatest challenge since the Civil War as he must deal with the "return" of Steve Rogers. Confronted by a world they barely recognize, the Invaders will have to show two teams of the Earth's Mightiest Heroes just what kind of power, courage and sheer determination it took to defeat the forces of unrelenting evil in the Twentieth century. In fact...they may just have to do it again in the Twenty-First. Collecting AVENGERS/INVADERS #1-12. 320 PGS./Rated T+ ...$39.99 ISBN: 978-0-7851-2942-4 Trim size: oversized
X-MEN ORIGINS HC Written by SEAN MCKEEVER, MIKE CAREY, CHRISTOPHER YOST, CRAIG KYLE & KIERON GILLEN Penciled by MIKE MAYHEW, J.K. WOODWARD, TREVOR HAIRSINE, MARK TEXEIRA, DAVID YARDIN & DAN PANOSIAN Cover by MARK TEXEIRA Witness the very first adventures of your favorite mutants! From the moment Professor Xavier arrived on her doorstep, young Jean Grey knew things would change forever. But she was never prepared for how strange life at the Xavier Institute could be - or just how dangerous she truly was. Will she be able to harness her budding powers in time to prove herself a hero? Or will the ghosts of her past haunt her forever? Then, Hank McCoy never wanted to be different - and for a young mutant with a genius-level brain, camouflage comes easy. But only until a psychopathic terrorist with a god delusion kidnaps his father, and his life is brought into irrevocable confrontation with Charles Xavier and the X-Men. Also, the origin of fan-favorite X-Man Colossus is finally revealed. Deep in the wastes of Siberia, young Piotr Rasputin discovers his mutant abilities -- and becomes the newest target of the ruthless KGB! Plus, from the first time he popped his claws, to the moment he joined the X-Men, Wolverine has had a rough life. See every gruesome detail here! Collecting X-MEN ORIGINS: COLOSSUS, JEAN GREY, BEAST, WOLVERINE, SABRETOOTH and GAMBIT. 144 PGS./Rated T+ ...$29.99 ISBN: 978-0-7851-3451-0 Trim size: oversized
HULK: PLANET SKAAR HC Written by GREG PAK Penciled by BUTCH GUICE & RON LIM Cover by ED MCGUINNESS The soothsayers sing: One day, green-hued giants will clash on the broken battlefields of savage Sakaar. One day the son will confront the father who abandoned him to monsters and madmen. But before Skaar can meet the Hulk, he must survive today's terrible clash. And even with all his rage and strength, what hope can he have against the return of the SILVER SAVAGE? The Silver Surfer returns to Sakaar! Collecting SKAAR: SON OF HULK #7-12 and PLANET SKAAR PROLOGUE. 176 PGS./Parental Advisory ...$29.99 ISBN: 978-0-7851-3986-7 Trim size: oversized
ULTIMATUM: REQUIEM PREMIERE HC Written by BRIAN MICHAEL BENDIS, JOE POKASKI & ARON E. COLEITE Penciled by MARK BAGLEY, STUART IMMONEN, TYLER KIRKHAM & BEN OLIVER Cover by STUART IMMONEN, PASQUAL FERRY & MARK BROOKS With the catastrophes wrought by Ultimatum, does this spell the end for the the Ultimate Universe? Spider-Man has fallen and the Ultimate Universe will never be the same. Original series artist Mark Bagley returns for a special story celebrating the heroism of everyone's favorite webslinger. Then in X-Men, the surviving members of the team say goodbye to their loved ones, pay homage to their memory and try to figure out what happens next. And in Fantastic Four, find out if the first family can continue on in the wake of Ultimatum's devastating events. Collecting ULTIMATUM: SPIDER-MAN REQUIEM #1-2, FANTASTIC FOUR REQUIEM and X-MEN REQUIEM. 128 PGS./Rated T+ ...$19.99 ISBN: 978-0-7851-3925-6 Trim size: standard
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MARVEL 1602 PREMIERE HC Written by NEIL GAIMAN Penciled by ANDY KUBERT Cover by SCOTT MCKOWEN The year is 1602, and strange things are stirring in England. In the service of Queen Elizabeth, court magician Dr. Stephen Strange senses that the bizarre weather plaguing the skies above is not of natural origin. Her majesty's premier spy, Sir Nicholas Fury, fends off an assassination attempt on the Queen by winged warriors rumored to be in service to a mad despot named Doom. News is spreading of "witchbreed" sightings -- young men bearing fantastic superhuman powers and abilities. And in the center of the rising chaos is Virginia Dare, a young girl newly arrived from the New World, guarded by a towering Indian warrior. Can Fury and his allies find a connection to these unusual happenings before the whole world ends? In MARVEL 1602, award-winning writer Neil Gaiman presents a unique vision of the Marvel Universe set four hundred years in the past. Classic Marvel icons such as the X-Men, Spider-Man, the Fantastic Four and Daredevil appear in this intriguing world of 17th- century science and sorcery, instantly familiar to readers, yet subtly different in this new time. MARVEL 1602 combines classic Marvel action and adventure with the historically accurate setting of Queen Elizabeth's reign to create a unique series unlike any other published by Marvel Comics. Collecting MARVEL 1602 #1-8. 248 PGS./Rated T+ ...$24.99 ISBN: 978-0-7851-4135-8 Trim size: standard
SOLEIL: YTHAQ - NO ESCAPE PREMIERE HC Written by CHRISTOPHE ARLESTON Penciled by ADRIEN FLOCH Cover by ADRIEN FLOCH Ythaq is a strange medieval planet where the marooned survivors of a spaceship crash are just trying to survive. The young lieutenant Granite and her friends attempt to join the main group of survivors, but they encounter strange characters that hide from them the mysteries of the planet Ythaq. Discover the truth behind Dhokas, Khengis and Hetzel, and the man with an enormous insect grafted in his back! Collecting SOLEIL: YTHAQ - NO ESCAPE #1-3. 192 PGS./Mature ...$24.99 ISBN: 978-0-7851-4003-0 Trim size: standard
SPIDER-MAN NOIR GN-TPB Written by DAVID HINE & FABRICE SAPOLSKY Penciled by CARMINE DI GIANDOMENICO Cover by DENNIS CALERO It was 1933, four long years after Wall Street crashed and took the rest of the world with it, and the Great Depression was just getting started. And so was the Goblin. A master at turning hopelessness into a commodity, the corrupt mob boss led a colorful gang of circus sideshow freaks -- including the cannibalistic Vulture -- in a corrupt stranglehold on the city. Peter Parker came of age during this time of struggle and hardship. Raised by his Uncle Ben and Aunt May, two stemwinding Socialists committed to positive change for the people, Peter would have been a boyish beacon of optimism in any other era. But in this world of noir, he was an embittered, angry young man on the search for justice. And then along came a spider. After a fated meeting with a mystical arachnid and its life-changing bite, he may have just inherited the force to honor the phrase, "If those in power can't be trusted, it's the responsibility of the people to remove them." Collecting SPIDER-MAN NOIR #1-4. 112 PGS./Rated T+ ...$14.99 ISBN: 978-0-7851-2923-3 Size: 5-3/4 x 8-7/8 inches
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MARVEL SUPER HERO SQUAD: HERO UP! DIGEST HERO COVER Written by PAUL TOBIN Penciled by MARCELO DICHIARA, CHRIS SOTOMAYOR, DARIO BRIZUELA & TODD NAUCK Cover by MARCELO DICHIARA Introducing the Marvel Universe in a way you've NEVER experienced before! Welcome to SUPER HERO CITY, a crowded capital of classy crusaders and crafty criminals in a crammed collective, and home of the SUPER HERO SQUAD! Take a stroll down to the Xavier Institute, past the FF's Baxter Building...but don't stray too far, because dastardly DOCTOR DOOM's domain is the next block over...! Collecting MARVEL SUPER HERO SQUAD: HERO UP! and the comic strips seen exclusively on MARVELKIDS.COM. 96 PGS./All Ages ...$9.99 ISBN: 978-0-7851-4183-9
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WOLVERINE: WEAPON X FILES TPB Written by JEFF CHRISTIANSEN, RONALD BYRD, ERIC J. MOREELS, STUART VANDAL, MICHAEL HOSKIN, CHAD ANDERSON, RICH GREEN, JEPH YORK, MARKUS ETTLINGER, MADISON CARTER, MIKE FICHERA, PAUL BENJAMIN, MARK ROBERT BOURNE, DAVID RIOS, PETER SANDERSON & JERALD DEVICTORIA Cover by FRANK MARTIN JR. Four Wolverine handbooks packed into one collection make this the definitive resource to the world of Wolverine! He may be in an acre of comics each month, but this is the only place to get the real score! Featuring some of the Canucklehead's best allies - including Gambit, Maverick, Tyger Tiger and X-Force! And along for the ride are villains - the likes of Blob, Daken, Deadpool, Mastermind, Orphan Maker, Donald Pierce, the Purifiers, Sabretooth and S'ym. Everything you need to know about Hollywood's favorite mutant is here in one collection! Collecting WOLVERINE: WEAPON X FILES and WOLVERINE ENCYCLOPEDIA #1-3. 224 PGS./Rated T+ ...$24.99 ISBN: 978-0-7851-4240-9
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SAVAGE SHE-HULK TPB Written by FRED VAN LENTE Penciled by PETER VALE & MICHAEL RYAN Cover by ALEX GARNER From a world where society as we know it has crumbled and humanity has been irrevocably changed, she comes--the all-new, all-different SAVAGE SHE-HULK! But now, a deadly mission has brought her to current Marvel continuity. What terrible secret does this gamma-irradiated beauty bare? And is she friend or foe, Inhuman or mutant, Avenger, Defender...or Invader? Discover the mysteries surrounding this all-new superstar in the Marvel Universe as we proudly presents the all new SAVAGE SHE-HULK! Collecting SAVAGE SHE-HULK #1-4 and material from HULK FAMILY. 112 PGS./Rated T+ ...$14.99 ISBN: 978-0-7851-4078-8
MARVEL ZOMBIES/ARMY OF DARKNESS TPB Written by JOHN LAYMAN Penciled by FABIANO NEVES, FERNANDO BLANCO & SEAN PHILLIPS Cover by ARTHUR SUYDAM The Marvel Zombies come face-to-face with Dynamite Entertainment's Ash from ARMY OF DARKNESS! Ash has faced legions of the undead before, but never like this...as he lands in the heart of New York just as the Zombie outbreak begins! See how his actions help turn more heroes and villains into Zombies! Under the watchful eye of Marvel Zombie guru Robert Kirkman, Marvel Zombies vs. the Army of Darkness became THE comic event of 2007! Plus: more classic "homage" covers from painter Arthur Suydam! Collecting MARVEL ZOMBIES/ARMY OF DARKNESS #1-5. 128 PGS./Parental Advisory ...$15.99 ISBN: 978-0-7851-4243-0
MARVEL APES: THE EVOLUTION STARTS HERE TPB Written by KARL KESEL & TOM PEYER Penciled by REILLY BROWN, CHAD HARDIN, TODD NAUCK & RAMON BACHS Cover by JOHN WATSON Includes material never before seen in print! Feces front, True Believers, as we travel back to the Monkey-verse with four thrilling tales of bad puns and big guns. First, join the irrepressible Spider-Monkey as he comes to grips with a world too savage for his heroic legacy to allow. But as the Monkey-verse Peter Parker tries to create a better world for all ape-kind, Captain America (the top ape of the ape-verse) -stands in his way. Will the webbed wonder survive? Then, when teenager Roy Reyna finds he can transform into the super-powered simian APE X, it's more fun than a barrel of monkeys...until H.A.M.M.E.R. agents capture him! Plus: in the face of a fate worse than death, the Ape Universe's greatest minds and leaders must come together to save their world in a secret council known as - the PRIME EIGHT! Watch the undercover action unfold in this never before seen story that could only be called APE-OKOPLIS NOW! And then, it's the masked (monkey) marvel SPEEDBALL! Bouncing out of the pages of the hit MARVEL APES mini-series-- it's the masked (monkey) marvel SPEEDBALL! Branded a traitor to the entire Ape Universe, the simian superhero is now exiled, alienated, and alone on a bizarre Planet of Humans! Can this monkey make it in Man's World? It won't be easy. Collecting MARVEL APES SPECIALS: AMAZING SPIDER-MONKEY, GRUNT LINE, PRIME EIGHT and SPEEDBALL. 144 PGS./Rated T+ ...$16.99 ISBN: 978-0-7851-3991-1
X-MEN: MAGNETO TESTAMENT TPB Written by GREG PAK Penciled by CARMINE DI GIANDOMENICO Cover by MARKO DJURDJEVIC In 1935, Max Eisenhardt was just another schoolboy -- who happened to be Jewish in Nazi Germany. The definitive origin story of one of Marvel's greatest icons begins with a silver chain and a crush on a girl -- and quickly turns into a harrowing struggle for survival against the inexorable machinery of Hitler's Final Solution. Named the Best Miniseries of 2008 by IGN, X-Men: Magneto Testament follows Max Eisenhardt from 1935 to 1945 as he fights to protect his family and a Romani girl named Magda from the indignities of a Nuremberg schoolyard, the horrors of war-stricken Poland, and the unfathomable atrocities of Auschwitz-Birkenau. Collecting X-MEN: MAGENTO TESTAMENT #1-5. 152 PGS./Parental Advisory ...$19.99 ISBN: 978-0-7851-2640-9
HULK: SKAAR - SON OF HULK TPB Written by GREG PAK Penciled by RON GARNEY, BUTCH GUICE, CARLO PAGULAYAN, TIMOTHY TRUMAN, TIMOTHY GREEN II, GABRIEL HARDMAN & JHEREMY RAAPACK Cover by RON GARNEY From the first, he was a fighter. When the spaceship that exiled the Hulk to Sakaar exploded, it killed his queen and ravaged his kingdom. The Hulk returned to Earth to seek revenge, but he left behind a child he thought had died with its mother. Instead, the boy survived -- hatching in a lake a fire, and growing strong and savage to match the world around him. Skaar, son of Hulk, possesses his father's size and strength, and more than his share of rage. The refugees of Sakaar have found hope in this. Theirs is a dangerous planet, but they have a new champion to protect them. And their world will never be the same again. Collecting SKAAR: SON OF HULK #1-6, SAVAGE WORLD OF SAKAAR and material from HULK FAMILY. 200 PGS./Parental Advisory ...$24.99 ISBN: 978-0-7851-2714-7
CAPTAIN BRITAIN AND MI13 VOL. 3: VAMPIRE STATE TPB Written by PAUL CORNELL Penciled by LEONARD KIRK & MICHAEL COLLINS Cover by STUART IMMONEN The king of the vampires is back. As if the hoards of demons that Pete Wisdom let out in order to defeat the Skrulls in England weren't enough, now DRACULA has entered the scene. What does he want with Spitfire? And how will an election help his cause? You better hope that Captain Britain and the rest of MI13 have a way to defeat him! Plus: Meggan is Captain Britain's wife, an X-Man in Hell. And she's going to fight her way home. Over years, bargains, battles, with only her love to guide her. Can she get back to Earth in time to help her husband turn back Dracula and his evil invasion? Collecting CAPTAIN BRITAIN AND MI13 #10-15 and CAPTAIN BRITAIN AND MI13 ANNUAL #1 176 PGS./Rated T+ ...$19.99 ISBN: 978-0-7851-3952-2
FANTASTIC FOUR: LOST ADVENTURES BY STAN LEE TPB Written by STAN LEE Penciled by JACK KIRBY, RON FRENZ, JOHN BUSCEMA, JOHN ROMITA SR., JOHN ROMITA JR., BARRY WINDSOR-SMITH, KERRY GAMMILL, RON FRENZ, AL MILGROM, JOHN BUSCEMA, MARC SILVESTRI, JERRY ORDWAY & NICK DRAGOTTA Cover by JOHN ROMITA JR Stan's back, and he's brought the Fantastic Four with him! Stan Lee and Jack Kirby made pop-culture history during the 1960s with their landmark run on FANTASTIC FOUR. Unabridged for 102 consecutive issues, the legacy of their work together has influenced the imaginations of comic-book creators and pop-art innovators. And guess what? It's time to make room for a 103rd issue! A lost classic by Stan and Jack has made it into the hands of astonished FF fans everywhere! Featuring art by Kirby, much of which has never been seen by the public, this restoration project was finished off with scripting by Stan and inked by legendary FF delineator Joe Sinnott -- marking a reunion of the dynamite combo that made the Marvel Age of Comics so scintillatingly super. Rounding out the contents are three other classic stories by Stan Lee that explore many different facets of the First Family and the universe they helped found. All have one thing in common: the heart, soul, wit and charm of Stan "The Man" Lee. Collecting THE LAST FANTASTIC FOUR STORY, FANTASTIC FOUR: LOST, FANTASTIC FOUR #296 & #543. 200 PGS./Rated A ...$24.99 ISBN: 978-0-7851-4047-4
THOR BY DAN JURGENS & JOHN ROMITA JR. VOL. 1 TPB Written by DAN JURGENS & HOWARD MACKIE Penciled by JOHN ROMITA JR. Cover by JOHN ROMITA JR. Two of comicdom's classic creators collaborate as Thor returns from Heroes Reborn to find the gods of AT LEAST three pantheons against him! Plus: Who is the Destroyer, and who will be destroyed? Guest-starring Spider-Man, Namor the Sub-Mariner and the Avengers! Collecting THOR #1-8 and PETER PARKER: SPIDER-MAN #2. 232 PGS./Rated A ...$29.99 ISBN: 978-0-7851-3749-8
PET AVENGERS CLASSIC TPB Written by STAN LEE, STEVE DITKO, MARY JO DUFFY, SCOTT EDELMAN, PETER GILLIS, STEVEN GRANT, BRUCE JONES, LARRY LEIBER, WILL MURRAY, FABIAN NICIEZA, GREG PAK, LOUISE SIMONSON, DAN SLOTT, MARC SUMERAK & ZEB WELLS Penciled by JACK KIRBY, STEVE DITKO, JUNE BRIGMAN, BOB BUDIANSKY, ANDREA DIVITO, CHRIS ELIOPOULOS, GIL KANE, VAL MAYERIK, TAKESHI MIYAZAWA, MICHAEL NETZER, DON PERLIN, JAVIER SALTARES, PAUL SMITH & SKOTTIE YOUNG Cover by KARL KERSCHL The Falcon, the Two-Gun Kid and many another will tell you: A hero's best friend is his animal sidekick! A teleporting dog, a winged horse, a bouncing cat...and lookit the cute puppies! All part of the Marvel Universe animal kingdom showcased in this offbeat collection! Lockheed gone solo! The origin of Zabu! The Super-Apes triumphant! Magic; super-science; and squirrels, squirrels, squirrels! Featuring rarely seen early work by Fabian Nicieza, Greg Pak and other present-day Marvel headliners! Collecting material from THING #4, CAPTAIN AMERICA #220, KA-ZAR THE SAVAGE #14-15, X-MEN UNLIMITED #43, MARVEL COMICS PRESENTS #72, SPEEDBALL #6, MARVEL TALES #100, MARVEL SUPER-HEROES #8, AMAZING FANTASY #15, FANTASTIC FOUR #94, NEW DEFENDERS #150, NEW MUTANTS ANNUAL #4, FRANKLIN RICHARDS: HAPPY FRANKSGIVING, NEW WARRIORS #2 and JOURNEY INTO MYSTERY #57. 208 PGS./ Rated A ...$24.99 ISBN: 978-0-7851-3966-9
SECRET WAR TPB (NEW PRINTING) Written by BRIAN MICHAEL BENDIS Penciled by GABRIELE DELL'OTTO New Cover by GABRIELE DELL'OTTO Experience the darkest chapter in Marvel Universe history. When Nick Fury discovers a disturbing connection between many of Marvel's deadliest villains, he assembles a ragtag team of the MU's most misunderstood heroes for a secret mission to do what the U.S. government could never allow - eventually leading to a super-powered blowout between a who's who of NYC heroes and mutants! Collecting SECRET WAR #1-5 and FROM THE FILES OF NICK FURY. 256 PGS./Rated T+ ...$24.99 ISBN: 978-0-7851-4228-7
ESSENTIAL SUB-MARINER VOL. 1 TPB Written by STAN LEE, ROY THOMAS, RAYMOND MARAIS & ARCHIE GOODWIN Penciled by WALLY WOOD, GENE COLAN, JACK KIRBY, JERRY GRANDENETTI, BILL EVERETT, DAN ADKINS, WERNER ROTH, MARIE SEVERIN & JOHN BUSCEMA Cover by JOHN BUSCEMA Ten years after the last issue of the Golden Age's SUB-MARINER COMICS, the Avenging Son finally claimed a monthly feature in TALES TO ASTONISH, the entire run of which is presented here! Namor's on an undersea quest, braving the Seaweed Man, the Demon of the Diamonds and other oceanic oddities for the power to protect his kingdom from his perennial would-be usurpers: Attuma, Byrrah and Krang! But even if he reclaims his crown, Puppet Master and the Secret Empire want him as their puppet king! Plus: Namor learns secrets of his past, but does his future lead only to...Destiny? Guest-starring Daredevil, Iron Man and the Hulk! Collecting DAREDEVIL #7, TALES TO ASTONISH #70-101, TALES OF SUSPENSE #80, IRON MAN & SUB MARINER #1 and SUB-MARINER #1. 504 PGS./All Ages ...$19.99 ISBN: 978-0-7851-3075-8
THE TORCH BY ALEX ROSS POSTER 24x36...$8.99 Final Order Cutoff 8/20, On-Sale 9/16/09
____________________ Marvel Checklist Der ultimative Leitfaden durch das Marvel-Universum
[editiert: 16.06.09, 22:50 von Legacy]
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Mighty Avenger 
Beiträge: 662 Ort: leipzig
Erstellt: 16.06.09, 06:09 Betreff: Re: Marvel-Solicitations 2009-08 (Sep) - Trades, HCs, Digests & Stuff
jason pearson!!!! 
[editiert: 16.06.09, 06:10 von sailorboy]
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Prime Minister Of Checklist Entertainment 
Beiträge: 1790 Ort: Ingolstadt
Erstellt: 16.06.09, 19:54 Betreff: Re: Marvel-Solicitations 2009-09 (Sep)
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Beiträge: 3151 Ort: Braunschweig
Erstellt: 16.06.09, 20:08 Betreff: Re: Marvel-Solicitations 2009-09 (Sep)
____________________ meine Comics
meine DVDs 
Ihr wollt einen Handyvertrag abschliessen, haltet aber alle Handy erkäufer für Betrüger? Dann schliesst euren Vertrag bei eurem Forenliebling und Handyspezi ab oder verlängert ihn 
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Mighty Avenger 
Beiträge: 810
wieviele Comics: schon nen paar
Erstellt: 16.06.09, 20:55 Betreff: Re: Marvel-Solicitations 2009-09 (Sep)
____________________ CLEAR EYES, FULL HEARTS, CAN'T LOSE!
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Creative Head Of Checklist & Comicast 
Beiträge: 4730 Ort: Schweiz
wieviele Comics: too many
Erstellt: 17.06.09, 07:27 Betreff: Re: Marvel-Solicitations 2009-09 (Sep)
- REBORN #3 (of 5)
- DARK REIGN: THE HOOD #5 (of 5)
- MS. MARVEL #45
- HULK #15
- NOVA #29
- CABLE #18
- X-FORCE #19
- X-FACTOR #48
- X-FACTOR #49


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LOST... and back again! 
Beiträge: 1157 Ort: Köln
wieviele Comics: Zuviele
Erstellt: 17.06.09, 20:18 Betreff: Re: Marvel-Solicitations 2009-08 (Sep) - Trades, HCs, Digests & Stuff
- REBORN #3 (of 5)







- DARK REIGN: THE HOOD #5 (of 5)

- NOVA #29

- PUNISHER ANNUAL #1 Vielleicht
- CABLE #18
- X-FORCE #19
- X-FACTOR #48
- X-FACTOR #49

[editiert: 17.06.09, 20:18 von Kaine]
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