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New PostErstellt: 12.09.06, 02:49     Betreff: Loners Runaways Spin-Off

Cebulski und Moline schreiben Loners, eine Serie über das Excelsior Team

    Marvel announced at Baltimore today that Brian K. Vaughan’s Runaways spin-off team The Loners will be getting their own series in January at the hands of writer C.B. Cebulski (X-Men Fairy Tales, Drain), artist Karl Moline (Fray, Route 666) and colorist Christina Strain (Runaways, Spider-Man Loves Mary Jane). Cebulski said the series will be picking up on loose ends left by both Vaughan and writer Brian Michael Bendis.

    “It’s going to be picking up the concept that Vaughan originally had for the series in the first arc of the second run of Runaways, which was the superhero self-help group,” Cebulski explained. “It’s a group of former teen superheroes who are trying their best to stay out of the costumes, not use their powers and live normal lives again.”

    The group that originally appeared in Runaways was founded by Phil Urich and Michiko Musahi (Turbo) and included already established characters in the Marvel Universe such as Darkhawk, Chamber and Lightspeed.

    “At this point, Runaways is not going to be crossing over into it,” said Cebulski, who collaborated with the book’s writer when formulating Loners.

    “Vaughan has been supportive of me on this from day one, and he’s given this his blessing,” Cebulski explained. “He gave me some ideas, and then I did the original outline, and then he read it and said, ‘Hey what about this and this?’ and threw in some stuff.”

    According to Cebulski, previous Loners will be cast in the series, as well as several new faces.

    “We’re going to be introducing over the first six issues, starting in issue one, an already established mainstream Marvel teen superhero who has been screwed up by her costume and her powers over the years,” Cebulski teased. “Fans who read Brian Bendis’ Alias will probably know who that was. We’re going to pick up directly on a thread that he started.”

    “There are two other characters,” Cebulski stated. “One is going to be a new version of an older established character, and the other one I don’t want to talk about because it’s going to be a total surprise.”

    Cebulski likened the group dynamic of the book to the film “Breakfast Club.”
    “You’ve got Julie Powers, who’s the princess; you’ve got Darkhawk, who’s the jock,” he said. “They’re the stereotypes that are represented in the ‘Breakfast Club.’” The writer says the group dynamic he and editor Tom Brevoort have planned for the series is more of an “ensemble cast book” than the typical superhero team premise.

    “ There will be the group meeting, like the AA meeting for super-powered teens,” Cebulski said. “Each issue is going to focus on a different set of characters. While issue one will focus on the new member and on Darkhawk, issue #2 is on Ricochet, and some of the other people might not show up at all, so it’s more of an ensemble cast book with rotating members coming in and out rather than a team book with everybody going out there and fighting.”

    As for the prospects of writing the team in the rapidly evolving Civil War era, where costumed heroes are forced by law to register with the U.S. government, Cebulski said Marvel’s massive crossover will have an effect on what happens in Loners, but the book will not be a direct tie-in.

    “It’s already been established that they’re trying to stay out of costume,” Cebulski clarified. “But the first time there wasn’t a registration act, and now that there is a registration act they’ll be dealing with the ramifications of that. And it does come back to bite them in the a-- later in the series.”

Loners05.jpg (101 kByte, 550 x 729 Pixel)
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