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New PostErstellt: 14.09.06, 16:20     Betreff: She-Hulk NEWS

    “Once the soap and space opera is over with issue #13, we’re going to take a one-month break, and then do a single-issue story - the secret origin of Awesome Andy,” Slott said. “That issue will also deal with the fallout of Civil War and this soap opera. Then we’ll get right into our next major arc [starting with #15 in January] – ‘She-Hulk: Planet Without a Hulk.’”

    The title basically, says it all.

    “They took the Hulk off the earth, but left all of his bad guys here. All of the Hulk’s villains from A to Z – and the Hulk is one of the only characters that has villains form A to Z, are running around. The Abomination is out there somewhere. So’s Zzzax. And who knows what the Leader is up to? All of these villains that, one way or another, the Hulk usually would face down, and stop are out there, free. For the last few months, they’ve been operating unchecked which has been a growing concern for SHIELD, until they realize, ‘Hey – we have our own Hulk.’ So She-Hulk becomes an agent of SHIELD, and, together with Clay Quartermain and a supporting cast, starts going after all of the Hulk’s villains.”

    The idea for “She-Hulk: Planet Without a Hulk” wasn’t part of any larger Hulk scheme Slott explained, other than the writer putting two and two together as Planet Hulk got rolling.

    “I’ve been a huge fan of everything that Greg Pak has been doing with Planet Hulk, and then one day, it just hit me – if you ship the Hulk away, all the bad guys are still here. I’ve got a Hulk, and I want to do some Hulk stuff with her. And don’t get me wrong - this is going to be two-fisted Marvel-style, punch-smash comics, and less legal eagle for now. It’s espionage and secrets along with She-Hulk going up against the biggest threats in the Hulk’s rogues gallery.”

    The arc will also allow Slott to continue to play in the continuity of the Marvel Universe, something he says the book has been full of since day one.

    “She-Hulk’s in continuity, and always has been,” Slott said. “I think you’d be hard pressed to find another book in the Marvel Universe that’s playing with everything in the canon of the mainstream Marvel Universe. We’re dealing with not just obscure or past or Silver Age stuff, we’re dealing with everything – we’re referencing Infinity Gauntlet, we’ve referenced Civil War, obviously and now Planet Hulk. We’ve gone from Slapstick to Stargod. Everything is in this book, and nothing is out of bounds. We’re drenched in Marvel continuity and just loving it. We’re rolling in continuity like a pig in mud.

    “And there will be fun ties with She-Hulk’s continuity in this arc as well – for example, the last time She-Hulk was on the SHIELD Helicarrier was in the The Sensational She-Hulk Graphic Novel [1985], and it crashed. SHIELD agents have good memories, so welcoming her back on the Helicarrier isn’t seen as a good thing by everyone onboard. Expect a scene where she’s at the helm and starts a chase after a Hulk villain, much to the stark terror of the other agents on board.

    “There’s going to be fun, there will be humor, but it will be more along the lines of what you’d expect to see in a Spider-Man book – more quippy and less slapstick, which is more appropriate for this kind of story. These are some dangerous guys, after all. For the most part, the arc will be down and dirty, set firmly in the world the Hulk lives in, with a lot of punching and smacking, and a lot of fun.

    “Oh, and of course, the ramifications of this story are going to be pretty big, and maybe you’ll see some Planet Hulk type stuff or repercussions along the way. Also, what’s going to happen to She-Hulk in this storyline is going to be pretty important for the character, too, and will play out as the series rolls along.”

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