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New PostErstellt: 14.09.06, 16:22     Betreff: Re: World War Hulk - Das Sommerevent 2007

Greg Pak über WWH:

    Announced at this past weekend's Baltimore Retailer Summit, Pak will team up with superstar artist John Romita Jr on "World War Hulk". According to Marvel Editor-in-Chief, "WWH" is "Marvel's big summer blockbuster for 2007."

    "World War Hulk" picks up immediately after "Planet Hulk". The first of a planned five-issue arc debuts in May's Incredible Hulk #106 and it will be spread out over three consecutive months.

    Details are still sketchy and we're still knee deep in the "Planet Hulk" multi-issue epic. It's been said that some hints as to the future direction of Hulk would be forthcoming in November's Incredible Hulk #100.

    However, "WWH"'s not something that's planned at the last minute. "We've known that "World War Hulk" would happen from the day we started planning "Planet Hulk" over a year ago," Pak explained to Newsarama. "Which means that we had almost two years of storyline mapped out from the beginning. It's been great -- that means that we've been able to seed story elements throughout "Planet Hulk" which will pay off in a huge way in "World War Hulk" -- it also means we've been able to build an astronomically huge emotional story for the Hulk stretching over two epic story arcs. It's incredibly exciting for me to work on this level as a writer, and I think the payoff for readers will be enormous."

    Big question: Is the Green Gladiator coming back to Earth in the five-part "WWH"? Or is it set in yet another planet in the vast Marvel universe? The writer's lips are "sealed" but added that "[the Hulk] sure has a lot of unfinished business on Earth, doesn't he?"

    But what happens when he does return?

    "Some might argue that Hulk's true home is the savage planet of Sakaar, where his anger and strength make him a hero in the fight against the wicked Red King. If he ever comes back to Earth, maybe it'll actually be to help his puny human "friends," to show them the way a real hero uses his power," Pak said.

    "But then again, maybe the Hulk isn't a hero. Maybe deep down, he's a monster, and once he finishes destroying Sakaar, he won't stop until he's crushed each and every one of those stupid puny humans who sent him there in the first place...

    "Whatever happens, rest assured that "World War Hulk" will be an action packed and emotionally mind-blowing epic — and the Hulk will, indeed, smash."

    As for Miek, Hiroim, Korg, the Brood Creature, and Elloe, they're all "Warbound" to the Hulk. "They'll stick with him to the death," Pak said. "Of course, the last story arc in "Planet Hulk" is entitled "Armageddon"... But if any of these Warbound gladiators survive, you can bet they'll join Hulk for whatever comes next, no matter what the cost."

    From the title of the arc alone, "WWH" sounds so massive in scale. And it sure looks as though it's bigger in scope than Civil War. Again, Pak assured fans that "H ulk will smash like never before. The physical and emotional intensity of this story will be through the roof -- and with the legendary John Romita, Jr. providing the pencils, you won't want to miss a single panel. JRJR knows just how to make every image pop in that huge, insanely exciting way — I can't wait to see him tear into "World War Hulk."

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