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Ed Brubaker über seinen anstehenden Daredevil-Run!

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New PostErstellt: 07.09.06, 00:09  Betreff: Re: Ed Brubaker über seinen anstehenden Daredevil-Run!  drucken  weiterempfehlen

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New PostErstellt: 21.10.06, 15:22  Betreff: Re: Ed Brubaker über seinen anstehenden Daredevil-Run!  drucken  weiterempfehlen

Brubaker über Daredevil jenseits der #89!

    Daredevil's hunt for Alton Lennox began in Monaco in issue #89. “The second part of it [issue #90 which hits stores October 25] he's in this little town called Centra in Portugal,” Brubaker said. “Then he's lead from there to Paris where he stays for a few issues and then ultimately ends up in a different country that I don't want to reveal yet because I don't want to spoil the conclusion.”
    With Matt Murdock in Europe, readers shouldn't expect to see any “Civil War” tie-ins in “Daredevil.” “I've got more than enough story,” Brubaker said, “I hadn't planned it that way, it was just very convenient that my plans for the first year of Daredevil was that he was in prison and then in Europe. When ‘Civil War' came up, I was looking at it and I'm like, ‘Oh it times out perfectly.' I don't have to deal with it in Daredevil at all until it's over. Then I just have to deal with the stuff I was already going to have to deal with. In a way it just adds a few conversations to some scenes I was already going to have to write about Matt and his place in the Marvel Universe. It was very convenient that we had the idea of having Danny Rand dress up as Daredevil because then it gave them a Daredevil to be able to use in ‘Civil War.'”

    Matt Murdock might not be directly involved in “Civil War,” but his situation weighs heavily on the mind of combatants on both sides of that conflict. “It might be in one of Brian's [Brian Bendis} ‘Avengers' issues, I think in the Luke Cage issue, he points out Matt Murdock as being the prime example of why no one should want to register because the more people who know who you are and what you do, the more dangerous your life gets. Matt is the prime example, bur what is interesting is that he can be used as a prime example on either side because it's like, ‘Well, yeah that is what happens when you don't register. You get outed and thrown in prison.' It's also interesting because I think Matt has been a character who has always been really free with his secret identity. Come on, the whole Mike Murdock thing? Who fell for that?”

    When Matt Murdock returns to the United States, he'll have to deal with the aftermath of “Civil War” and his other secret identity related problems, but only if he wants to go back to the way things were. “He'll have to deal with those things if he wants to be Daredevil,” Brubaker explained. “That's another question, ‘At the end of it all will he want to be Daredevil?” or will he just want to be a lawyer and be married? What's he going to do in this new world? Will he be able to get his license back? What's going to happen with the FBI? These are all questions that will be needed to addressed in his life when he eventually comes back to America because I can't keep him in Europe forever. Maybe he'll move to San Francisco again and shack up with a hot redhead? That always works for a year [laughs].”

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