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Prime Minister Of Checklist Entertainment

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New PostErstellt: 28.01.07, 11:36     Betreff: Re: Dezember Verkaufszahlen - Analyse

    Marvel Month-to-Month Sales — December 2006

    [Please note these are the figures for DECEMBER, not November as I mistakenly posted — Ed.]

    By Paul O’Brien

    CIVIL WAR is still going, but with the core title running late (because you demanded it), and many of the crossover arcs having finished, it’s started to relinquish its grip on Marvel’s line. But December still saw three CIVIL WAR one-shots, along with several crossover issues. It’s a relatively quiet month for new launches, but we do have the debut of Warren Ellis and Salvador Larroca’s NEWUNIVERSAL, and new miniseries including NEW AVENGERS: ILLUMINATI, SPIDER-MAN: REALM, WONDER MAN and X-23: TARGET X.

    Once again, Marvel comfortably beat DC in market share. In dollar terms, it’s 38% to 35%. In units, it’s 43% to 39%. And that’s with DC taking most of the top 10, not to mention plenty of Marvel’s big sellers skipping a month.

    Thanks as always to Milton Griepp and ICV2 for permission to use their figures for these calculations.

    12/01 #49 - 57,715
    12/02 #62 - 55,145
    12/03 #75 - 57,814
    12/04 #1 - 240,724
    12/05 #14 - 126,583 ( +0.3%)
    01/06 #15 - 124,143 ( -1.9%)
    02/06 #16 - 124,256 ( +0.1%)
    03/06 #17 - 122,847 ( -1.1%)
    04/06 #18 - 121,550 ( -1.1%)
    05/06 #19 - 125,223 ( +3.0%)
    06/06 #20 - 125,600 ( +0.3%)
    06/06 #21 - 154,911 ( +23.4%)
    07/06 #22 - 143,391 ( -7.4%)
    08/06 #23 - 155,550 ( +8.5%)
    09/06 —
    10/06 #24 - 136,811 ( -12.0%)
    11/06 #25 - 136,504 ( -0.2%)
    12/06 #26 - 122,670 ( -10.1%)
    6 mnth ( -20.8%)
    1 year ( -3.1%)
    2 year ( -49.0%)
    3 year (+112.2%)

    With CIVIL WAR missing, NEW AVENGERS is Marvel’s top book of the month, although it was beaten into third place by two issues of JUSTICE LEAGUE OF AMERICA. The CIVIL WAR tie-in arc is over, and sales duly drop straight back to their previous levels.

    This month also marks the second anniversary of the book’s relaunch. Some purists continue to protest that this isn’t really the Avengers, and that the upcoming MIGHTY AVENGERS sister title isn’t the Avengers either. Metaphysically, they might have a point, but the reality is that even two years after the relaunch, it’s still selling more than twice as well as the previous version of the book. No wonder Marvel see this as the way forward for the franchise.

    12/04 #7 - 134,103
    12/05 —
    01/06 —
    02/06 #13 - 148,244 (+10.1%)
    03/06 —
    04/06 #14 - 124,129 (-16.3%)
    05/06 —
    06/06 #15 - 119,991 ( -3.3%)
    07/06 —
    08/06 #16 - 121,897 ( +1.6%)
    09/06 #17 - 124,026 ( +1.7%)
    10/06 —
    11/06 #18 - 118,285 ( -4.6%)
    12/06 #19 - 121,300 ( +2.5%)
    6 mnth ( +1.1%)
    1 year ( — )
    2 year ( -9.5%)

    ASTONISHING X-MEN seems to have abandoned any pretence of coming out on a predictable schedule, but it still sells in huge numbers when it appears. It fluctuates more than most books, but this is comfortably within its normal range.

    12/06 #1 (of 5) - 103,952

    A very good debut for this miniseries. Sales should be interesting to watch here, since despite the title, the New Avengers aren’t actually in the book.

    7,16,31. CIVIL WAR ONE-SHOTS
    12/06 Iron Man & Captain America - 100,657
    12/06 War Crimes - 84,771
    12/06 Winter Soldier - 59,118

    Three one-shots added to the schedule at the last minute when CIVIL WAR span off the rails. Not surprisingly, they all do rather well, but the relative placings are a little surprising. IRON MAN & CAPTAIN AMERICA: CASUALTIES OF WAR has the two lead characters, so its top ten placing isn’t unexpected. WAR CRIMES, on the other hand, is a book about the supervillains which doesn’t have big name creators attached, and doesn’t play any significant part in the wider story. It gets a very impressive top twenty placing, while WINTER SOLDIER: WINTER KILLS - a spin-off from CAPTAIN AMERICA - tails in a distant third. I would have expected the last two to be the other way around.

    06/06 #1 (of 11) - 145,271
    06/06 #2 (of 11) - 132,858 ( -8.5%)
    07/06 #3 (of 11) - 128,164 ( -3.5%)
    07/06 #4 (of 11) - 111,868 (-12.7%)
    08/06 #5 (of 11) - 111,435 ( -0.4%)
    09/06 #6 (of 11) - 108,436 ( -2.7%)
    10/06 #7 (of 11) - 106,588 ( -1.7%)
    11/06 #8 (of 11) - 100,869 ( -5.4%)
    12/06 #9 (of 11) - 97,948 ( -2.9%)
    6 mnth (-26.3%)

    Fewer than 100,000 sales for once, and with the re-orders drying up, it looks like it’s staying there. Of course, nobody’s going to be losing sleep about a supporting miniseries that took nine issues to drop below six figures. (Especially considering that this chart doesn’t include sales to the UK, which would easily push it over that mark.)

    12/01 #401 - 105,646
    12/02 #416 - 88,276
    12/03 #434 - 90,318
    12/04 #453 - 89,952
    12/05 #467 - 81,282 ( -1.9%)
    01/06 #468 - 79,808 ( -1.8%)
    02/06 #469 - 79,039 ( -1.0%)
    03/06 #470 - 79,389 ( +0.4%)
    03/06 #471 - 78,286 ( -1.4%)
    04/06 #472 - 79,157 ( +1.1%)
    05/06 #473 - 79,335 ( +0.2%)
    06/06 #474 - 78,140 ( -1.5%)
    07/06 #475 - 106,037 (+35.7%)
    07/06 #476 - 92,154 (-13.1%)
    08/06 #477 - 89,225 ( -3.2%)
    09/06 #478 - 89,850 ( +0.7%)
    10/06 #479 - 89,052 ( -0.9%)
    11/06 #480 - 88,584 ( -0.5%)
    12/06 #481 - 85,995 ( -2.9%)
    6 mnth (+10.1%)
    1 year ( +5.8%)
    2 year ( -4.4%)
    3 year ( -4.8%)

    Dropping back a little from recent months, but Ed Brubaker and Billy Tan’s run on UNCANNY is still clearly up from the inherited sales after six months. This has to be considered a success.

    12/01 #50 - 52,471
    12/02 #64 - 50,211
    12/03 #508 - 50,333
    12/04 #521 - 47,634
    12/05 #533 - 46,751 ( -2.1%)
    01/05 —
    02/06 #534 - 44,573 ( -4.7%)
    02/06 #535 - 43,124 ( -3.3%)
    03/06 #536 - 79,680 (+84.8%)
    04/06 #537 - 79,576 ( -0.1%)
    05/06 —
    06/06 #538 - 92,624 (+16.4%)
    07/06 —
    08/06 #539 - 89,676 ( -3.2%)
    09/06 —-
    10/06 #540 - 88,933 ( -0.8%)
    11/06 —-
    12/06 #541 - 84,895 ( -4.5%)
    6 mnth ( -8.3%)
    1 year (+81.6%)
    2 year (+78.2%)
    3 year (+68.7%)

    Still caught up in CIVIL WAR, and still getting the benefits. Somewhere along the line, FANTASTIC FOUR has turned into a bimonthly.

    04/06 #1 - 182,672
    05/06 #2 - 131,522 (-28.0%)
    06/06 #3 - 116,058 (-11.8%)
    07/06 #4 - 110,830 ( -4.5%)
    08/06 #5 - 120,448 ( +8.7%)
    09/06 #6 - 101,013 (-16.1%)
    10/06 #7 - 103,273 ( +2.2%)
    11/06 #8 - 91,585 (-11.3%)
    12/06 #9 - 84,733 ( -7.5%)
    6 mnth (-27.0%)

    Now that the variant cover boosts are a thing of the past, WOLVERINE: ORIGINS is dropping far too quickly for comfort. The book has dropped by almost 20,000 in two months. That should be ringing alarm bells.

    12/01 #171 - 72,909
    12/02 #184 - 64,620
    12/03 #9 - 74,659
    12/04 #23 - 80,678
    12/05 #37 - 73,866 (-21.7%)
    01/06 #38 - 73,815 ( -0.0%)
    02/06 #39 - 75,285 ( +2.0%)
    03/06 #40 - 77,627 ( +3.1%)
    04/06 #41 - 70,965 ( -8.6%)
    05/06 #42 - 112,209 (+58.1%)
    06/06 #43 - 116,540 ( +3.9%)
    07/06 #44 - 111,478 ( -4.3%)
    08/06 #45 - 110,662 ( -0.7%)
    09/06 #46 - 107,865 ( -2.5%)
    10/06 #47 - 106,201 ( -1.5%)
    11/06 #48 - 99,991 ( -5.8%)
    12/06 #49 - 78,807 (-21.2%)
    6 mnth (-32.4%)
    1 year ( -6.7%)
    2 year ( -2.4%)
    3 year ( +5.6%)

    Despite appearances, this is actually a surprisingly good number. Issue #49 is a fill-in Christmas story by Rob Williams and Laurence Campbell, killing time for a month between the CIVIL WAR arc and the arrival of Jeph Loeb and Simone Bianchi in January. Obviously it’s going to go down - the interesting thing is that it still did better than the pre-CIVIL WAR arc, which suggests this book has some momentum behind it.

    20. X-MEN
    12/01 #121 - 112,227
    12/02 #135 - 96,154
    12/03 #150 - 110,591
    12/04 #165 - 86,633
    12/05 #179 - 77,189 ( +1.3%)
    12/05 #180 - 75,559 ( -2.1%)
    01/06 #181 - 74,094 ( -1.9%)
    02/06 #182 - 78,653 ( +6.2%)
    02/06 #183 - 79,477 ( +1.0%)
    03/06 #184 - 79,480 ( +0.0%)
    04/06 #185 - 78,815 ( -0.8%)
    05/06 #186 - 79,536 ( +0.9%)
    06/06 #187 - 77,918 ( -2.0%)
    07/06 #188 - 95,487 (+22.5%)
    07/06 #189 - 85,157 (-10.8%)
    08/06 #190 - 83,436 ( -2.0%)
    09/06 #191 - 82,048 ( -1.7%)
    10/06 #192 - 81,816 ( -0.3%)
    11/06 #193 - 80,102 ( -2.1%)
    12/06 #194 - 78,114 ( -2.5%)
    6 mnth ( +0.3%)
    1 year ( +1.2%)
    2 year ( -9.8%)
    3 year (-29.4%)

    Unlike UNCANNY, this book is back where it was before Carey and Bachalo took over. But it’s not doing badly - X-MEN continues to sell in its normal range. The previous creative team levelled out here in their closing months, so it’ll be interesting to see where the book goes now. There’s a noticeable, but slow, decline going on here.

    12/01 #16 - 80,875
    12/02 #32 - 92,160
    12/03 #50 - 109,819
    12/04 #70 - 88,960
    12/05 #87 - 74,537 ( -3.0%)
    12/05 #88 - 74,213 ( -0.4%)
    01/06 #89 - 71,935 ( -3.1%)
    02/06 #90 - 71,470 ( -0.6%)
    03/06 #91 - 74,028 ( +3.6%)
    03/06 #92 - 72,269 ( -2.4%)
    04/06 #93 - 72,831 ( +0.8%)
    05/06 #94 - 74,051 ( +1.7%)
    05/06 #95 - 73,564 ( -0.7%)
    06/06 #96 - 73,472 ( -0.1%)
    07/06 #97 - 76,612 ( +4.3%)
    08/06 #98 - 77,304 ( +0.9%)
    08/06 #99 - 76,075 ( -1.6%)
    09/06 #100 - 119,194 (+56.7%)
    10/06 #101 - 78,963 (-33.8%)
    11/06 #102 - 77,121 ( -2.3%)
    12/06 #103 - 76,251 ( -1.1%)
    6 mnth ( +3.8%)
    1 year ( +2.3%)
    2 year (-14.3%)
    3 year (-30.6%)

    The Ultimate Clone Saga seems to have rekindled interest in this book and turned around its decline from earlier in the year. It’s an unexpected result.

    24. IRON MAN
    12/01 #49 - 35,588
    12/02 #62 - 33,492
    12/03 #75 - 31,889
    12/04 #2 - 53,292
    12/05 —
    01/06 #5 - 45,243 ( -6.5%)
    02/06 —
    03/06 #6 - 40,264 ( -11.0%)
    04/06 #7 - 49,404 ( +22.7%)
    05/06 #8 - 38,860 ( -21.3%)
    06/06 #9 - 37,650 ( -3.1%)
    07/06 #10 - 38,102 ( +1.2%)
    08/06 #11 - 37,279 ( -2.2%)
    09/06 #12 - 36,278 ( -2.7%)
    10/06 —
    11/06 #13 - 76,800 (+111.7%)
    12/06 #14 - 73,388 ( -4.4%)
    6 mnth ( +94.9%)
    1 year ( +62.2%)
    2 year ( +37.7%)
    3 year (+130.1%)

    Another CIVIL WAR tie-in, benefitting from a massive boost.

    10/06 #1 (of 9) - 102,687
    11/06 #2 (of 9) - 76,654 (-25.4%)
    12/06 #3 (of 9) - 70,148 ( -8.5%)

    Levelling out, but the series certainly isn’t doing “event” numbers. That’s not so much of a concern when you look at any individual book, but when you consider the sales on this and ULTIMATE VISION, not to mention the glaring sales declines on ULTIMATE X-MEN and ULTIMATE FANTASTIC FOUR, you have to wonder whether the Ultimate imprint is in need of attention. At the very least, it’s losing its elite lustre.

    Issue #2 picks up re-orders of 1,901 to chart at 297. As always, they’re added into the numbers above.

    12/01 #13 - 100,442
    12/02 #26 - 87,893
    12/03 #40 - 104,443
    12/04 —
    12/05 —
    01/06 #66 - 73,720 ( -0.7%)
    02/06 #67 - 72,700 ( -1.4%)
    03/06 #68 - 72,765 ( +0.1%)
    04/06 #69 - 73,188 ( +0.6%)
    05/06 #70 - 72,235 ( -1.3%)
    06/06 #71 - 71,314 ( -1.3%)
    07/06 #72 - 70,593 ( -1.0%)
    08/06 #73 - 70,153 ( -0.6%)
    09/06 #74 - 68,874 ( -1.8%)
    10/06 #75 - 73,837 ( +7.2%)
    11/06 #76 - 69,054 ( -6.5%)
    12/06 #77 - 67,338 ( -2.5%)
    6 mnth ( -5.6%)
    1 year ( -8.7%)
    2 year ( — )
    3 year (-35.5%)

    See what I mean? Despite the blip from issue #75 in October, the book seems to be in long term decline.

    32. X-23: TARGET X
    12/06 #1 (of 6) - 58,125

    A comfortable 20,000 higher than the notional parent title NEW X-MEN, showing the continuing popularity of X-23. This is a sequel to her origin miniseries from the first half of 2005, which debuted with a staggering 96K and finished off at 52K. This is a little more subdued, but that’s sequels for you. It’s still a number to be very happy with.

    12/03 #1 - 173,441
    12/04 #14 - 77,931
    12/05 #26 - 69,689 ( -0.5%)
    01/06 —
    02/06 #27 - 67,922 ( -2.5%)
    03/06 #28 - 67,480 ( -0.7%)
    04/06 #29 - 67,554 ( +0.1%)
    05/06 #30 - 103,837 (+53.7%)
    06/06 —
    07/06 #31 - 84,460 (-18.7%)
    08/06 #32 - 80,730 ( -4.4%)
    08/06 #33 - 65,191 (-19.2%)
    09/06 #34 - 63,447 ( -2.7%)
    10/06 #35 - 61,270 ( -3.4%)
    11/06 #36 - 57,779 ( -5.7%)
    12/06 #37 - 55,047 ( -4.7%)
    6 mnth (-34.8%)
    1 year (-21.0%)
    2 year (-29.4%)
    3 year (-68.3%)

    Deeply worrying numbers. The book has been bleeding readers since Mike Carey and Pasqual Ferry took over with issue #33, and the drops have actually been larger in recent months. Apparently the audience of this title doesn’t want to read a six-part storyline featuring a thinly disguised version of the Forever People. Something’s clearly going wrong, anyway.

    12/01 #39 - 19,576
    12/02 #52 - 18,393
    12/05 #11 - 29,327 ( -8.3%)
    01/06 #12 - 27,933 ( -4.7%)
    02/06 #13 - 26,054 ( -6.7%)
    03/06 #14 - 28,809 ( +10.6%)
    04/06 #15 - 28,361 ( -1.6%)
    05/06 #16 - 28,091 ( -1.0%)
    06/06 #17 - 27,993 ( -0.3%)
    07/06 #18 - 69,912 (+149.7%)
    08/06 #19 - 28,372 ( -59.4%)
    09/06 #20 - 26,585 ( -6.3%)
    10/06 #21 - 34,257 ( +28.9%)
    11/06 #22 - 47,556 ( +38.8%)
    12/06 #23 - 54,762 ( +15.2%)
    6 mnth ( +95.6%)
    1 year ( +86.7%)

    Leaping up the charts as people notice that the CIVIL WAR crossover arc actually appears to be important to the plot. Well, that’s how it’s presented in this book, anyway - it seems to be pretty much irrelevant in CIVIL WAR itself. Still, I’m sure they’ll take what they can get. Be warned that BLACK PANTHER has established a track record of getting large boosts from crossovers, and crashing straight back afterwards. (See issue #18 for an example.)

    Issue #22 picks up re-orders of 6,288.

    11/06 #0 (of 5) - 40,004
    12/06 #1 (of 5) - 53,069 (+32.7%)

    The first issue of the miniseries proper - issue #0 was a reprint of some back-up strips. It’s a pretty good number for an Ultimate Vision miniseries, but as noted above, you have to wonder whether the Ultimate imprint can maintain its brand image while producing mid-table miniseries like this.

    11/06 #1 (of 5) - 82,642
    12/06 #2 (of 5) - 52,907 (-36.0%)

    Issue #1 picks up re-orders of 3,540. This is pretty much standard for a Rob Liefeld project at Marvel - high numbers for issue #1, and then it drops like a stone.

    12/04 #9 - 64,461
    12/05 #21 - 76,763 ( +4.8%)
    01/06 #22 - 74,923 ( -2.4%)
    02/06 #23 - 59,051 (-21.2%)
    03/06 #24 - 53,910 ( -8.7%)
    04/06 #25 - 51,992 ( -3.6%)
    05/06 #26 - 52,496 ( +1.0%)
    06/06 #27 - 50,721 ( -3.4%)
    07/06 #28 - 58,532 (+15.4%)
    08/06 #29 - 55,420 ( -5.3%)
    09/06 #30 - 54,467 ( -1.7%)
    10/06 #31 - 51,587 ( -5.3%)
    11/06 #32 - 50,222 ( -2.6%)
    12/06 #33 - 48,443 ( -3.5%)
    6 mnth ( -4.5%)
    1 year (-36.9%)
    2 year (-24.8%)

    In clear decline, as is FRIENDLY NEIGHBORHOOD SPIDER-MAN. After a very short initial burst of interest, the unmasking of Spider-Man has done absolutely nothing to help sales on his titles. True, AMAZING is doing fine, but it’s running a lengthy CIVIL WAR tie-in arc which would have boosted sales for that reason anyway. Look at the sales on this book, and FRIENDLY, and compare the sales a year ago when they were running the “Other” crossover. There’s no way a stunt as well-publicised as this should be doing that much worse than a workaday crossover. This is not working; it’s not drawing money. And it’s going to be very hard to undo.

    At this stage, “Back in Black” really needs to deliver a sales boost, because when you look beneath the CIVIL WAR boost on AMAZING, the Spider-Man line is actually looking a little sickly.

    12/01 #28 - 49,733
    12/02 #40 - 54,292
    12/03 #55 - 53,660
    12/04 #68 - 50,491
    12/05 #80 - 43,309 ( -2.1%)
    01/06 #81 - 44,252 ( +2.2%)
    02/06 #82 - 53,058 (+19.9%)
    03/06 #83 - 46,804 (-11.8%)
    04/06 #84 - 47,123 ( +0.7%)
    05/06 #85 - 47,899 ( +1.6%)
    06/06 #86 - 48,280 ( +0.8%)
    07/06 #87 - 51,989 ( +7.7%)
    08/06 #88 - 50,554 ( -2.8%)
    09/06 #89 - 55,481 ( +9.7%)
    10/06 #90 - 50,500 ( -9.0%)
    11/06 #91 - 49,335 ( -2.3%)
    12/06 #92 - 48,035 ( -2.6%)
    6 mnth ( -0.5%)
    1 year (+10.9%)
    2 year ( -4.9%)
    3 year (-10.5%)

    Still within the book’s normal range.

    12/01 #35 - 34,446
    12/02 #48 - 48,668
    12/03 #64 - 51,960
    12/04 —
    12/05 #90 - 36,924 ( -6.8%)
    01/06 #91 - 35,980 ( -2.6%)
    02/06 #92 - 53,661 ( +49.1%)
    03/06 #93 - 47,437 ( -11.6%)
    04/06 #94 - 47,966 ( +1.1%)
    05/06 #95 - 49,089 ( +2.3%)
    06/06 —
    07/06 #96 - 49,209 ( +0.2%)
    08/06 #97 - 48,893 ( -0.6%)
    09/06 #98 - 52,987 ( +8.4%)
    10/06 #99 - 47,878 ( -9.6%)
    11/06 #100 - 84,169 ( +75.8%)
    12/06 #101 - 47,927 ( -43.1%)
    6 mnth ( -2.6%)
    1 year ( +29.8%)
    2 year ( — )
    3 year ( -7.8%)

    Straight back to normal after November’s anniversary issue. The “Planet Hulk” story continues to sell consistently at around 48K, though, so Marvel can be happy with that.

    09/06 #1 (of 5) - 73,503
    10/06 #2 (of 5) - 54,727 (-25.5%)
    11/06 #3 (of 5) - 50,222 ( -8.2%)
    12/06 #4 (of 5) - 46,942 ( -6.5%)

    Fairly standard miniseries numbers.

    12/06 #1 (of 4) - 46,827

    An out-of-continuity miniseries by Kaare Andrews. Not a bad start for that sort of thing.

    12/05 #4 (of 6) - 59,678 ( -5.1%)
    01/06 #5 (of 6) - 56,958 ( -4.6%)
    02/06 #6 (of 6) - 55,802 ( -2.0%)
    03/06 —
    04/06 —
    05/06 —
    06/06 —
    07/06 #1 - 98,826 (+77.1%)
    08/06 #2 - 61,793 (-37.5%)
    09/06 #3 - 54,029 (-12.6%)
    10/06 #4 - 50,925 ( -5.7%)
    11/06 #5 - 47,929 ( -5.9%)
    12/06 #6 - 46,673 ( -2.6%)
    6 mnth ( — )
    1 year (-21.8%)

    Levelling out, and no doubt Marvel could live quite happily with the book settling down in this area of the chart.

    12/06 #1 - 43,163

    Warren Ellis and Salvador Larroca revive the New Universe, of all things. (Purists may wish to imagine the title in lower case.) Obviously there’s very little built-in audience for these characters, so this audience largely reflects the drawing power of the creators. It’s a solid start for an unlikely-sounding project.

    12/05 #3 - 81,309 ( -2.0%)
    01/06 #4 - 78,672 ( -3.2%)
    02/06 —
    03/06 #5 - 59,900 (-23.9%)
    03/06 #6 - 58,853 ( -1.7%)
    04/06 #7 - 55,381 ( -5.9%)
    05/06 #8 - 53,910 ( -2.7%)
    06/06 #9 - 50,177 ( -6.9%)
    07/06 #10 - 48,902 ( -2.5%)
    08/06 #11 - 50,995 ( +4.3%)
    09/06 #12 - 48,063 ( -5.7%)
    10/06 #13 - 46,293 ( -3.7%)
    11/06 #14 - 43,476 ( -6.1%)
    12/06 #15 - 42,147 ( -3.1%)
    6 mnth (-16.0%)
    1 year (-48.2%)

    See the comments for SENSATIONAL SPIDER-MAN above.

    49. X-FACTOR
    12/05 #1 - 64,861
    12/05 #2 - 52,705 (-18.7%)
    01/06 —
    02/06 #3 - 48,307 ( -8.3%)
    03/06 #4 - 48,183 ( -0.3%)
    03/06 #5 - 46,490 ( -3.5%)
    04/06 #6 - 45,220 ( -2.7%)
    05/06 #7 - 44,315 ( -2.0%)
    06/06 #8 - 76,150 (+71.8%)
    07/06 #9 - 68,799 ( -9.7%)
    08/06 #10 - 44,603 (-35.2%)
    09/06 #11 - 43,431 ( -2.6%)
    10/06 #12 - 42,909 ( -1.2%)
    11/06 #13 - 42,844 ( -0.2%)
    12/06 #14 - 40,208 ( -6.2%)
    6 mnth (-47.2%)
    1 year (-38.1%)

    An unusually large drop for a book that’s generally fairly stable. The six month comparison is with a CIVIL WAR tie-in issue, so it’s not really representative. (Given the length of some CIVIL WAR crossover arcs, I’ll be saying that a lot over the next few months.) It’s also the book’s first anniversary, and it’s still over 40K. That would count as a successful mid-table launch.

    08/06 #1 (of 6) - 61,006
    09/06 #2 (of 6) - 44,537 (-27.0%)
    10/06 #3 (of 6) - 41,292 ( -7.3%)
    11/06 #4 (of 6) - 39,645 ( -4.0%)
    12/06 #5 (of 6) - 38,237 ( -3.6%)

    Standard miniseries decline. The book is drifting off the radar a bit, but still doing very well considering the cast. Marvel might have hoped for slightly higher numbers at this stage, considering that they’re attempting to launch a NOVA ongoing title off the back of this event.

    52. NEW X-MEN
    12/04 #7 - 43,024
    12/05 #21 - 43,473 (-26.9%)
    01/06 #22 - 42,923 ( -1.3%)
    02/06 #23 - 41,463 ( -3.4%)
    03/06 #24 - 42,044 ( +1.4%)
    04/06 #25 - 40,176 ( -4.4%)
    05/06 #26 - 40,073 ( -0.3%)
    06/06 #27 - 39,785 ( -0.7%)
    07/06 #28 - 39,771 ( -0.0%)
    08/06 #29 - 40,303 ( +1.3%)
    09/06 #30 - 39,658 ( -1.6%)
    10/06 #31 - 39,175 ( -1.2%)
    11/06 #32 - 37,919 ( -3.2%)
    12/06 #33 - 38,076 ( +0.4%)
    6 mnth ( -4.3%)
    1 year (-12.4%)
    2 year (-11.5%)

    Hovering comfortably in its normal range.

    11/06 #1 (of 6) - 54,213
    11/06 #2 (of 6) - 38,928 (-28.2%)
    12/06 #3 (of 6) - 36,744 ( -5.6%)

    Again, fairly standard miniseries drops.

    59. MS MARVEL
    03/06 #1 - 73,407
    04/06 #2 - 46,204 (-37.1%)
    05/06 #3 - 43,048 ( -6.8%)
    06/06 #4 - 40,627 ( -5.6%)
    07/06 #5 - 38,874 ( -4.3%)
    08/06 #6 - 68,330 (+75.8%)
    09/06 #7 - 64,973 ( -4.9%)
    10/06 #8 - 62,893 ( -3.2%)
    11/06 #9 - 37,881 (-39.8%)
    12/06 #10 - 34,350 ( -9.3%)
    6 mnth (-15.5%)

    A worryingly large drop at this stage. Perhaps the character’s inclusion in MIGHTY AVENGERS will help her.

    11/06 #1 - 40,696
    12/06 #2 - 33,219 (-18.4%)

    Issue #1 picks up re-orders of 2,117, and there’s a Director’s Cut edition still to go. The second issue drop isn’t bad either, considering the re-orders. These aren’t fantastic numbers, but given that it’s Iron Fist, they could have been a lot worse.

    63. PUNISHER [Max]
    12/01 #7 - 59,606
    12/02 #20 - 43,514
    12/03 #37 - 38,561
    12/04 #15 - 40,357
    12/05 #28 - 35,535 ( -1.5%)
    01/06 #29 - 34,708 ( -2.3%)
    02/06 #30 - 34,293 ( -1.2%)
    03/06 #31 - 34,505 ( +0.6%)
    04/06 #32 - 34,076 ( -1.2%)
    05/06 #33 - 34,480 ( +1.2%)
    06/06 #34 - 34,161 ( -0.9%)
    07/06 #35 - 34,116 ( -0.1%)
    08/06 #36 - 34,227 ( +0.3%)
    09/06 #37 - 34,250 ( +0.1%)
    09/06 #38 - 33,839 ( -1.2%)
    10/06 #39 - 33,962 ( +0.4%)
    11/06 #40 - 33,579 ( -1.1%)
    11/06 #41 - 33,164 ( -1.2%)
    12/06 #42 - 33,003 ( -0.5%)
    6 mnth ( -3.4%)
    1 year ( -7.1%)
    2 year (-18.2%)
    3 year (-14.4%)

    Rock solid.

    08/06 #1 - 84,006
    09/06 #2 - 66,949 (-20.3%)
    10/06 #3 - 60,770 ( -9.2%)
    11/06 #4 - 38,070 (-37.4%)
    12/06 #5 - 31,318 (-17.7%)

    Please remain calm and make your way to the lifeboats in an orderly fashion.

    A recap: this series is a spin-off from the DAUGHTERS OF THE DRAGON miniseries, which sold abysmally. The first three issues were CIVIL WAR crossovers, though, so they sold rather well. Issue #4 saw a massive drop which was only to be expected in the circumstances. But now issue #5 sees another huge drop month on month, and that suggests retailers are desperately slashing orders in the hope of finding a quantity that they can actually shift.

    At this stage in a book’s life, an 18% drop between issues is truly horrific. This is an extremely bad sign.

    12/05 #2 - 48,816 (-16.3%)
    01/06 #3 - 47,196 ( -3.3%)
    02/06 #4 - 45,071 ( -4.5%)
    03/06 #5 - 43,523 ( -3.4%)
    04/06 #6 - 40,687 ( -6.5%)
    05/06 #7 - 38,744 ( -4.8%)
    06/06 #8 - 37,428 ( -3.4%)
    07/06 #9 - 36,466 ( -2.6%)
    08/06 #10 - 36,108 ( -1.0%)
    09/06 #11 - 34,104 ( -5.6%)
    10/06 #12 - 33,082 ( -3.0%)
    11/06 #13 - 32,173 ( -2.7%)
    12/06 #14 - 31,318 ( -2.7%)
    6 mnth (-16.3%)
    1 year (-35.8%)

    Still in decline as it celebrates its first year. Obviously, months of fill-in stories, forced by the ill health of Chris Claremont, have made it difficult for the book to get traction.

    68,74. WHAT IF?
    11/06 Enemy of the State - 31,211
    11/06 The Other - 31,060
    11/06 Avengers Disassembled - 30,635
    12/06 X-Men: Age of Apocalypse - 31,172
    12/06 X-Men: Deadly Genesis - 29,902

    All this year’s one-shots end up at about the same level.

    10/06 #1 (of 12) - 46,524
    11/06 #2 (of 12) - 35,528 (-23.6%)
    12/06 #3 (of 12) - 30,610 (-13.8%)

    Still piling on the re-orders. Issue #1 gets another 4,056, while issue #2 adds 7,497 extra orders. Taking that into account, the number for issue #3 is great - it’s actually a climb from issue #2’s first month sales. This book is a hit, especially when you consider that the direct market serial format has traditionally been a weak area for DBPro.

    12/06 #1 - 30,033

    Exactly where EXILES itself usually is. And where is EXILES, you ask? Stick around…

    09/06 #1 of 8 - 39,859
    10/06 #2 of 8 - 33,688 (-15.5%)
    11/06 #3 of 8 - 30,805 ( -8.6%)
    12/06 #4 of 8 - 28,455 ( -7.6%)

    Perfectly good miniseries numbers.

    12/04 #10 - 26,911
    12/05 #23 - 23,296 ( -1.9%)
    01/06 #24 - 23,542 ( +1.1%)
    02/06 #25 - 22,918 ( -2.7%)
    03/06 #26 - 25,584 ( +11.6%)
    04/06 #27 - 26,153 ( +2.2%)
    05/06 #28 - 25,665 ( -1.9%)
    06/06 #29 - 25,368 ( -1.2%)
    07/06 #30 - 59,333 (+133.9%)
    08/06 #31 - 59,804 ( +0.8%)
    09/06 #32 - 60,177 ( +0.6%)
    10/06 #33 - 30,741 ( -48.9%)
    11/06 #34 - 29,144 ( -5.2%)
    12/06 #35 - 27,785 ( -4.7%)
    6 mnth ( +9.5%)
    1 year ( +19.3%)
    2 year ( +3.2%)

    12/01 #59 - 30,781
    12/02 #75 - 27,233
    12/04 #3 - 32,720
    12/05 #16 - 25,084 ( -0.6%)
    01/06 #17 - 23,417 ( -6.7%)
    02/06 #18 - 23,735 ( +1.4%)
    03/06 #100 - 26,798 ( +12.9%)
    04/06 #101 - 24,170 ( -9.8%)
    05/06 #102 - 23,741 ( -1.8%)
    06/06 #103 - 60,823 (+156.2%)
    07/06 #104 - 63,850 ( +5.0%)
    08/06 #105 - 61,467 ( -3.7%)
    09/06 #106 - 31,527 ( -48.7%)
    10/06 #107 - 29,624 ( -6.0%)
    11/06 #108 - 27,890 ( -5.9%)
    12/06 #109 - 27,300 ( -2.1%)
    6 mnth ( -55.1%)
    1 year ( +8.8%)
    2 year ( -16.6%)

    The two Fabian Nicieza titles are still holding on to some of their CIVIL WAR sales boosts, although they’re wearing off. THUNDERBOLTS gets revamped next month, and is virtually guaranteed to leap up the charts as a result.

    10/06 #1 (of 5) - 40,280
    11/06 #2 (of 5) - 29,824 (-26.0%)
    12/06 #3 (of 5) - 27,046 ( -9.3%)

    Again, pretty standard miniseries drops. This is fine for a Dr Strange book.

    11/06 #1 of 8 - 35,032
    11/06 #2 of 8 - 31,871 ( -9.0%)
    12/06 #3 of 8 - 27,015 (-15.2%)
    12/06 #4 of 8 - 25,622 ( -5.2%)

    This is an oddity of retailer ordering patterns: they tend to cut orders more aggressive between months. So the book gets its big drop on issue #3, not issue #2. That quirk aside, this is pretty standard.

    12/01 #41 - 23,573
    12/02 #54 - 24,389
    12/03 #67 - 21,403
    12/04 #81 - 20,419
    12/05 #93 - 17,057 ( -3.1%)
    01/06 #94 - 17,148 ( +0.5%)
    02/06 #95 - 16,778 ( -2.2%)
    03/06 #96 - 16,739 ( -0.2%)
    04/06 #97 - 17,508 ( +4.6%)
    05/06 #98 - 17,738 ( +1.3%)
    06/06 #99 - 17,915 ( +1.0%)
    07/06 #100 - 22,691 ( +26.7%)
    08/06 —-
    09/06 —-
    10/06 #1 - 47,304 (+108.5%)
    11/06 #2 - 28,135 ( -40.5%)
    12/06 #3 - 25,645 ( -8.9%)
    6 mnth ( +43.1%)
    1 year ( +50.3%)
    2 year ( +25.6%)
    3 year ( +19.8%)

    Still searching for its level, but it remains comfortably above pre-relaunch numbers.

    11/06 #1 (of 5) - 33,503
    12/06 #2 (of 5) - 25,184 (-24.8%)

    A fairly normal second issue drop for a miniseries.

    91. SHE-HULK
    12/04 #10 - 23,848
    12/05 #3 - 29,428 ( -6.9%)
    01/06 #4 - 28,214 ( -4.1%)
    02/06 #5 - 27,183 ( -3.7%)
    03/06 #6 - 26,631 ( -2.0%)
    04/06 —
    05/06 #7 - 26,561 ( -0.3%)
    05/06 #8 - 58,053 (+118.6%)
    06/06 —
    07/06 #9 - 29,902 ( -48.5%)
    08/06 #10 - 28,555 ( -4.5%)
    08/06 #11 - 27,393 ( -4.1%)
    09/06 #12 - 26,448 ( -3.4%)
    10/06 —
    11/06 #13 - 26,267 ( -0.7%)
    12/06 #14 - 24,552 ( -6.5%)
    6 mnth ( -17.9%)
    1 year ( -16.6%)
    2 year ( +3.0%)

    A slightly unusual drop; we’ll have to see whether it’s starting a trend.

    108. WONDER MAN
    12/06 #1 (of 5) - 22,282

    A decidedly lacklustre debut. Well, it’s Wonder Man - they couldn’t really have expected much better.

    01/06 #1 - 41,041
    02/06 —
    03/06 #2 - 29,911 (-27.1%)
    03/06 #3 - 27,126 ( -9.3%)
    04/06 #4 - 26,728 ( -1.5%)
    05/06 #5 - 30,818 (+15.3%)
    06/06 #6 - 24,626 (-20.1%)
    07/06 —
    08/06 #7 - 24,245 ( -1.5%)
    09/06 #8 - 23,059 ( -4.9%)
    10/06 #9 - 22,357 ( -3.0%)
    11/06 #10 - 21,644 ( -3.2%)
    12/06 #11 - 22,259 ( +2.8%)
    6 mnth ( -9.6%)

    Axed with issue #12. There’s no obvious reason for the 2.8% gain, unless possibly some retailers looked at the parody cover and figured it was a CIVIL WAR parody issue. (It isn’t.)

    113. BEYOND!
    07/06 #1 (of 6) - 35,728
    08/06 #2 (of 6) - 28,727 (-19.6%)
    09/06 #3 (of 6) - 25,096 (-12.6%)
    10/06 #4 (of 6) - 23,792 ( -5.2%)
    11/06 #5 (of 6) - 22,795 ( -4.2%)
    12/06 #6 (of 6) - 21,528 ( -5.6%)

    Considering the C-list cast, BEYOND! finishes up with a respectable number.

    09/06 #1 (of 5) - 31,784
    10/06 #2 (of 5) - 26,702 (-16.0%)
    11/06 #3 (of 5) - 23,295 (-12.8%)
    12/06 #4 (of 5) - 21,389 ( -8.2%)

    Quietly disappearing from view. This surely has to be the last we see of the MARVEL 1602 franchise for the foreseeable future.

    119. BLADE
    09/06 #1 - 37,394
    10/06 #2 - 27,170 (-27.3%)
    11/06 #3 - 23,144 (-14.8%)
    12/06 #4 - 21,043 ( -9.1%)

    Levelling out, but the numbers are very unhealthy. (Insert your own joke about the walking dead here.)

    121. EXILES
    12/01 #7 - 40,075
    12/02 #20 - 36,796
    12/03 #38 - 38,542
    12/04 #55 - 33,744
    12/05 #74 - 33,881 ( -0.4%)
    01/06 #75 - 33,485 ( -1.2%)
    01/06 #76 - 32,843 ( -1.9%)
    02/06 #77 - 32,998 ( +0.5%)
    03/06 #78 - 33,506 ( +1.5%)
    04/06 #79 - 34,119 ( +1.8%)
    05/06 #80 - 34,039 ( -0.2%)
    05/06 #81 - 33,908 ( -0.4%)
    06/06 #82 - 33,342 ( -1.7%)
    06/06 #83 - 33,143 ( -0.6%)
    07/06 #84 - 32,866 ( -0.8%)
    08/06 #85 - 33,978 ( +3.4%)
    09/06 #86 - 33,080 ( -2.6%)
    10/06 #87 - 31,946 ( -3.4%)
    11/06 #88 - 30,928 ( -3.2%)
    12/06 #89 - 20,727 (-33.0%)
    6 mnth (-37.5%)
    1 year (-38.8%)
    2 year (-38.6%)
    3 year (-46.2%)

    This is the result of a distribution screw-up. Sales are only counted towards the chart if they actually reach stores within the month. EXILES #89 was meant to ship in the last week of the month, and it did - unless you live on the west coast, in which case Diamond lost your shipping container, and didn’t get the books out until January. The remainder of the sales will almost certainly show up on next month’s chart.

    10/06 #1 - 29,499
    11/06 #2 - 23,191 (-21.4%)
    12/06 #3 - 19,580 (-15.6%)

    The lowest selling Marvel Universe title that hasn’t been cancelled yet - but with numbers like these, it’s only a matter of time.

    124,129. AVENGERS NEXT
    11/06 #1 (of 5) - 24,521
    11/06 #2 (of 5) - 20,842 (-15.0%)
    12/06 #3 (of 5) - 19,496 ( -6.5%)
    12/06 #4 (of 5) - 18,157 ( -6.9%)

    The SPIDER-GIRL sister title is holding up decently.

    126. WHITE TIGER
    11/06 #1 (of 6) - 24,663
    12/06 #2 (of 6) - 19,042 (-22.3%)

    Not a spectacular number, but no worse than should reasonably have been expected. It’s an unfamiliar creative team and a minor character, after all.

    12/04 Golden Age - 17,356
    12/05 Ultimates - 20,795 ( -9.5%)
    01/06 #1 (of 12) - 23,423 (+12.6%)
    02/06 #2 (of 12) - 21,828 ( -6.8%)
    03/06 #3 (of 12) - 21,681 ( -0.7%)
    04/06 #4 (of 12) - 21,531 ( -0.7%)
    05/06 #5 (of 12) - 21,331 ( -0.9%)
    06/06 #6 (of 12) - 20,731 ( -2.8%)
    07/06 #7 (of 12) - 20,124 ( -2.9%)
    08/06 #8 (of 12) - 19,926 ( -1.0%)
    09/06 #9 (of 12) - 18,966 ( -4.8%)
    10/06 #10 (of 12) - 18,767 ( -1.0%)
    11/06 #11 (of 12) - 18,285 ( -2.6%)
    12/06 #12 (of 12) - 17,826 ( -2.5%)
    6 mnth (-14.0%)
    1 year (-14.3%)
    2 year ( +2.7%)

    The A TO Z series wraps up, having held its audience surprisingly well. The title continues into 2007 with a mixture of updates and theme issues.

    132. CRIMINAL [Icon]
    10/06 #1 - 25,978
    11/06 #2 - 21,115 (-18.7%)
    12/06 #3 - 17,702 (-16.2%)

    Ah, now that’s a rather steep drop for the third issue. A bit disappointing.

    134. UNION JACK
    09/06 #1 (of 4) - 25,333
    10/06 #2 (of 4) - 20,871 (-17.6%)
    11/06 #3 (of 4) - 18,841 ( -9.7%)
    12/06 #4 (of 4) - 17,495 ( -7.1%)

    Not spectacular, but considering that it’s Union Jack with no big name creators attached, it’s actually a respectable performance.

    12/06 Marvel Holiday Special - 15,093

    The annual Christmas special, featuring filler galore. Last year it did 14,341.

    145. ZOMBIE [Max]
    09/06 #1 (of 4) - 26,621
    10/06 #2 (of 4) - 19,772 (-25.7%)
    11/06 #3 (of 4) - 16,605 (-16.0%)
    12/06 #4 (of 4) - 14,855 (-10.5%)

    10/06 #1 (of 5) - 27,045
    11/06 #2 (of 5) - 17,398 (-35.7%)
    12/06 #3 (of 5) - 14,593 (-16.1%)

    Two miniseries from the recent Max imprint push, both politely fading into synchronised obscurity.

    08/06 #1 (of 6) - 19,292
    09/06 #2 (of 6) - 14,416 (-25.3%)
    10/06 #3 (of 6) - 12,929 (-10.3%)
    11/06 #4 (of 6) - 12,388 ( -4.2%)
    12/06 #5 (of 6) - 11,853 ( -4.3%)

    Well received, but not many people actually bought it.

    05/06 #1 - 13,891
    06/06 #2 - 9,359 (-32.7%)
    07/06 #3 - 9,006 ( -3.8%)
    08/06 #4 - 8,610 ( -4.4%)
    09/06 #5 - 7,994 ( -7.2%)
    10/06 #6 - 7,879 ( -1.4%)
    11/06 #7 - 7,642 ( -3.0%)
    12/06 #8 - 7,512 ( -1.7%)

    As I’ve said many times before, the all ages books aren’t dependent on direct market sales, and these numbers of academic interest only.

    10/06 #1-2 - 1,892
    11/06 #3 (of 12) - 4,595 (+142.9%)
    12/06 #4 (of 12) - 7,266 ( +58.1%)

    This, on the other hand, is rather more attention-grabbing. Last month I said that I wouldn’t bother listing the DBPro books unless they were selling well enough to make the Top 300 consistently. Well, if they keep gaining sales at this rate, that’s not going to be a concern. Of course, this book is still doing most of its business elsewhere, but hooking up with Marvel does seem to be boosting DBPro’s direct market sales in leaps and bounds.

    12/05 #10 - 6,391 ( -3.7%)
    01/06 #11 - 6,107 ( -4.4%)
    02/06 #12 - 6,087 ( -0.3%)
    03/06 #13 - 5,899 ( -3.1%)
    04/06 #14 - 5,970 ( +1.2%)
    05/06 #15 - 6,165 ( +3.3%)
    06/06 #16 - 6,114 ( -0.8%)
    07/06 #17 - 6,133 ( +0.3%)
    08/06 #18 - 6,220 ( +1.4%)
    09/06 #19 - 6,057 ( -2.6%)
    10/06 #20 - 6,131 ( +1.2%)
    11/06 #21 - 6,529 ( +6.5%)
    12/06 #22 - 6,396 ( -2.0%)
    6 mnth ( +4.6%)
    1 year ( +0.1%)

    211. SPIDER-MAN & POWER PACK [All ages]
    11/06 #1 (of 4) - 7,897
    12/06 #2 (of 4) - 6,350 (-19.6%)

    213. SPIDER-MAN LOVES MARY JANE [All ages]
    12/05 #1 - 11,171
    01/06 #2 - 8,590 (-23.1%)
    02/06 #3 - 7,648 (-11.0%)
    03/06 #4 - 7,672 ( +0.3%)
    04/06 #5 - 7,165 ( -6.6%)
    05/06 #6 - 7,069 ( -1.3%)
    06/06 #7 - 6,834 ( -3.3%)
    07/06 #8 - 6,769 ( -1.0%)
    08/06 #9 - 6,719 ( -0.7%)
    09/06 #10 - 6,623 ( -1.4%)
    10/06 #11 - 6,586 ( -0.6%)
    11/06 #12 - 6,520 ( -1.0%)
    12/06 #13 - 6,311 ( -3.2%)
    6 mnth ( -7.7%)
    1 year (-43.5%)

    More all ages titles.

    12/05 –
    01/06 –
    02/06 –
    03/06 –
    04/06 –
    05/06 –
    06/06 –
    07/06 #6 - 5,815
    08/06 –
    09/06 –
    10/06 –
    11/06 –
    12/06 #7 - 5,226 (-10.1%)

    David Mack’s sporadic art book makes one of its irregular appearances on the charts.

    10/06 #1-2 - 1,617
    11/06 #3 (of 12) - < 3,170 ( ?.?%)
    12/06 #4 (of 12) - 5,034 (+>58.9%)

    This book failed to chart last month, meaning that it must have sold fewer than 3,170 copies. This month it managed 5,034 and it was comfortably inside the top 250. There’s actual, significant growth here, even though these books aren’t going to develop typical Marvel sales patterns overnight.

    12/05 #7 - 5,058 ( -8.4%)
    01/06 #8 - 4,834 ( -4.4%)
    02/06 #9 - 4,711 ( -2.5%)
    03/06 #10 - 4,663 ( -1.0%)
    04/06 #11 - 4,526 ( -2.9%)
    05/06 #12 - 4,836 ( +6.8%)
    06/06 #13 - 4,752 ( -1.7%)
    07/06 #14 - 4,668 ( -1.8%)
    08/06 #15 - 4,569 ( -2.1%)
    09/06 #16 - 4,687 ( +2.6%)
    10/06 #17 - 4,557 ( -2.8%)
    11/06 #18 - 4,614 ( +1.3%)
    12/06 #19 - 4,533 ( -1.8%)
    6 mnth ( -4.6%)
    1 year (-10.4%)

    10/06 #1 (of 6) - 1,873
    11/05 #2 (of 6) - < 3,170 ( ?.?%)
    12/06 #3 (of 6) - 3,186 (+>0.5%)

    A little less emphatic than MAGICIAN or RED PROPHET, but still showing signs of growth. Looks like I’ll have to watch out for DBPro’s books after all.

    Skip months

    05/06 #1 (of 7) - 360,172
    06/06 #2 (of 7) - 339,527 ( -5.7%)
    07/06 #3 (of 7) - 332,451 ( -2.1%)
    08/06 —
    09/06 #4 (of 7) - 283,556 (-14.7%)
    10/06 —
    11/06 #5 (of 7) - 276,328 ( -2.5%)
    12/06 —

    Late. The re-orders continue to flood in: 2,571 copies of issue #1, 2,147 of issue #3, 3,048 of issue #4 and 3,725 of issue #5.

    Marvel also shifted a further 8,936 copies of CIVIL WAR: CHOOSING SIDES in December, bringing the total to 83,547.

    12/01 #38 - 88,666
    12/02 #48 - 93,867
    12/03 #502 - 90,484
    12/04 #515 - 82,840
    12/05 #527 - 89,922 ( -0.5%)
    01/06 #528 - 97,807 ( -8.8%)
    02/06 #529 - 132,329 (+35.3%)
    03/06 #530 - 101,226 (-23.5%)
    04/06 #531 - 96,213 ( -5.0%)
    05/06 #532 - 119,083 (+23.8%)
    06/06 #533 - 137,926 (+15.8%)
    07/06 #534 - 125,553 ( -9.0%)
    08/06 —-
    09/06 #535 - 122,968 ( -2.1%)
    10/06 —-
    11/06 #536 - 121,003 ( -1.6%)
    12/06 —

    Delayed by CIVIL WAR. Issue #536 picks up 2,170 re-orders.

    11/06 #1 - 102,727
    12/06 –

    Delayed by CIVIL WAR.

    12/02 #9 - 101,811
    12/03 #12 - 104,572
    12/04 #1 - 146,271
    12/05 #9 - 94,493 ( -1.5%)
    01/06 —
    02/06 —
    03/06 #10 - 94,900 ( +0.4%)
    04/06 —
    05/06 —
    06/06 #11 - 96,751 ( +2.0%)
    07/06 —
    08/06 —
    09/06 #12 - 99,538 ( +2.9%)
    10/06 —
    11/06 —
    12/06 —

    Late again. December saw the second anniversary of issue #1. Isn’t that sweet?

    12/01 #50 - 40,010
    12/02 #7 - 57,410
    12/03 #21 - 43,018
    12/04 —
    12/05 #13 - 44,954 ( -0.2%)
    01/05 —
    02/06 #14 - 44,041 ( -0.2%)
    02/06 #15 - 43,350 ( -1.6%)
    03/06 #16 - 44,717 ( +3.2%)
    04/06 #17 - 45,541 ( +1.8%)
    05/06 #18 - 46,740 ( +2.6%)
    06/06 #19 - 47,315 ( +1.2%)
    07/06 #20 - 47,357 ( +0.1%)
    08/06 —
    09/06 #21 - 49,050 ( +3.6%)
    09/06 #22 - 86,875 (+77.1%)
    10/06 #23 - 81,323 ( -6.4%)
    11/06 #24 - 82,348 ( +1.3%)
    12/06 —

    Late, presumably because of CIVIL WAR tie-ins. Issue #24 picks up 2,463 re-orders.

    04/06 #1 - 114,533
    05/06 #2 - 77,552 (-32.3%)
    06/06 #3 - 72,206 ( -6.9%)
    07/06 —
    08/06 #4 - 67,802 ( -6.1%)
    09/06 #5 - 64,736 ( -4.5%)
    10/06 —
    11/06 #6 - 74,017 (+14.3%)
    12/06 —


    06/06 #1 (of 6) - 110,269
    07/06 #2 (of 6) - 79,086 (-28.3%)
    08/06 #3 (of 6) - 73,997 ( -6.4%)
    09/06 #4 (of 6) - 66,556 (-10.1%)
    10/06 –
    11/06 #5 (of 6) - 66,356 ( -0.3%)
    12/06 –


    12/03 #5 - 70,321
    12/04 #14 - 57,975
    03/06 #1 - 61,625 (+21.8%)
    04/06 #2 - 51,197 (-16.9%)
    05/06 #3 - 49,205 ( -3.9%)
    06/06 #4 - 48,035 ( -1.8%)
    07/06 #5 - 46,029 ( -4.2%)
    08/06 #6 - 44,564 ( -3.2%)
    09/06 —
    10/06 —
    11/06 #7 - 41,966 ( -5.8%)
    12/06 —

    Off the schedule altogether. Issues #8 and #9 were solicited, with Mike Deodato as the new regular artist. Then they were cancelled, with Deodato blaming “late scripts.” Then Deodato was reassigned to the THUNDERBOLTS revamp. The delayed issues haven’t been rescheduled. So basically, the current position is that, in theory, SQUADRON SUPREME has not been cancelled, but in practice, they haven’t solicited any more issues. On any view, this is a troubled comic.

    12/03 #9 - 20,429
    12/04 —
    12/05 #11 - 25,260 ( -1.9%)
    01/06 #12 - 24,989 ( -1.1%)
    02/06 #13 - 24,313 ( -2.7%)
    03/06 #14 - 24,536 ( +0.9%)
    04/06 #15 - 24,046 ( -2.0%)
    05/06 #16 - 23,842 ( -0.8%)
    06/06 #17 - 23,654 ( -0.8%)
    07/06 #18 - 24,678 ( +4.3%)
    08/06 #19 - 25,042 ( +1.5%)
    09/06 #20 - 23,561 ( -5.9%)
    10/06 #21 - 25,553 ( +8.5%)
    11/06 #22 - 25,908 ( +1.4%)
    12/06 —


    POWERS [Icon]
    12/01 #17 - 28,205
    12/02 #27 - 26,621
    12/03 —
    12/04 #7 - 30,687
    12/05 #15 - 25,633 ( -1.8%)
    01/06 —
    02/06 #16 - 24,924 ( -2.8%)
    03/06 #17 - 24,139 ( -3.1%)
    04/06 —
    05/06 #18 - 23,617 ( -2.2%)
    06/06 —
    07/06 #19 - 23,156 ( -1.9%)
    08/06 —
    09/06 —
    10/06 #20 - 22,943 ( -0.9%)
    11/06 #21 - 22,134 ( -3.5%)
    12/06 —

    Skip months.

    WISDOM [Max]
    11/06 #1 (of 6) - 20,021
    12/06 —


    KABUKI [Icon]
    12/04 #3 - 13,885
    12/05 —
    01/06 —
    02/06 #6 - 11,349 ( -0.6%)
    03/06 —
    04/06 —
    05/06 —
    06/06 —
    07/06 —
    08/06 #7 - 10,798 ( -4.9%)
    09/06 —
    10/06 —
    11/06 —
    12/06 —

    Skip month.

    07/06 #1 - 13,514
    08/06 #2 - 9,301 (-31.2%)
    09/06 —
    10/06 #3 - 7,716 (-17.0%)
    11/06 —
    12/06 —


    12/05 Cassaday/McKeever - 9,763
    01/06 Ellis/Cheung - 6,843 ( -29.9%)
    02/06 Whedon/Lark - 5,947 ( -13.1%)
    03/06 Finch/Sacasa - 4,146 ( -30.3%)
    04/06 Way/Coipel - 3,309 ( -20.2%)
    05/06 —
    06/06 Millar/McNiven - 7,668 (+131.7%)
    06/06 Gaiman/Larroca - 5,449 ( -28.9%)
    07/06 Kirkman/Land - 3,963 ( -27.3%)
    08/06 Brubaker/Tan - 3,580 ( -9.7%)
    09/06 Lee/Kirby - 6,313 ( +76.3%)
    10/06 Onslaught Reborn - 4,557 ( -27.8%)
    11/06 Bendis/Bagley - 5,869 ( +28.8%)
    12/06 —


    6 month comparisons

    +95.6% - Black Panther
    +94.9% - Iron Man
    +43.1% - Spider-Girl
    +10.1% - Uncanny X-Men
    + 9.5% - Cable & Deadpool
    + 4.6% - Marvel Adventures Spider-Man
    + 3.8% - Ultimate Spider-Man
    + 1.1% - Astonishing X-Men
    + 0.3% - X-Men
    • 0.5% - Daredevil
    • 2.6% - Hulk
    • 3.4% - Punisher
    • 4.3% - New X-Men
    • 4.5% - Sensational Spider-Man
    • 4.6% - Marvel Adventures Fantastic Four
    • 5.6% - Ultimate X-Men
    • 7.7% - Spider-Man Loves Mary Jane
    • 8.3% - Fantastic Four
    • 9.6% - Nextwave
    -14.0% - Official Handbook
    -15.5% - Ms Marvel
    -16.0% - Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man
    -16.3% - New Excalibur
    -17.9% - She-Hulk
    -20.8% - New Avengers
    -26.3% - Civil War: Front Line
    -27.0% - Wolverine: Origins
    -32.4% - Wolverine
    -34.8% - Ultimate Fantastic Four
    -37.5% - Exiles
    -47.2% - X-Factor
    -55.1% - Thunderbolts

    1 year comparisons

    +86.7% - Black Panther
    +81.6% - Fantastic Four
    +62.2% - Iron Man
    +50.3% - Amazing Spider-Girl
    +29.8% - Hulk
    +19.3% - Cable & Deadpool
    +10.9% - Daredevil
    + 8.8% - Thunderbolts
    + 5.8% - Uncanny X-Men
    + 2.3% - Ultimate Spider-Man
    + 1.2% - X-Men
    + 0.1% - Marvel Adventures Spider-Man
    • 3.1% - New Avengers
    • 4.5% - Sensational Spider-Man
    • 6.7% - Wolverine
    • 7.1% - Punisher
    • 8.7% - Ultimate X-Men
    -10.4% - Marvel Adventures Fantastic Four
    -12.4% - New X-Men
    -14.3% - Official Handbook
    -16.6% - She-Hulk
    -21.0% - Ultimate Fantastic Four
    -21.8% - Ghost Rider
    -35.8% - New Excalibur
    -38.1% - X-Factor
    -38.8% - Exiles
    -43.5% - Spider-Man Loves Mary Jane
    -48.2% - Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man

    2 year comparisons

    +78.2% - Fantastic Four
    +37.7% - Iron Man
    +25.6% - Amazing Spider-Girl
    + 3.2% - Cable & Deadpool
    + 3.0% - She-Hulk
    + 2.7% - Official Handbook
    • 2.4% - Wolverine
    • 4.4% - Uncanny X-Men
    • 4.9% - Daredevil
    • 9.5% - Astonishing X-Men
    • 9.8% - X-Men
    -11.5% - New X-Men
    -14.3% - Ultimate Spider-Man
    -16.6% - Thunderbolts
    -18.2% - Punisher
    -24.8% - Sensational Spider-Man
    -29.4% - Ultimate Fantastic Four
    -38.6% - Exiles
    -49.0% - New Avengers

    3 year comparisons

    +130.1% - Iron Man
    +112.2% - New Avengers
    + 68.7% - Fantastic Four
    + 19.8% - Spider-Girl
    + 5.6% - Wolverine
    • 4.8% - Uncanny X-Men
    • 7.8% - Hulk
    • 10.5% - Daredevil
    • 14.4% - Punisher
    • 29.4% - X-Men
    • 30.6% - Ultimate Spider-Man
    • 35.5% - Ultimate X-Men
    • 46.2% - Exiles
    • 68.3% - Ultimate Fantastic Four

Die Kommentare zum Artikel sind auch sehr interessant. Dort diskutiert Ed Brubaker himself über die Criminal Zahlen. Unbedingt lesen!
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