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Beiträge: 12723
Ort: Hamburg

wieviele Comics: 10.011 US-Marvels

New PostErstellt: 05.02.07, 11:23  Betreff:  Der MARVEL-HULDIGUNGS-Thread  drucken  Thema drucken  weiterempfehlen

Okay... laßt euren wohlwollenden Gefühlen freien Lauf!

    Zitat: ATR
    Your Marvel Musings Minute…

    I’ve been reading in various places, including our own forums here at SBC, the unbridled speculation on what Marvel has planned for their primary Universe of Operations (616). I’ve heard quite a bit myself, from various sources; about what will / won’t / might / maybe happen and all that fusion jazz.

    I’ve heard all sorts of stuff concerning how Marvel goes about planning (or “planning” to those of you of a cynical persuasion) things. From that they dictate everything to the writers stemming from a mad 20-year business plan sold to them by quasi-aliens that worship deceased science-fiction authors to the “dartboard approach” (complete with nude clowns and man-killing baby seals).

    I discussed this with some insiders recently, and they all seem to be of the same mind; Marvel gets most of its direction from passionate writers and a crop of editors who are really with the “program”, if you will. The one thing I could ascertain for sure is that everything you see happening in the MU is done out of a deep love and respect for the characters. I realise that some of you are groaning right now, or are hissing curses, but keep in mind that change can be good.

    One must keep in mind that most of the writers involved with Marvel (and, as one can assume, DC or any other long-standing company) grew up with these characters and that it’s only natural that they want to bring those dynamic and much beloved figures back to their roots, back to what made those writers fall in love with them in the first place.

    Another thing one must keep in mind is that the regular Marvel 616 Universe will become more like the Ultimate Marvel Universe. No, no, not in the way that probably first springs to the forefront of your brain. What I mean is that Marvel is making a concerted effort to interconnect most of the titles on a regular basis. Look what DC has done with 52 and what they will be doing with the (alleged) upcoming Multiverse weekly. Marvel has been doing it for years with the Ultimate line. Readers don’t have to read all the interconnected comics, but it sure doesn’t hurt, and more in-depth regular crossover with storylines and such is very much in the cards with Marvel, you just wait and see (heck, you’re seeing it now).

    Now take that for what you will. What do I think? I can tell you we’re in for one hell of a ride in the very near future. But you already know that. I’ll keep my ear to the ground and my minions well-fed in hopes for any juicy stuff I’ll be able to swing your way soon.

    This Has A “When Will Marvel Have A Mooninites Crossover?” Factor Of Five Out Of Ten

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Jake Gallows
Leader Of The Infamous Ghost Rider Gang

Beiträge: 1423

wieviele Comics: 'nen paar

New PostErstellt: 05.02.07, 20:36  Betreff: Re: Der MARVEL-HULDIGUNGS-Thread  drucken  weiterempfehlen

Leider bin ich heute nicht so wohlwollend.

    The one thing I could ascertain for sure is that everything you
    see happening in the MU is done out of a deep love and respect
    for the characters.
    SPOTLIGHT: Your series focused just about exclusively on Ghost Rider, and not his alter ego, Johnny Blaze. Why did you decided to go this direction?

    GARTH: Johnny Blaze didn't interest me, really. Just another tormented soul/do-gooder. Ghost Rider's not much better, but he has the huge advantage of the . . . motorbike and burning head.
"Deep love and respect for the characters" indeed. Und er ist ja auch mit Sicherheit nicht der einzige. Bei dem was ich über Warren Ellis "gehört" habe, ist der mit newuniversal wohl auch nicht wirklich glücklich. Das soll nicht heißen, dass es nicht eine Menge Leute bei Marvel gibt, die mit Begeisterung ihre Arbeit verrichten, aber mit Aussagen wie "everything" wäre ich ja etwas vorsichtiger.

Die dt. Punisher Fanpage, nun endlich wieder online:


[editiert: 05.02.07, 20:37 von Jake Gallows]
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Beiträge: 5647

New PostErstellt: 05.02.07, 21:35  Betreff: Re: Der MARVEL-HULDIGUNGS-Thread  drucken  weiterempfehlen

Ich kann diesen neuen ATR-Guy einfach nicht ausstehen, er schreibt und schreibt um nichts zu erzählen.

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Beiträge: 12723
Ort: Hamburg

wieviele Comics: 10.011 US-Marvels

New PostErstellt: 06.02.07, 00:03  Betreff: Re: Der MARVEL-HULDIGUNGS-Thread  drucken  weiterempfehlen

    Zitat: Vao
    Ich kann diesen neuen ATR-Guy einfach nicht ausstehen, er schreibt und schreibt um nichts zu erzählen.
Das allerdings ist mir auch schon aufgefallen! Viel Lärm um nichts!

Als Anlaß für einen Huldigungs-Thread dient es aber allemal!

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