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New PostErstellt: 19.07.07, 22:36     Betreff: Re: Die Marvel Gallerie... Cool, Sexy, Awesome, Terrible!

So today I woke up to a friend of mine at Marvel alerting me too the fact that there was a "weird guy" as he put it calling editors at Marvel telling them that I was late on his commission.

My friend told me that he wanted to give me a head's up as to what this guy was doing, just wanted to watch my back. They thought the guy was creepy.

The guy's name was Will Torres. The same Torres who occasionally posts as Soulspawn here on my boards.

Will had sent me a PM here last week asking about the status of his commission and had commented that he had read the commission post update I had as a sticky post since May 27th and he stated he was fine. Here it is...

"I know that you posted a message on your message board which is fine with me but I still do not know how soon will I see my cover from you."

First off, before I go further, I do not and cannot read every PM or thread or messsage on these boards. I just can't, I don't have time. So I read his PM yesterday, along with all the other pm's that had been stacking up. Then this morning I hear he's been calling Marvel comics about a commission that has absolutely nothing to do with them or their characters. Bad enough but then it gets better....

Turns out Torres has gotten my Mother's phone number and has called her inquiring as to when he will get his commission. Then I remember my Mom telling me about some fan who called her a few weeks back, she couldn't recall the name or what they wanted.

Mr. Torres got his commission in at the end of the line, the very last one. He sent payment in April as my PM to him on April 16th will confirm. I had not yet opened his package as this pm from me to Torres explains....

"just got home, got your package w/payment.

i'll look everything over tomorrow and get on it as soon as i finish the latest issue. should be about a week.



Then shortly after that a friend died, me and my family took ill, things got behind, leading to me posting my Commission update thread a month later on May 27th.

Torres acknowledged that he read that thread. That's good because it was meant for him and the other six people waiting for their commissions ahead of him.

But Torres decided to get aggressive and contact my Mom and now Marvel.

This is beyond crossing the line. Especially after I had not received any inquiries from him over the past 2 months. What's the deal here I thought.

I confronted Mr. Torres today on his actions and I was hit with all his rationalizations. Truly I've never experienced anything like this guy.

All of you in line waiting longer for commissions than Torres stand up.....

Andy Prowant, Cylon, Jeremy, Jairmy...others....

Not a peep or a harassment out of any of you. I give a discounted price on commissions and I do my best to see that their professional quality and not shoddy attempts to cash in. This is my best guess as to why I get so many requests for commissions, because I put work into them and they please the customer. I haven't had a return or complaint yet.

Until Mr. Torres who now comes clean with a half dozen e-mails sent to this address..

which is a former address of Adrian Nicita, the man responsible for creating these boards and my web site.

I have never received an e-mail at this address in my life. I understand now that Adrian failed to remove it when he set up my account and activated the boards. Honest mistake.

But here's the rub....I live on these boards as you all know. You don't think you're getting through to me and want to get my attention START A THREAD on the boards.....maybe " ROB CONTACT ME!" would be a good place to start. Keep me accountable but don't involve my extended family members. Especially my Mom who has nothing to do with my comics work.

Word to the wise-Don't call my Mom or bother Marvel comics about a matter that does not concern them.

These are moves that give fans a bad name and creepy association.

Many of you have purchased art and commissions from me and while I may be slow, I always come through.

Will Torres is an example of exactly what you don't act. I will no longer draw his wrap around cover, I won't associate with this guy again and with good reason. A line was crossed. Actions that were irrational and irresponsible were taken.

And get this, earlier today he asked me not to share this with anyone else, he didn't want this dispute made public.

The same way Torres refrained from harassing my Mother and one of my business associates?

I stretched myself thin to complete Torres request to do a sketch of his character at NYC con. I treated him with kindness and patience same as I would hope is afforded to me. Afterward he would ask to make that sketch a cover. Then he solicited it without my seeing or approving the colored version. How considerate of him. I kept quiet. Now I just can't.

I'm sharing this today because this incident has made me reconsider everything about conventions, commissions, pro-fan relations and I'm still a little freaked out.

Jude and others have warned me of stalkers and today I discovered one in my own back yard, in my own message board. Stalkers step over the line and believe me the line has been violated.

Check your facts. Check your info. Don't ever call someone's Mom about a drawing you've commissioned. That's freakin' flat out creepy as hell.

This entire incident has creeped me out....I'm going to take another shower.


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