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Jake Gallows
Leader Of The Infamous Ghost Rider Gang
Beiträge: 1423
Erstellt: 07.06.07, 18:31 Betreff: Re: Ghost Riders Way |
Würde ich nicht mit rechnen, obwohl es natürlich schön wäre.
Das Material ist halt schon recht alt, weshalb es sich schon mal aus Prinzip schlecht verkauft. Und dann kommt noch hinzu, dass es sich um einen Charakter handelt, den die meisten vor dem Film hierzulande maximal aus ein paar Gastauftritten aus irgendwelchen Spider-Man-Comics kannten. Die Serie wird es also in jedem Fall schwer haben, auch wenn sie etwas billiger wäre. Ich gehe mal davon aus, dass das kurzzeitige Interesse am Rider von dem bestimmt auch der Ennis-Band profitiert hat, mittlerweile wieder stark nachgelassen hat. Für mich ist im Moment nicht mal so sicher, ob überhaupt die aktuelle Serie auf dt. länger durchhält, auf die klassischen Geschichten spekuliere ich da nicht mal.
Ach ja, Javier Saltares zu den derzeitigen "Gepflogenheiten" auf US Comic Conventions:
as for wwchicago. NO! sorry.
use to be promoters would pay their "draw" ( "creators" ) to attend shows. ( we go to COMIC conventions to meet COMIC creators ) things change. i can accept that. still enjoy doing the shows however. creators want to meet creators too. i personally enjoy meeting the fine people who pay my bills. gives me the chance to say "thank you".
this is the way i see it. creators take time from their schedule from work, home and family. pay at their own expense for flight, room and food all to attend some ones show. a name to promote for "HIS/HER" show which translates into dollars in "THEIR" pockets at no added expense to "THEM". seems to me a promoter should be greatful. creators are fans too, so we go! our decesion, our fault or favor. that's one thing.
it's a whole other thing for a promoter to think creators should pay for the privilige of helping them make money on "YOUR" name. i really don't mind paying to do some ones show. i have fun at them too. i just can't bring myself to paying for space! it just seems greedy to me. i know comic creators aren't rock stars but it's as if someone said. "hey bono, come do our show for us. it'll be great! we'll make alot of money off your name and we'll only charge you $10,000.00 grand for stage set up!" it's just ridiculous. great idea if you can getit i guess. but thier not getting it from me. i suppose i'm saying don't count on me appearing at any wizardcon or comiccon anytime soon. sorry about that take care jarv |
Da war ich ja schon ein Stück weit entsetzt.
____________________ Die dt. Punisher Fanpage, nun endlich wieder online:
[editiert: 07.06.07, 18:32 von Jake Gallows]
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