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New PostErstellt: 11.09.07, 11:22     Betreff: SECRET INVASION

    Brian Bendis: Yup – it’s an eight issue miniseries, a very large story – the first issue is double-sized. Basically it’s me and Leinil Yu (he’s leaving MNew Avengers to do this with me) putting the exclamation point on this Skrull story. The miniseries in and of itself has a beginning, middle and end like Civil War, but if you’ve been following what’s been going on – it’s a huge payoff, but if you’re just reading Secret Invasion, you’ll get a full, large-scale Marvel Universe story.

    Thos it is Avengers-centric, because it started with the Avengers, it involves The Initiative, Young Avengers, X-Men, FF, Thunderbolts – it’s a big cast of characters, villains and heroes alike

    NRAMA: So this will be towards a Civil War, World War Hulk in that there will be the main miniseries and the tie in issues of the regular books…

    BB: Right – in New and Mighty Avengers what we’re going to be doing, and I’m sure I speak for many when I say that there’s nothing more annoying about a conspiracy-type story than when you’re not told everything, a la X-Files. I’m dedicated to the opposite, and what will happen is that the reveals will be made in Secret Invasion, and for those who’ve been following the Avengers books and want to know who specific things happened, we’ll rewind and show from certain characters’ points of view, what was going on in the Marvel Universe, how they did what they did, when they did what they did, where the switch was, and if there was a switch. We’ll turn over all the cards.
    NRAMA: This won’t be characters going back and trying to figure out how things worked the way they did?

    BB: No – we actually rewind the clock and show the story. So if there’s a character on the team who’s a Skrull, we will rewind from when they got on that team, or from before they got on that team, so when they infiltrated, how they became who they became and the affects of their actions from their point of view.

    Also, certain other characters will be returning to the Marvel Universe.

    NRAMA: Nick Fury?

    BB: A huge return. We’ll show exactly where he’s been and what he’s been doing since Secret Wars. I’m really excited about that – it will be a little similar to the character-focused issues that we did in New Avengers during Civil War, but these will be very specific characters and elements in rgards to what’s being showcased. Instead of character pieces, we’ll be showing pieces of the puzzle. It’s not going to be like, “No, you figure it out.” I’ve planned this for years, and we’re going to show it all.

    NRAMA: How old is the oldest piece in this? How far does this particular storyline go back?

    BB: I had approval of this, not knowing what shape it would end up in – it’s own mini or an Avengers storyline – during Avengers: Disassembled. That’s how long it’s been going. The first piece of the puzzle shows itself in New Avengers #1. One of the issues of Avengers during the miniseries will show you that scene from the other angle.

    For those who’ve held in here for this, and it’s been a few years, and people have been very, very supportive of this, it’s something that I owe them. I have the material, so it would be arrogant not to show it. I hated when the X-Files movie came out, and they said that it would answer everything, and it didn’t. I watched that movie and thought, “You don’t know what your story is, do you?” They had some interesting pieces, but even they didn’t have any kind of larger story to put them all together, so it was just a stupid shell game for the audience. I learned that lesson – that’s not what I want to do here. We’ve got to show everything, and we’ve got so many stories to tell afterwards that there’s no reason to rag things out. If we’re doing this, we have to say, “This is it - Secret Invasion, beginning, middle and end. Done.” And it’s a hell of an end.

    NRAMA: And you’ve got stories planned for the Marvel Universe afterwards?

    BB: Oh yeah.

    NRAMA: The scope of the change that the Marvel Universe will see by the end of Secret Invasion - another fundamental shift like before and after Civil War?

    BB: Yep. Civil War was its own thing – it was definitely lightning in a bottle, and it would be ridiculous not to acknowledge that. I was thrilled to be a part of it, but you knew that was its own thing. This is of the same scope, but it’s a very different type of story with a different agenda and a different tone. I love that it’s completely different from House of M and Civil War. Some people who worry about fatigue from stuff like this – it’s up to us that, if we’re going to do these, we need to make them all very unique. I like that there’s no Civil War 2. It would have sold, and it’s a no-brainer to do sequels, but everyone’s looking forward to new ideas and moving things ahead, not revisiting the past. It’s totally and dramatically its own thing.

    The other thing that I like about it is that it is completely about the Marvel Universe. It’s historically about the Marvel Universe, it’s modern to the Marvel Universe – it’s both things at once. The Skrulls have been around since the earliest days of the Fantastic Four, so to take them and put them in such a modern context and have it feel like the world we live in now is interesting, and damn challenging to write. For three years now.
    NRAMA: Last question – let’s throw it out for a teaser/confirmation. You said that the earliest piece goes back to New Avengers #1 - so the breakout was engineered by Skrulls?

    BB: That is what I am saying, yes. And if you go re-read the first arc of New Avengers - there was an assassination attempt on them b y someone at SHIELD, and there hasn’t even been a moment for them to investigate it, and now Tony’s in charge, and he definitely feels like there’s something Skrully going on. SO does Maria Hill – she got put in charge of SHEILD, and wisely, she wondered, “Why am I in charge of SHILED? Where’s Nick Fury, and why am I in charge?” She even brought up the parallels to the elements in A Few Good Men where Tom Cruise was wondering if he was given the case so that he screwed it up. Was Maria Hill put in charge of SHILED so that she would screw things up or miss something important? Now, knowing this is coming, these questions start to get more interesting.

    There are hints in Secret War - the transcription of Maria Hill’s introduction to the President in the back of one of the issues. That’s worth a re-read.

    NRAMA: So now, anyone who wants to has a new hobby between this announcement and April?

    BB: Hey, if anyone was on the fence about this, and maybe wants to buy it now, and go back and pick up a copy of Secret War, don’t let me stop you…he says in his best Jewy voice [laughs]

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