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Frioday´s Cup'O Joe

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Beiträge: 12723
Ort: Hamburg

wieviele Comics: 10.011 US-Marvels

New PostErstellt: 30.03.08, 14:56  Betreff: Re: Friday's My Cup'O Joe  drucken  weiterempfehlen

    Zitat: sailorboy
    find cool, das quicksilver jetzt einen one-shot bekommt! der hat mir irgendwie gefehlt
Der hatte sehr starke Auftritte in X-Factor!

  • [2006-08] X-Factor [vol.3] # 008
  • [2006-09] X-Factor [vol.3] # 009
  • [2006-10] X-Factor [vol.3] # 010
  • [2006-11] X-Factor [vol.3] # 011
  • [2007-01] X-Factor [vol.3] # 013
  • [2007-05] X-Factor [vol.3] # 017
  • [2007-06] X-Factor [vol.3] # 018
  • [2007-07] X-Factor [vol.3] # 019
  • [2007-08] X-Factor [vol.3] # 020
  • [2007-11] X-Factor [vol.3] # 023 [1.Story]

    Marvel Checklist
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Mighty Avenger

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Ort: leipzig

New PostErstellt: 30.03.08, 17:53  Betreff: Re: Friday's My Cup'O Joe  drucken  weiterempfehlen

das hatte ich gar nicht mehr auf dem schirm.....

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New PostErstellt: 06.04.08, 11:34  Betreff: Re: Friday's My Cup'O Joe woche 3  drucken  weiterempfehlen

JM: Me neither. We also have a cover or promo piece or whatever from Patsy Walker: Hellcat. When’s this coming?

JQ: Patsy Walker: Hellcat is important to the Marvel U. The Fifty State Initiative is still alive and kicking, but Alaska hasn’t been assigned yet. Enter Patsy Walker: Hellcat! Iron Man picked her for the job for a very specific reason. She’ll have to fight her way through demon polar bears, evil Yetis and insane Eskimo witches to save Alaska and the entire United States! Written by Kathryn Immonen (MCP, Never as Bad as You Think) and drawn by buried treasure David Lafuente (X-Men: Divided We Stand), this will redefine Hellcat in the Marvel Universe.

4) Is it possible to see the New Fantastic Four get back together someday (Wolverine, Hulk, Ghost Rider, Spider-man)?

4) Actually, the "New FF" are back together for a special book being co-produced by the Hero Initiative that’ll be on sale in June. The story was originally intended as one of our yearly What if…?s, but after artist Mike Wieringo passed away while in the middle of drawing it, a group of his closest friends joined together to finish the story, with the earnings from the printed book going to benefit the Hero Initiative’s good works on the part of creators in need.

What’s up with the "Marvel Indie" anthology series that was announced last year? I remember the preview pages looking pretty snazzy, but I haven’t heard anything on it in a while.

And as a side note: Christos Gage gets my vote to replace Warren Ellis on Thunderbolts. Just sayin’.


JQ: Gotham by Gaslight, is that you’re first or last name? For the first part of your question, Assistant Editor, Aubrey Sitterson, who came up with the idea and has been putting together the indie project had this to say:

Aubrey Sitterson:
"The Anthology is still happening, but as you’ve noticed, we haven’t scheduled it yet. We’ve been really fortunate in that Marvel realizes that this isn’t a project we can rush out or bring in more inkers or colorists if it starts falling behind. So, in order to keep from having to resort to those tactics, we’ve decided to wait until everything is all but done before soliciting it. Things are chugging along though, with the stories at various levels of completion: some are completely done, some are at the script stage, and a lot of them are somewhere in between. It’s something we’re also really excited about though—so stay tuned!"

JQ: Thanks, Aubrey. As for the second part of your question, we think Christos is a great writer as well. That said, a formal announcement on who will be taking over the Thunderbolts will come around soon enough.


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LOST... and back again!

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Ort: Köln

wieviele Comics: Zuviele

New PostErstellt: 13.04.08, 20:41  Betreff: Re: Friday's My Cup'O Joe  drucken  weiterempfehlen

Legacy mach den Thread hier doch mal oben fest und lass dafür New Joes Friday ins Nirvana sinkern.
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Beiträge: 12723
Ort: Hamburg

wieviele Comics: 10.011 US-Marvels

New PostErstellt: 13.04.08, 20:53  Betreff: Re: Friday's My Cup'O Joe  drucken  weiterempfehlen

Guter Vorschlag, vielen Dank!

Marvel Checklist
Der ultimative Leitfaden durch das Marvel-Universum
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Beiträge: 5647

New PostErstellt: 13.04.08, 22:42  Betreff: Re: Friday's My Cup'O Joe Woche 4  drucken  weiterempfehlen

JM: So the Secret Invasion: Home Invasion comic is…what? Marvel's first ever book done specifically for the Web? True?

JQ: While we did a Secret Invasion Prologue exclusively for the web, this is the first serialized web comic Marvel has done. Everyone involved on the creative team has experience with webcomics and independent comics, from the editor John Barber, to the writer Ivan Brandon, and the artist Nick Postic. This was designed to keep the audience who followed Kinsey's video blogs and introduce them to the wonderful world of comics. Each webcomic supports Secret Invasion and gives details on how to find a local comic shop to help these new readers seek out our books.

JM: Are freebies and samplers something you'll be doing more of?

JQ: Actually yes. If you're attending the New York Comic Con, you'll be getting two free Marvel samplers. The first is an Iron Man/Hulk sampler that features previews of all of our upcoming Iron Man and Hulk product. It's all-ages safe and free, and a perfect primer for folks who are aware of the upcoming movies and want to know more about our comics. We're also doing a free Avengers/Invaders sketchbook featuring some amazing Alex Ross artwork and designs for the upcoming—and sure to be a hit—series.

If you're not coming to the con, don't get your panties in a twist,. These two samplers will also be available free at your local comic shop shortly.

Marvel.Com's Scarlet-Spider 07 asks:
Mr. Q.,
First off, I am one of the converts when it comes to "One More Day." At first it just seemed weird that Peter and MJ would not be together, but I like the direction things are going in. Which leads to my first question:
Will Jackpot get her own mini-series anytime soon?

As regards "The Other" saga from Spider-Man a few years back, when can we expect answers from that to pop up in "Brand New Day"? I miss the organic web shooters; Spidey can only run out of web fluid so many times before it starts to get old, you know?

Will we see Beta Ray Bill return from his heroic demise in Omega Flight? He is an amazing character.

Will we see more Avengers Next-related minis like the upcoming American Dream? How about one for Mainframe?

JQ: Hey there, Scarlet Spider, it's been a while. Glad you're diggin' "Brand New Day." Don't worry, MJ is still around. She may not be in the books currently, but how long do you think we'll be able to keep a good character away?

As of this moment, Jackpot will be center stage in this summer's Secret Invasion: Spider-Man mini-series as well as this year's Amazing Spider-Man Annual. Lots of good stuff planned with her.

While, we won't be making any direct references to "The Other," it's still a part of Spidey history, and it remains to be seen how Pete lost those powers.

Oh yeah, Bill will be turning up again, and sooner than you think—possibly during Secret Invasion! See what I did just there?

As long as there's an audience for them (even if that audience is just Senior Vice-President of Sales & Circulation David Gabriel), we'll keep doing more A-Next minis! To tide you over, here's some art from American Dream.

Yo, Joe! Will the Secret Invasion Prologue be printed? It was cool reading it on but I'd like to own a copy.

JQ: Horseman, there are definitely plans to have it in print, so keep your eyes open.

für die armen Milchbubis.

1) How did the Red Hulk come about? I'm not talking about "in the story," as I know that's coming up in the book eventually. How did he come about from a creative standpoint?

2) How was it decided that the gap between One More Day and Brand New Day would be explained in New Avengers rather than in Amazing Spider-Man?

3)Piggy-backing off of my previous Red Hulk question, with that ball of scarlet rage running amok, is there any possibility of an encounter/fight between him and Thor?

JQ: Is it Grey or is it Cain? Come on now, make up your mind.

1) The idea for Red Hulk came out of the colorful mind of Hulk Senior Editor Mark Paniccia. Mark just stumbled into my office and said, "I have two simple words for you: Red Hulk."

2) Huh? I don't think that has been determined, nor do I understand how you make that assumption. That said, you'll be seeing more about the gap of time between the end of OMD and the start of BND in Amazing Spider-Man all through the next year or so.

3) Okay, who have you been talking to? Did someone leak this piece of artwork to you?

Will we have a all new roster at Uncanny X-Men 500?

JQ: Yo, X, Uncanny 500 changes things up quite a bit. There isn't a set team, per se. It stars all the X-Men. People like Cyclops, Emma and Wolverine are going to be mainstays but anyone who's an X-Man can show up at any time. It's all part of our big shake-up that centers in San Francisco!

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Beiträge: 5647

New PostErstellt: 20.04.08, 08:57  Betreff: Re: Friday's My Cup'O Joe Woche 5  drucken  weiterempfehlen

Comeback von Marvel Zombies:

1) Are there plans for a Marvel Zombies 3? And since Zombies 2 was kind of a "Civil War" in Marvel Zombies form, if there's a third one, will it take a Secret Invasion or World War Hulk kind of theme?
2) You've done a LOT of new villains, but what "classic" Spidey villains will be making a return in Amazing Spider-Man? The Green Goblin? Doc Ock? Venom even?

JQ: Joe 08, with all due respect, I'll consider you the "other Joe." After all, I was here first! Anyhow…
1) Rumor I hear while walking through the Hallowed Halls of Marvel is that is a Marvel Zombies 3 in the works. As to whether it takes on a theme or not…you'll have to wait and see.
2) As to classic villains returning in ASM…yep! I don't want to divulge exactly which baddies will be making a return or when, but watch for this: I wouldn't be surprised if some classic villains return with a more modern sensibility.

Jenius, from Marvel.Com's boards wonders:
Yo Joey!
What's coming after Secret Invasion? You KNOW you wanna tell us! Unless you don't know. How far in advance does Marvel plan out these big events?

JQ: Jenius, you're a genius! Nice question. Yes, we absolutely DO know what's after Secret Invasion! I'm just not telling yet! Quite simply I want all of your money. You still have seven more issues of Secret Invasion to get through! I'm proud to say that we here at Mighty Marvel have planned out our books, quite literally, through January of 2010! That's right—2010! Now obviously, some details in our plans will move and shift. That's just reality, and we have to be wise enough to roll with changes and respond to characters and themes that get hot (or not), and make room for great new talent breaking in. Not every last fine detail is carved in stone, but I feel very secure that we're locked and loaded on the broad strokes and that you're going to love it!

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Beiträge: 5647

New PostErstellt: 26.04.08, 12:53  Betreff: Zeb Wells verlässt ASM  drucken  weiterempfehlen

    Zeb [Wells] returns for a story in July’s Brand New Day: Extra! Special. Then after that Zeb will be leaving Amazing for the foreseeable future. Much like Bob Gale, we knew Zeb would have limited time, so we were thrilled to have him help us with the launch, but due to his schedule on Robot Chicken and some other projects, he’s just swamped. Zeb’s been such an integral part of relaunching Spidey and we’re going to miss him terribly, but on the bright side, he’s still going to be involved as part of the brain trust which is great news.

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Master Pick Up Artist

Beiträge: 5797
Ort: Bornheim (zw. Köln und Bonn)

wieviele Comics: ca. 2500

New PostErstellt: 26.04.08, 12:57  Betreff: Re: Zeb Wells verlässt ASM  drucken  weiterempfehlen

    Zitat: Vao
      Zeb [Wells] returns for a story in July’s Brand New Day: Extra! Special. Then after that Zeb will be leaving Amazing for the foreseeable future. Much like Bob Gale, we knew Zeb would have limited time, so we were thrilled to have him help us with the launch, but due to his schedule on Robot Chicken and some other projects, he’s just swamped. Zeb’s been such an integral part of relaunching Spidey and we’re going to miss him terribly, but on the bright side, he’s still going to be involved as part of the brain trust which is great news.

Schade... Wells passt imo perfekt zu Spidey.


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New PostErstellt: 03.05.08, 15:03  Betreff: Re: Friday's My Cup'O Joe und die deutsche Mark  drucken  weiterempfehlen

JM: That said, solely on a publishing front, we're a mere five days away from Secret Invasion 2. What's in store, kemosabe?

JQ: We're bringing back Mark Gruenwald's fan-favorite character "Buried Alien." No, sorry, got confused there for a moment. Identity crises.

There will be moves and counter-moves. Rampaging dinosaurs. A heart-rending reunion. The Young Avengers on the streets of Manhattan. And Skrulls, Skrulls, Skrulls!

JM: One more con note: I wasn't there, but a couple folks told me at one of your panels, you did the fake phone call bit from Dan DiDio at DC Comics, with the punch line being he was "looking for his market share." Look, I know you say you like to stir things up and stick a thumb in the eye, but…isn't this just sophomoric? Low class?

JQ: If you were there, you would have seen that it was done in great fun. It's not like you can go to a DC panel and they don't take shots at us. I'd venture to say that they probably take a few more than we do from time to time. But the truth of the matter is that it doesn't matter. It's just comics. It's fun, it's a friendly rivalry, and I think competition and the jabs here and there just intensify it and make it that much more fun for the fans. Sure, I'm sure the DC faithful don't like it, but that's okay. I've done these fake phone calls on several occasions, each with a different gag. What makes them funny is that most of the time they're actually unplanned and unscripted. It always happens when I forget-like an idiot-to turn my phone off at panels. Someone invariably calls me, usually my wife just calling me when I'm away at a show to see how I'm doing. Suddenly she'll hear me go into a shtick…and it peeves her off to no end. One time, she wouldn't speak to me for an entire day afterward.

JM: So that's good. Because Venom is bad. Right?

JQ: As always, time will tell. At this point, all I'm allowed to say in addition is that it involves someone's Auntie.

JM: Aunt Petunia?

JQ: Not quite. And just wait 'til we introduce Uncle Venom.

JM: And it looks like we have a return of a Green Goblin. But I'd bet donuts to Deutsche marks this isn't Harry Osborn, but rather Norman.

JQ: Wow, how weak has the dollar gotten? You have to bet in foreign currency? I'll take that bet and maybe even your money.

Marcos asks:
Is Marvel ever gonna release Essentials collection of runs from obscure characters such as Darkhawk or Sleepwalker? Also, what about the old Marvel 2099 line? Spider-Man 2099 was another great series.

JQ: Marcos, while there are no plans at present for those Essentials, Darkhawk would make an interesting Classic Collection, wouldn't it?

With Howard Chaykin coming on board to finally revive the Squadron Supreme, any chance of getting another oversized hardcover of the J. Michael Straczynski run? All of the stuff he did post-MAX plus the Nighthawk vs. Hyperion mini- would be a nice collection.

JQ: Chip, m'man, there are no plans at the moment.

And it was X-Men Group Editor Axel Alonso who came up with the idea for Cable's baby holster. He wanted to call the storyarc "Bjorn to be Wild" as well, but he got out-voted. Thankfully.

Hola Joe,
1) Can you give us more hints or details on the image you showed at the end of a panel at New York Comic Con where a long-haired man was surrounded by wolves and had skulls at his feet?
2) Can we expect to see Kang or Count Nefaria going against the Avengers at some point?
3) Red Hulk vs. Mighty Avengers. Coming up?
4) If a fan takes it upon himself to commission an artist to revamp a character's design in a drawing, then e-mails the design to you, could it be implemented in the books if the design is really good?

JQ: Shaolin, just how deadly are you? I'd just like to know before I answer your questions
1) Nope, you'll just have to stew on it for a bit.
2) Sorry, not in the immediate future.
3) It's probably inevitable. I mean, after all, the Red Hulk is secretly Ares. Wait! Who said that?
4) Nope, it can't. There are many things that go into designing our characters and being assigned freelancer work from Marvel. Many of these things have to do with getting assigned and paid by Marvel to do the work, and the legal contract behind those assignments. Also, Marvel would have to have a desire or need to have the character in question redesigned, and that's the kind of info that's only known internally. When we do have that need, we hire the artist we feel most appropriate to do the assignment.

ey Joe! What's the deal with the Sentry? I know a lot of people who don't give the Sentry a lot of credit, but I love him. Will we ever see a solo series or even another mini with him? It would be totally cool to see him take on someone other then the Void. If it happens, you should do the cover for the 1 issue. Instant hit!

JQ: Chris, I'm right there with you, I love the Sentry. When Paul Jenkins first pitched me the character idea, we had a blast coming up with some of the intricacies of him and his world. There's some more fun Sentry stuff in the works and some very big plans for him in late 2009 and early 2010. Keep your eyes on the sky.

Joe, I'm a longtime comic fan who stopped reading for a while, and recently got back into it during the tail end of Civil War when I saw the Spider-Man unmasking piece in the newspaper. I've tried to pick up some DC titles, but nothing piques my interest, and I've only read a few books from the other publishers. You guys just keep on churning out the stuff that's appealing to me. So my question (sorry it took so long!) is that if each publisher has their own group of "zombies," what do you think brings new readers to Marvel and not the other publishers?

JQ: Great question, Robbie. Do you mean outside of my charm? ;-)

I think the biggest reason is something that Stan Lee and company created long ago that everyone has tried to copy at one point or another: Marvel is a universe that's closer to the real world than any other, and our characters are the most human. Before the advent of the Marvel character, the hero with feet of clay, all superheroes were more godlike than human. They were more paternal and maternal figures than relatable icons.

Marvel introduced the superhero we could all relate to, the hero that we could see ourselves being. This was a dynamic shift in how superhero books were being created. Add to this the fact that Spider-Man swung through New York City and not "Metropolis," and you see that Stan and crew put these humanistic characters on a real-world canvas. This canvas became the setting on which all Marvel stories were written and drawn, and it's easy to see why Marvel kicks major booty.

To me, that's why stories like Civil War are so successful—because while a Marvel Universe story at its core, the "real world" metaphors are instantly recognizable to our readers. The same is true of the core metaphors behind our characters. Spider-Man and X-Men are great examples of these.

I'd also add to this that I believe that our writers and artists are firing on all cylinders today, and creating some of the greatest stories in the history of the industry across a large variety of our titles. and it's clearly reflected in our market share and mainstream interest in our books.

And finally, Marvel is a very different place than it was just 10 years ago. Not only are we doing some fun stuff, but when you look at our line, I can't think of a time when the variety of the types of books we're doing has ever been seen in our history. We have our superhero universes in the Marvel U. and the Ultimate Universe. We're doing Classic stories, as well as a Marvel Adventures line for kids. We have a line of books based around well-known authors such as Stephen King, Orson Scott Card and Laurel K. Hamilton. There's our MAX line for adults, and a creator-owned line in Icon. Add to all of this the fact that we have the top collected editions department in the industry, and it makes keep up and catching up much easier for the casual reader. That's a lot of variety when you consider that just 10 years ago we had no collected editions department, and all we were publishing was superhero books, half of them X-Men.

1) Ultimate Origin leads into Ultimatum. There is a discovery (the big discovery of the Ultimate Universe) that rocks the very foundation of some character's world. Everything they believed in turned out to be a lie. This revelation and realization sets off Ultimatum. I don't want to say much more other than some books may go away because some characters will no longer be around to drive them. Hard times a-coming to the world of the Ultimates.

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