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New PostErstellt: 10.05.08, 00:04     Betreff: Re: Friday's My Cup'O Joe

JM: Night Nurse?

JQ: More on her in Daredevil soon.

JM: And what the heck was that whole damn thing between the Sentry and Skrull Ship Vision? He's gotta be a Skrull, right? The "real" Vision wouldn't have that knowledge about the Sentry.

JQ: There's a whole lot more expanding on that particular moment and the Sentry in general in Mighty Avengers 14 in just a few short weeks. Perhaps the answers you seek lie therein. Here's some art.

Speaking of NYCC, Spidey616 chimes in with a few questions of his own:
Hey Joe, because the NYCC wasn't enough, I'm back and I gots some questions. Don't worry, I'll try to be short as possible.
1) Loved Greg Pak's Warbound mini, and was wondering if Pak has plans to bring them back soon?
2) Did Matt Fraction or someone else at Marvel come up with the character of Ezekial Stane, the son of Obadiah Stane? And was it influenced by the film's decision to include the Iron Monger as the main villain?
3) Finally, a lot of fans have complained of the lax enforcement of superhuman registration in various titles. By the end of Secret Invasion, can you guarantee that there will still be a SHRA?
JQ: Ladies and gentlemen, Spidey616 is in the house!
1) Greg loves those characters and wants to revisit them, but right now is neck-deep in scripting the upcoming blockbuster Skaar: Son Of Hulk series and co-writing Incredible Hercules with Fred Van Lente. He's also got a couple of other top secret projects in the works.
2) Matt Fraction did indeed originate Ezekial Stane.
3) Nope, I guarantee nothing other than you wont know what's going to happen next, and I'm going to make you spend more of your hard-earned cash to find out. (And speaking of Secret Invasion and what surrounds it, check out these SI tie-ins, on Guardians of the Galaxy, She-Hulk, and Nova!)

Could you shed some light on when Avengers/Invaders happens? During the Secret Invasion? Right before? Or somewhere between Civil War and Secret Invasion?

JQ: I hate to nail these things down concretely before the stories are finished, Steven, because it ruins the suspense. If you know that Avengers/Invaders takes place after Secret Invasion, for example, then you can be pretty sure that Iron Man and Luke Cage and everybody else come through the experience largely unscathed.

That said, the beginning of Avengers/Invaders takes place "now," shortly before the start of the Secret Invasion.

Joe, is there any possibility that Deadpool might join the Mighty Avengers?

JQ: Aziroth, there's a much greater possibility in just a couple of months than there had been up till now…

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