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Erstellt: 06.04.08, 11:34 Betreff: Re: Friday's My Cup'O Joe woche 3 |
JM: Me neither. We also have a cover or promo piece or whatever from Patsy Walker: Hellcat. When’s this coming?
JQ: Patsy Walker: Hellcat is important to the Marvel U. The Fifty State Initiative is still alive and kicking, but Alaska hasn’t been assigned yet. Enter Patsy Walker: Hellcat! Iron Man picked her for the job for a very specific reason. She’ll have to fight her way through demon polar bears, evil Yetis and insane Eskimo witches to save Alaska and the entire United States! Written by Kathryn Immonen (MCP, Never as Bad as You Think) and drawn by buried treasure David Lafuente (X-Men: Divided We Stand), this will redefine Hellcat in the Marvel Universe.
4) Is it possible to see the New Fantastic Four get back together someday (Wolverine, Hulk, Ghost Rider, Spider-man)?
4) Actually, the "New FF" are back together for a special book being co-produced by the Hero Initiative that’ll be on sale in June. The story was originally intended as one of our yearly What if…?s, but after artist Mike Wieringo passed away while in the middle of drawing it, a group of his closest friends joined together to finish the story, with the earnings from the printed book going to benefit the Hero Initiative’s good works on the part of creators in need.
What’s up with the "Marvel Indie" anthology series that was announced last year? I remember the preview pages looking pretty snazzy, but I haven’t heard anything on it in a while.
And as a side note: Christos Gage gets my vote to replace Warren Ellis on Thunderbolts. Just sayin’.
JQ: Gotham by Gaslight, is that you’re first or last name? For the first part of your question, Assistant Editor, Aubrey Sitterson, who came up with the idea and has been putting together the indie project had this to say:
Aubrey Sitterson: "The Anthology is still happening, but as you’ve noticed, we haven’t scheduled it yet. We’ve been really fortunate in that Marvel realizes that this isn’t a project we can rush out or bring in more inkers or colorists if it starts falling behind. So, in order to keep from having to resort to those tactics, we’ve decided to wait until everything is all but done before soliciting it. Things are chugging along though, with the stories at various levels of completion: some are completely done, some are at the script stage, and a lot of them are somewhere in between. It’s something we’re also really excited about though—so stay tuned!"
JQ: Thanks, Aubrey. As for the second part of your question, we think Christos is a great writer as well. That said, a formal announcement on who will be taking over the Thunderbolts will come around soon enough.
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