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Beiträge: 12723
Erstellt: 28.01.06, 00:53 Betreff: Joe Fridays Week 35 |
Joe plaudert über: - die verschiedenen X-Men-Serien, und wie sie sich unterscheiden, und warum der Sommer ganz ganz toll für X-Fans wird!
Mike realizes the challenge and has come up with a superlative story arc that literally introduces a new race of people into the Marvel Universe. Again, the beauty of X-Men is that there are so many great characters to play with and lets remember, you don’t always have to have the big hitters to make the books work. It’s about finding the right combination for the right creator. |
- Ein neues MAX-Projekt. Richard Corben illustriert Edgar Allen Poe-Gedichte!
Corben's latest project for Marvel is a very personal project: an update of the old Marvel series, Haunt of Horror. In the 3-issue limited series, Corben (and co-writer Rich Margopolis) offer wicked interpretations of the classic short stories and poems of Edgar Allan Poe. Each issue offers 3 to 4 adaptations - rendered in black-and-white with gray tones to give them the old Universal Pictures horror vibe - along with the full text for each of Poe's stories for comparison. The stories include "The Raven", "The Tell-Tale Heart", "The Conqueror Worm", "Eulalie", and more. Corben spices the whole thing up with other visual tidbits. It's definitely a labor love for Corben, and we're very excited to be publishing it. |
Mark Millar keeps talking about Marvel in “pre” and “post” Civil War terms, and he’s right, the post-Civil War Marvel is going to be a pretty unique place. Lots of old faces returning, lots of new ideas coming forward the often mentioned genie back in the bottle and in many ways a brave new world coming out of all of it. |
We’re looking at tie-in projects right now. While some of the ongoing titles will tie in, we’re looking at keeping the number of new tie-in series down to a minimum. We’ll have more to report on that down the road. |
- Es wird bald ein Crossover zwischen den Ultimate Titeln geben!!!
- Quesada hält sich bedeckt, was Larrocas neues Projekt nach X-Men sein wird, aber er sagt, es sei oft auf Newsarama diskutiert worden, dementsprechend könnte er den neuen Thor zeichnen?
- Fantastic Four: The End von Davis hat noch kein Erscheinungsdatum, aber erste Zeichnungen:
____________________ Marvel Checklist Der ultimative Leitfaden durch das Marvel-Universum
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