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Creative Head Of Checklist & Comicast
Beiträge: 4730 Ort: Schweiz
wieviele Comics: too many
Erstellt: 01.09.06, 09:37 Betreff: Re: John Byrne und Peter David streiten sich um ein altes Alpha Flight Spoiler
Zitat: HobieBrown
Wieso lässt JB es nicht gutsein? |
Weil JB der Chuck Norris der Comic Szene ist, ...er vergisst nicht, er wartet
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Master Pick Up Artist
Beiträge: 5797 Ort: Bornheim (zw. Köln und Bonn)
wieviele Comics: ca. 2500
Erstellt: 01.09.06, 09:47 Betreff: Re: John Byrne und Peter David streiten sich um ein altes Alpha Flight Spoiler
Zitat: Lamond
Zitat: HobieBrown
Wieso lässt JB es nicht gutsein? |
Weil JB der Chuck Norris der Comic Szene ist, ...er vergisst nicht, er wartet |
Dank dir hat sich jetzt der Anblick in mein Hirn gebrannt, wie John Byrne Peter David einen Roundhouse-Kick gibt!
Mein Verkaufsthread DVDs, Spiele und CDs bei EBAY
[editiert: 01.09.06, 09:49 von HobieBrown]
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Erstellt: 01.09.06, 16:43 Betreff: Re: John Byrne und Peter David streiten sich um ein altes Alpha Flight Spoiler
Zitat: HobieBrown
Da hat John Byrne sich aber ein MÄCHTIGES Eigentor geschossen!
Aber das muss ja locker 15 Jahre her sein. Wieso lässt JB es nicht gutsein? |
wenigstens 20 aber Moore und Marvel ist genauso lange her, daselbe mit Miller und Marvel, die haben alle ein zu grosses Ego.
[editiert: 01.09.06, 16:46 von Vao]
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Erstellt: 05.09.06, 14:59 Betreff: Coipel an Thor?
Mark Morales, who is currently inking Uncanny X-Men for Clayton Henry, said he has a project coming up with Olivier Coipel that he can't talk about yet.
Is it a Civil War spin-off? "Kinda, sorta. It's an ongoing series with an old-time character," he said. |
Finch für 12 Ausgaben an Moon Knight und dann will er Spidey und die Black Cat zeichnen
David Finch, who will be the penciler on Moon Knight for 12 issues, said he's been talking to Marvel about doing "something with Spider-Man" as his next project. "I've been talking to C.B. [Cebulski] about it, and I guess he talked to Marvel and they seem receptive," Finch said. "So it's something. If I had my way, I would love to do something with Spider-Man and Black Cat. It's just fun drawing women in tights. I never get to do that anymore, so I kind of miss it."
Moon Knight has been a good fit for his art style, Finch said. "I feel much more comfortable drawing that kind of stuff," he said, indicating that New Avengers was a tougher fit for him.
And what is he drawing in Moon Knight right now? "Right now I'm working on Issue #6. Moon Knight's fighting Taskmaster, and then he talks to a statue, and then they have a party at the end," he laughed. "Whenever I'm drawing Taskmaster, I'm having a great time. I love it. He's got like the skull face, you know. He's got such an outrageous costume. I was glad it's the old costume. I mean, I loved UDON's costume they put him in, but in the script it asked for him to be in his old costume, and I loved it. It's so over-the-top and ridiculous looking, but fun." |
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Euer Onkel Moonie
Fist Of Khonshu
Beiträge: 852 Ort: München
wieviele Comics: es summiert sich langsam, 37 Quadratmeter sind einfach zu wenig. :(
Erstellt: 06.09.06, 09:23 Betreff: Re: David Finch
Och nö, der Finchmeister sollte wenigstens 18 Ausgaben lang bei MK bleiben, so gerne ich auch seine Black Cat anschaue, noch eine Spidey-Serie muß nicht sein, auch keine Miniserie.
Jules: We should have shotguns for this kind of deal. Vincent: How many up there? Jules: Three or four. Vincent: That's countin' our guy? Jules: Not sure. Vincent: So that means there could be up to five guys up there? Jules: It's possible. Vincent: We should have fuckin' shotguns.
"SCALPED is some of the most compelling character work and crime writing I've seen in a long time." -Ed Brubaker
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Erstellt: 11.09.06, 23:33 Betreff: Neue Variants
MARVEL ANNOUNCES NEW VARIANT COVERS 'Ultimate Power' #1, 'Dr. Strange: The Oath' #1 & 'Hellstorm Son of Satan' #1
Posted September 11, 2006
Ultimate Power #1 Inked Cover
Written by Brian Michael Bendis Pencils and Cover by Greg Land
While in a desperate bid to gain the knowledge he needs to cure his friend Ben Grimm—The Thing, Reed Richards, the Fantastic Four’s leader, accidentally punched a hole into a universe adjacent to theirs. But something has come through the aperture from a realm known as the Supremeverse: The Squadron Supreme! They are angry and here to arrest young Reed for high crimes against their world. You must not miss the crossover of the decade!
Click here!
Hellstorm: Son of Satan #1 Mark Texeira Variant Cover 1 in 10
Written by Alexander Irvine Penciled by Russell Braun Finishes by Klaus Janson Cover by Arthur Suydam
“Equinox,” Part 1 of 5
When the Son of Satan is your best option, God help you. New Orleans. The Big Easy. The membrane between our world and the underworld has always been a little thinner here. Now, in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, the outpouring of human misery has drawn demons like sharks to a bloodbath. What better time for Damian Hellstorm --- a.k.a. The Son of Satan -- to pay a visit?
It starts with the doctor who delivers a baby that vanishes into the night. A doctor who is devoured by demons wearing New Orleans PD badges. Demons who work for someone--or something--that’s descended on the Big Easy and doesn’t’ give a damn who Hellstorm or his father is. Something that’s harvesting body parts in a furious race toward unspeakable purposes. This is The Son of Satan as you’ve never seen him before, brought to you by acclaimed novelist Alexander Irvine (The Narrows), with searing art by Russell Braun (Animal Man) and Klaus Janson.
Click here!
Dr. Strange: The Oath #1 Inked Cover 1 in 33
Written by Brian Vaughan Pencils & Cover by Marcos Martin
Doctor Stephen Strange embarks on the most important paranormal investigation of his career, as he sets out to solve an attempted murder... his own! And with his most trusted friend also at death’s door, Strange turns to an unexpected corner of the Marvel Universe to recruit a new ally. Eisner Award-winning writer Brian K. Vaughan (Runaways, Y: The Last Man) and red-hot artist Marcos Martin (Captain America, Batgirl: Year One) join forces for an adventure that will take the Sorcerer Supreme from the underworld of New York City to the deadliest dimensions on the outskirts of reality.
This limited series will firmly establish Doctor Strange in the current Marvel Universe as well as setting him up to join a surprising new team!
[editiert: 11.09.06, 23:56 von Vao]
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Beiträge: 12723 Ort: Hamburg
wieviele Comics: 10.011 US-Marvels
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Beiträge: 12723 Ort: Hamburg
wieviele Comics: 10.011 US-Marvels
Erstellt: 26.09.06, 18:09 Betreff: Re: Kleine News
Paul Gulacy & Marc Guggenheim an einer SQUADRON SUPREME Mini
GULACY: Next up is a four issue Squadron Supreme mini-series written by Marc Guggenheim |
Quelle: http://www.newsarama.com/TwoMorrows/RoughStuff/Gulacy/GulacyRS.html
EDIT: Hätte nichts dagegen, wenn die Guggenheim JMS an der Hauptserie ablöst!
____________________ Marvel Checklist Der ultimative Leitfaden durch das Marvel-Universum
[editiert: 26.09.06, 18:17 von Legacy]
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