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New PostErstellt: 18.10.10, 18:48     Betreff: Re: Mando Diao - Yeah Yeah Yeah

palina von mtv-home darf sich wieder austoben
wie immer das opfer: der mann
die opfer: joko u. björn

guckst du:

21.10.2010 - 15:00 Uhr Viva / Mando Diao bei Viva Live
11.11.2010 - 17:00 Uhr MTV / Mando Diao: Videographie
11.11.2010 - 18:00 Uhr MTV / MTV Home Mando Diao
11.11.2010 - 19:00 Uhr MTV / TV-Premiere: MTV Unplugged – Above And Beyond

Mando News
Release, when?!

Hey guys!

Good to see all the buzz that's going on about MTV Unplugged session... We're all excited while waiting for the DVD! Speaking about that, there has been many questions about the release dates, so let's sort this out once and for all!


* Oct 22 - The single 'Down In The Past'
* Nov 12 - The record - 'Above And Beyond' Sweden, Germany, Austria, Swiss, Belgium and Netherlands
* Nov 15 - The record - 'Above And Beyond' Czech Republic,
* Nov 16 - The record - 'Above And Beyond' Spain, Canada
* Nov 17 - The record - 'Above And Beyond' Finland
* Dec 3 - The DVD MTV Unplugged

"Try to get away for good
Leaving on a train
Find that all that matters to me
Blew away with the wind"

[editiert: 18.10.10, 20:05 von KerstinB]
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