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Beiträge: 92

New PostErstellt: 28.05.10, 11:29     Betreff: Re: es ist überstanden... Antwort mit Zitat  

Herzlichen Glückwunsch!

Bless This New Life

Bless this new life with love,
with health,
sustenance and happiness,
with learning, understanding and
with sensitivity, kindness and compassion
Bless this
new life, as it joins the human journey,
discovering the world
anew, creating the world anew,
the future resides in this child
and in all children.

The world that will come after us,
is with us here today,
vibrant and alive in this child, the sacred
force of life is strong,
and we are blessed to share a part of
this child's journey,
May we also be a blessing to this child.

by Abby Willowroot

Liebe Gr��e, Robin

Wende dich der Sonne zu, dann fallen die Schatten hinter dich!
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