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Beiträge: 1557 Ort: Wien
Erstellt: 30.07.05, 23:27 Betreff: Michael Shields
Thema drucken weiterempfehlen
Das is ne traurige Geschichte. Michael Shields, 18 Jahre, is nach Istanbul durch Bulgarien um wieder nach Hause nach Liverpool zu fahren. Nach dem Spiel haben sie halt gefeiert und sind dann gegen 2 in ihrem Zimmer gewesen. Der Portier kann das bestätigen. Seine Kumpels haben Michael in der Nacht fotografiert, weil sie sich einen Jux machen wollten. Am nächsten Tag wurde er verhaftet. Ein Kellner, Martin Georgiev, wurde mit einem Stein schwer verletzt. In der Gegenüberstellung wurde er gezwungen, ein weißes T-Shit anzuziehen, obwohl er eigentlich ein graues anhatte in der Tatnacht. Trotzdem wurde er eingesperrt und sitzt seit 26ten Mai 2005 in Bulgarien im Gefängnis. Am 26ten Juli 2005 wurde er zu 15 Jahren unbedingter Haft verurteilt. Obwohl ein anderer Mann, Graham Sankey, ein Geständnis abgelegt hat, wurde Michael noch nicht freigelassen.
Es ist ein unvorstellbarer Albtraum, ich würde das wohl keinen Tag überlebn im Gefängnis
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Beiträge: 1557 Ort: Wien
Erstellt: 30.07.05, 23:32 Betreff: Re: Michael Shields
Das is Sankey's Geständniss
I GRAHAM SANKEY, wish to make the following confession: On Sunday, May 29 2005 I was in the Bulgarian resort of Golden Sands near to the Port of Varna at about 5am.
I unfortunately had far too much to drink; I had been drinking lager for the better part of the day. In the evening I estimate that I drank nearly a full bottle of vodka and I was very, very drunk.
I left the PR Club and I was making my way to my hotel. I remember seeing a disturbance and a fight was taking place involving a large number of people, some of whom were wearing red shirts.
I could see bottles being thrown and as I drew closer a bottle smashed on the wall behind my head. As I turned to see where the bottle had come from I saw three men running at me with bottles and bricks in their hands.
I panicked and stupidly picked up a brick and threw it in the direction of the men running towards me. I saw the brick hit one of them. I panicked and I turned and ran away and returned to the hotel.
I did not know at that time that Mr Martin Georgief had been injured.
I was arrested (with others) by the Bulgarian police.
The following day I was questioned by an investigator. I was utterly terrified and denied any involvement in the incident.
I still did not know about the injuries to Mr Georgief. I was then released and I discovered that Mr Georgief had been seriously injured. I then returned to Liverpool.
I accept that I must have caused the serious injury to Mr Georgief.
My conscience has been tormenting me ever since. I read in the papers about Michael Shields's trial, and I felt that I could not let an innocent man take the blame for what I had done.
So I instructed my solicitor, Mr David Kirwan, to make public my acceptance of responsibility and my willingness to accept fully the consequences of my actions.
I expected that the Bulgarian court would accept my admission and free Mr Shields. I was horrified that the court has refused to do this, so I am making this signed confession in the hope that an innocent man will no longer have to take responsibility for what I admit I did.
Finally, I want to say that I bitterly regret what I did to Mr Georgief. I wholeheartedly apologise to him, his family and the Bulgarian authorities.
I am only 20 years old, and am appalled that I have ruined Mr Georgief's life and that Michael Shields, an innocent man, has received blame for what I did.
I just wish that I had my time over again.
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Beiträge: 614
Erstellt: 16.08.05, 01:57 Betreff: Re: Michael Shields
sag mal das ist doch total verarsche. es ist doch offensichtlich das er es nicht war. wie kann so was durchkommen???????
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