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Songtexte, welche die Seele berühren

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Beiträge: 676
Ort: Graz

New PostErstellt: 29.12.03, 09:42  Betreff: Songtexte, welche die Seele berühren  drucken  Thema drucken  weiterempfehlen Antwort mit Zitat  

Also alles an Songtexten --> hier rein <--

Megaherz - Schizophren
Du rennst
Obwohl du müde bist
Du schweigst
Wenn dir nach reden ist
Du kriechst
Auch wenn du aufrecht gehst
Du bist am Boden
Wenn du vor mir stehst
Du lachst
Wenn dir zum heulen ist
Du weinst
Nur wenn du glücklich bist
Du schreist
Wenn du deine Ruhe brauchst
Wenn du wieder mal im Meer
Voller selbst-mitleid tauchst
Du quälst
Damit du keine schmerzen hast
Du schießt
Damit dir keiner eine Kugel verpaßt
Bist hart
Damit dich keiner schlägt
Damit dir keiner irgendwann
Deinen Ast absägt
Du bist mein anderes Ich
Du bist mein zweites Gesicht
Du bist mein größtes Problem
Du bist Schizophren, du
Du bist Schizophren, du
Du bist Schizophren
Du bist krank im Kopf
Und ich kann es sehn
Du lügst
Wenn du die Wahrheit suchst
Du lebst
Obwohl du diese Welt verfluchst
Machst auf stark
Wann immer du schwach bist
Zeigst die Zähne
Damit dich keiner auffrißt
Du kämpfst
Weil du den Frieden liebst
Nimmst alles
Weil du auch immer alles gibst
Du haßt
Obwohl du dich nach Liebe sehnst
Spielst Gott
Wenn du im recht dich wähnst
Du quälst
Damit du keine schmerzen hast
Du schießt
Damit dir keiner eine Kugel verpaßt
Bist hart
Damit dich keiner schlägt
Damit dich keiner irgendwann
Deinen Ast absägt
Du bist mein anderes Ich
Du bist mein zweites Gesicht
Du bist mein größtes Problem
Du bist Schizophren, du
Du bist Schizophren, du
Du bist Schirophren
Du bist krank im Kopf
Und ich kann es sehn

Rosenstolz - Wenn du jetzt aufgibst
Und Du hast viel zu lang den Schatten geseh'n
Und viel zu lang war alles grau um Dich
Du kannst ruhig klagen denn es reicht
Die stärkste Seele wird mal schwach
Und jede Nacht wenn Du nicht schlafen kannst
und die Armee des Wahnsinns bei Dir klopft
Wenn Du dann durchdrehst ist's erlaubt
Doch wer hat Dir den Mut geraubt

Wenn Du jetzt aufgibst
wirst Du's nie versteh'n
Du bist zu weit um umzudrehen

Vor Dir der Berg
Du glaubst Du schaffst es nicht
Doch dreh' Dich um und sieh'
wie weit Du bist
Im Tal der Tränen liegt auch Gold
komm laß es zu
daß Du es holst

Wenn Du jetzt aufgibst
wirst Du's nie versteh'n
Wenn es auch weh tut
so wird es doch gescheh'n
die dunkle Nacht wird mal vergeh'n

Linkin Park - Numb
I'm tired of being what you want me to be, feeling so faithless, lost under the surface.
I don't know what you're expecting of me, put under the pressure of walking in your shoes...
Caught in the undertow, just caught in the undertow...
Every step that I take is another mistake to you...
Caught in the undertow, just caught in the undertow...

I've become so numb, I can't feel you there,
Become so tired, so much more aware.
By becoming this all I want to do,
Is be more like me and be less like you.

Can't you see that you're smothering me? Holding too tightly, afraid to lose control.
Coz everything that you thought would be has fallen apart right in front of you...
Caught in the undertow, just caught in the undertow...
Every step that I take is another mistake to you...
Caught in the undertow, just caught in the undertow...
And every second I braced is more than I can take!

I've become so numb, I can't feel you there,
Become so tired, so much more aware.
By becoming this all I want to do,
Is be more like me and be less like you.

And I know I may end the feeling, too.
But I know you were just like me when someone disappointed in you...

I've become so numb, I can't feel you there,
Become so tired, so much more aware.
By becoming this all I want to do,
Is be more like me and be less like you.
I've become so numb, I can't feel you there,
Tired of being what you want me...
I've become so numb, I can't feel you there,
Tired of being what you want me...


Die Grenzen meiner Sprache, sind die Grenzen meiner Welt

[editiert: 01.07.04, 11:50 von DarkLight]
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Master Mars

Beiträge: 90

New PostErstellt: 29.12.03, 14:18  Betreff: Re: Songtexte, welche die Seele berühren  drucken  weiterempfehlen Antwort mit Zitat  

Die Musik drückt das aus, was nicht gesagt werden kann
und worüber zu schweigen unmöglich ist.

(Victor Hugo)

Eminem - Cleanin out my closet

Where is my snare
I have no snare at my headphones
here we go
yo yo

Have u ever been hated or discriminated, against?
I have, I ve been protested and demonstrated, against
picked signs for my wicked ryhmes look at the times
sick as the mind of the mothafuckin kid thats behind

all this comotion emotion run deep as ocean explodin
rempers flarin from parents just blow em up and keep going
not takin nothin from noone give em hell long as i m breezin
keep kickin ass in the mornin and taking names in the evening

leavin with the taste of soure viswinagar in their mouth
see they can trigure me but they never figure me out
look at me now I betcha probably thick of me now
ain´t u mama i will make u look so ridiculous now

i´m sorry mama
i never ment to hurt u
i never ment to make u cry
but tonight i m cleanin out me closet
one more time
i said i m sorry mama
i never ment to hurt u
i never ment to make u cry
but tonight i m cleanin out my closet

I ve got some skeletons in my closet
and i don t know if no one knows it
so before they throw me inside my coffin and close it
i m expose it
i ll take u back to 73 befor i ever had a pultiplatinum sellin CD
i was a baby mabye i was just a coupl of month
my faggot father must to have his paintis p in the bunch
cuz he splits
i wonder if he even kissed me goodbye
no i dont one second thought i just fickin wished he would die
i look at hailie
and i couldn t picture leave on her side
even if i hated kim
i grip my teeth an i try to make it work with her
at least for hailies sake i mabye make some mistakes
but i m only a human
but i m man enough to face em today
what i did was stupid no doubt it was dumb
but the smartest shit i did was take the bullets out of that gun
cuz i d kill em, shit i would shot kim and them both
that my life i like to welcome u to the EMINEM SHOW


now i would never diss my own mama
just to get recognisiion
take a second to listen who u think this record is dissin
but put urself in my position just try to anvition
withnessin ur mama poppin prespection pills in the kitchen
bitchin that someones always going to her purse an shits missin
goin to puplic hous em system
wicktem the muinchhausen sydrom
my whole life i was made to believe i was sick when i wasn´t
till i grew up now i blew up that makes u sick to u stomach doesn t it?
wasn t it the reason u made a cd for me mum?
so u can try to justify the way u treted me mum?
but guess what u gettin olda now and its cold and ur lonley
and nathens growin up so quick hes gonna know that u phony
and hailies gettin so big now
u should see her shes beautiful
but u ll never see her
she won t even be at ur funeral
see what hurts me the most u don t wanne ment u was wrong
bitch do u song keep tellin u self that u was a mum
but how terrible was it that u didn t help me to get
remember when ronny died and u said u wished it was me
well guess what


Liquido - narcotic

So you face it with a smile
There is no need to cry
For a trifle's more than this

Will you still recall my name
And the month it all began
Will you release me with a kiss

Have I tried to draw the veil
If I have - how could I fail?
Did I fear the consequence

..dazed by carelss words
Cosy in my mind

Chorus: I don't mind
I think so
I will let you go

Now you shaped that liquid wax
Fit it out with crater cracks
Sweet devotion- my delight

Oh, you're such a pretty one
And the naked thrills of flesh and skin
Would tease me through the night
"Now i hate to leave you bare
If you need me I'll be there
Don't you ever let me down"

..dazed by careless words
Cosy in my mind


And I touched your face
Narcotic mind from lazed Mary-Jane

And I called your name
Like an addicted to cocaine calls for the stuff he'd rather blame

And I touched your face
Narcotic mind from lazed Mary-Jane

And I called your name
-My cocain



und dies hier finde ich besonders hammer
Thomas D. - Liebesbrief

denn da alle liebenden innerlich immer noch kind
und da die, die reinen herzens handeln uns're größten helden sind
rett' ich die welt mit deiner liebe in mir
denn ich bin für dich da, nein, ich bin wegen dir hier
da dir die fähigkeit zu lieben geblieben ist
und die kraft zu vergeben ein bestandteil deines lebens ist
wurde ich erweckt und was tief in mir schlief
führt nun feder und schreibt dir diesen liebesbrief

ich fiel kopfüber unter wasser, etwas zog mich nach unten
und ich wär wohl ertrunken, hätt' ich dich nicht gefunden
war am boden zerstört, wie das den meisten geht
aber du hast mich wiederbelebt
jetzt bin ich hungrig nach leben, fütter mich mit erfahrung
jedes wort von dir ist für mich nahrung
und auch ich nähr dich, als wär ich für dich unentbehrlich
siehst du mich an und ich kann, bin ich ehrlich
dir gar nichts versprechen, denn das wäre betrug
doch du sagst mit 'nem lächeln "jetzt und hier ist genug"
du bist der sand im getriebe der gedankenmaschine
und ich nehm' dich mit auf einen nachtflug

(repeat 1x)

leg deine arme um mich, dass meine narbe, die ich
hier auf meinem herzen trag', nicht mehr schmerzt
wenn du fragst "warum musste ich mich für dich gewinnen"
dann sag' ich "straßenköter, wie ich, sind manchmal gerne drinnen"
und wenn einer von uns beiden wieder streunend verschwindet
ist die liebe wie gebell an den mond, der uns verbindet
was er über mich weiß, ist, du bist nicht mehr hier
und wie zum beweis riecht mein schweiß noch nach dir
und du fühlst dich fern an, millionen meilen von mir
und ich schreib' auf papier millionen zeilen von dir

(repeat 3x)

und ich trag mein herz offen, damit jeder es sieht
und ich kann nur hoffen, du liest dieses lied, wie einen offen brief
dass all die ander'n versteh'n
wir können in des ander'n augen uns selbst seh'n

...Es war einmal ein Brot das brach sich einfach tot. Signatur? So'n Quatsch...
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Master Mars

Beiträge: 90

New PostErstellt: 29.12.03, 21:58  Betreff: Re: Songtexte, welche die Seele berühren  drucken  weiterempfehlen Antwort mit Zitat  

I don't touch you the way I used to
and I don't call and write when I'm away
we don't make love as often as we did to
what couldn't wait now waits and usually goes away
but listen and think when I say, oh butt listen and think when I say

who makes you feel the way that I make you feel
who loves you and knows you the way I do
who touches you and holds you quite like I do
who makes you feel like I make you feel

I don't mind if you come home late
and I don't ever ask you where you've been
I just assume if there's a problem, you'd tell me
but listen and think when I say, oh but listen and think when I say

who makes you feel the way that I make you feel
who loves you and knows you the way I do
who touches you and holds you quite like I do
who makes you feel like I make you feel

being weak, when I am strong
being seen, for who you are
being sad and lost but not alone
but listen and think when I say, oh but listen and think when I say

who makes you feel the way that I make you feel
who loves you and knows you the way I do
who touches you and holds you quite like I do
who makes you feel like I make you feel

...Es war einmal ein Brot das brach sich einfach tot. Signatur? So'n Quatsch...
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Beiträge: 116
Ort: Die Gebirgszüge von Kalratan

New PostErstellt: 31.12.03, 19:07  Betreff: Re: Songtexte, welche die Seele berühren  drucken  weiterempfehlen Antwort mit Zitat  

Folgende sind auswendig, ich hoffe sie stimmen so, find auf die Schnelle keine Originale

Somewhere they're speaking
It's already coming in
Oh and it's rising in the back of your mind
You never could get it
Unless you were fed it
Now you're here and you don't know why
But under skinned knees and the skid marks
Past the places where you used to learn
You howl and listen
Listen and wait for the
Echoes of angels who won't return

He's everything you want
He's everything you need
He's everything inside of you
That you wish you could be
He says all the right things
At exactly the right time
But he means nothing to you
And you don't know why

You're waiting for someone
To put you together
You're waiting for someone to push you away
There's always another wound to discover
There's always something more you wish he'd say

But you'll just tight
And watch it unwind
It's only what you're asking for
And you'll be just fine
With all of your time
It's only what you're waiting for
Out of the island
Into the highway
Past the places where you might have turned
You never did notice
But you still hide away
The anger of angels who won't return

I am everything you want
I am everything you need
I am everything inside of you
That you wish you could be
I say all the right things
At exactly the right time
But I mean nothing to you and I don't know why
And I don't know why
I don't know

One thing, I don't know why
It doesn't even matter how hard you try
Keep that in mind, I designed this rhyme
To explain in due time
All I know
Time is a valuable thing
Watch it fly by as the pendulum swings
Watch it count down 'til the end of the days
The clock ticks life away
It's so unreal
Didn't look out below
Watch the time go right out the window
Tryin' to hold on, but didn't even know
I've wasted it all, just to watch you go
I kept everything inside
And even though I tried, it all fell apart
What it meant to me will eventually be
A memory of a time

I tried so hard
And got so far
But in the end
It doesn't even matter
I had to fall
To lose it all
But in the end
It doesn't even matter

One thing, I don't know why
It doesn't even matter how hard you try
Keep that in mind, I designed this rhyme
To remind myself how
I tried so hard
In spite of the way you were mocking me
Acting like I was part of your property
Remembering all the times you fought with me
I'm surprised
It got so far
Thing's aren't the way they were before
You wouldn't even recognize me any more
Now that you knew me back then
But it all comes back to me
In the end
You kept everything inside
And even though I tried, it all fell apart
What it meant to me will eventually be
A memory of a time

I tried so hard
And got so far
But in the end
It doesn't even matter
I had to fall
To lose it all
But in the end
It doesn't even matter

I've put my trust in you
Pushed as far as I can go
And for all this
There's only one thing you should know
I've put my trust in you
Pushed as far as I can go
And for all this
There's only one thing you should know

I tried so hard
And got so far
But in the end
It doesn't even matter
I had to fall
To lose it all
But in the end
It doesn't even matter


"Oh ja, ich kann mich noch sehr gut an meinen allerersten Tod erinnern...
- Jamis, Schattentänzer des Krematoriums der Schatten

[editiert: 02.01.04, 17:59 von Jamis]
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Beiträge: 74
Ort: Wien

New PostErstellt: 01.01.04, 20:41  Betreff: Re: Songtexte, welche die Seele berühren  drucken  weiterempfehlen Antwort mit Zitat  

One day I’ll fly away

I follow the night
Can't stand the light
When will I begin
To live again

One day I'll fly away
Leave all this to yesterday
What more could your love do for me
When will love be through with me

Why live life from dream to dream
And dread the day when dreaming ends

One day I'll fly away
Leave all this to yesterday
Why live life from dream to dream
And dread the day when dreaming ends

One day I'll fly away
Fly, fly away

Don't speak [Ausschnitt den ich seit stunden im kopf hab]
I know what you're saying
So please stop explaining
Don't tell me cause it hurts
Don't speak
I know what you're thinking
I don't need your reasons
Don't tell me cause it hurts
Don't tell me cause it hurts!

[editiert: 01.01.04, 20:44 von Mirei]
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