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Messages: 13

New PostCreated: 2005-06-02, 05:13 PM CET  Subject: Re: Swedish  print  recommend

Please have in mind that there are many young players on Shattered hand.
The majority of the ones writing swedish in general chat are surely not many days above the age of 15.

I am truely ashamed of my countrymen and women who cannot respect that not everyone speak swedish. I apologize on their behalf of their bad behaviour and manner.

Kemajl: LvL 60 Undead Mage
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Messages: 2

New PostCreated: 2005-06-02, 06:28 PM CET  Subject: Re: Swedish  print  recommend

Blizzards new policy about languages in chat is BS. Passed through barrens a couple of times recently. It's just as bad as the first week now. 13yo swedes speaking their native language, some guy says "english in general please", the 13yo kid gets to say "No way, new policy! In your face!!".

Frikkin embarrassing to other swedes :]

Jester, lvl60 mage, The Oss Concept
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Messages: 5

New PostCreated: 2005-06-02, 08:12 PM CET  Subject: Re: Swedish  print  recommend

    Zitat: Faremma
    Those flaming persons are just prowling for a 'victim' so they can show off how small their e-penisses are... It's stupid, yes. But unavoidable when dealing with schoolkids.

not quite the only immature ones are the people talking in swedish... whenever someone does that in general i become involved, you wanna know why?

1. because if you let it be, more and more people start speaking swedish
2. some hypocrytical bastards say that why should you care? well those same fucking retards go insane when someone starts speaking in a language that THEY cant understand. can't stand those people. not saying all swedes do this, most are fine, but ive seen this happen.

    I've had my share of problems with swedes, but I've also had good experiences with swedes. If I'm invited to a group and people ask me for my nationality, I always reply: It's none of your business, but I prefer if we stick to english.

heh nice may start saying that myself, people start pming me in swedish asking somthing or other and i wait a bit then reply.... "did you ask me if i spoke swedish?"

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