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>>> New Forum open for Registration <<<

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Messages: 62

New PostCreated: 2005-06-02, 11:53 AM CET  Subject: Announcement:  >>> New Forum open for Registration <<<  print  recommend

instead being at work i spent some time putting up a new forum due to the recent downtime of carookee. ;/

its pretty much done by now and i would like you to start registering and posting there since i'll declare this forum as closed by upcoming sunday.

URL of the new forum is so far:

its my own webspace (fast and reliable host) and to give it a better adress im currently waiting for a confirmation-mail from a url-directing-provider.

the future adress will be:

so far so good, i think i did the right thing by switching now where the loss of threads isnt too big. the new forum (phpbb) will be much faster, much safer (backup ftw) and advertisment-free.

additionally i'm now able to create usergroups like "alliance" and "horde" with distinct access-rights - which would enable raid-planning in special subforums with denied access of the other faction (of course that would require user-in-game verification somehow and i dont feel like spending my time on that at the moment)!

ok, i suggest you have a look and when the adress-forwarding of finally works (presumable a matter of hours) you could spread the word...


.:: Kim 60 NE-Priest ::.
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